Halloween Fanfic Party - Come As You're Not 2009

Sep 11, 2009 15:34

It's that time again!  Time to grab a costume and Come As You're Not - that is, to write fic that is not your usual.  Whether it's in a new fandom you've been wanting to try, or a pairing you never thought you'd do in a million years, as long as it's new-to-you it's all good.

I had a lot of fun with this last year, and I'm going to try and come up ( Read more... )

come as you're not, halloween

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Comments 5

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akuni September 11 2009, 18:58:25 UTC
\o/ I'm brainstorming right now!


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akuni September 13 2009, 14:53:52 UTC
\o/ Opposite bunnies! Does that mean wolves? 8D I love that. :D


annieroo2 September 15 2009, 22:03:18 UTC
I think I'm going to pass this year. I can't see myself trying to tackle one more thing with my creativity only coming in weird bursts.

However, I am completely committed (har har) to providing any bunnies, nudges or incentives that you need to tackle this! :D


akuni September 15 2009, 22:17:38 UTC
Committed. *snicker* Are you unhinged? :p

I'm counting on you to continue enabling me. *g* Empire tonight!


mefie_toi September 17 2009, 22:54:32 UTC
I find my fics are always so random, I don't know what I'd do. I don't write het as much but I still write it. Haha.


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