Orihime: Happy Halloween, everyone!
Renji: Hollows?! What, where?
Ichigo: HALLOW-ween, idiot.
Renji: Huh?
Chad: *explains*
Renji: Oh.
Ishida: *frowns* Kurosaki, Abarai-kun, where are your costumes, we're going to be late for the party!
Ichigo: Eh, I don't like dressin' up.
Renji: No one said anythin' 'bout costumes. Why didn't ya tell me, Ichigo?
Ichigo: *rolls eyes* You already stand out enough, Renji, you're fine the way you are.
Ishida: Tch. Here. *whips out trusty sewing kit*
Renji: *suddenly in a white suit and dark glasses* ...the hell is this?!
Ishida: Yakuza. You're an enforcer. Scowl a lot, you'll do fine.
Orihime: Ooh, Renji-kun's good at that!
Chad: Yes.
Ichigo: *snickers*
Renji: *ignores them* Sweet... not bad, Quincy.
Ishida: *pushes glasses up nose* Now, Kurosaki, I can--
Ichigo: Never mind, I got my own costume. *raises hand to face*
Hollow_Ichigo: (See!) *cackles*
Everyone else: *sweatdrops*
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