Bleach fanfic - Wrong Way 'Round

Feb 19, 2009 18:14

One final birthday ficlet for you, Claire! :D

Title: Wrong Way ‘Round
Author: Akuni
Universe: Bleach
Genre: Humour, Romance, extreme bizarre silliness, implied futurefic
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: Renji/Ichigo
Spoilers: for very early SS arc
Word Count: 721
Summary: Why did they think this was a good idea?

Prompt: RenIchi, the wrong way round

Disclaimer: I do not ( Read more... )

renji/ichigo, fanfic, bleach, birthday

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Comments 26

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akuni February 19 2009, 22:36:10 UTC
LOL! You should totally write it, too. :D There's always room for a little more crack in Bleach. *g*

Oh yeah, for Urahara it's like his birthday come early. Hehehe! I'm sure he'll save up some choice comments to use when they're in the most embarrassing company. :D

I'm glad you enjoyed these - I did my best to make up for my shameful birthday missage! ^_^;


vayshti February 19 2009, 22:36:07 UTC
This is so deliciously naughty whilst still being the ultimate form of warm n fuzzies.

Of course that had to check out each other's gigai! How could they not??

It's very easy to visualise the little details that you paint, and how there is that disjunct between the personality/usual body and the borrowed one. Ichigo with tatts really would be as odd as Renji without. Okay, so I'm doing a hand-wave here and ignoring my love of Academy!Renji here, but the point still stands!


akuni February 19 2009, 22:41:22 UTC
If it were me, I'd absolutely have to! *evil grin*

Thank you! I'm really glad this worked for you, and you could sort of see the picture even though they were the wrong way 'round. I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone on my flist that I have a weakness for Ichigo getting secret tattoo(s) if he's hooked up with Renji, but I think he'd look quite strange with anything quite so bold as Renji's!

Academy!Renji is love, too, oh yes he is! Even with only one lonely eyebrow tattoo. *ggg*


vayshti February 19 2009, 23:00:43 UTC
Secret tattoos on Ichigo is a whoooole different ball game. One I can completely get behind. Of course that raises two questions: a. What. b. Where....

Oh noes! The plot bunnies have scattered wildly over the front lawn and there's no getting them under control!


akuni February 19 2009, 23:10:05 UTC
*laugh* I've written him with several different ones, so it's about time those damned bunnies went to bother someone else! :D (I would so totally read Ichigo-with-tattoos!RenIchi from you, oh god I would!)


spikykun February 20 2009, 10:43:45 UTC
LOL. On too many levels. Goodness knows I love me some bodyswitch!fics, and this one was awesome.
And now I HAVE to see Renji looking like a constipated pervert. (It was so obvious he'd make the first move, I mean, who wouldn't wanna make out with Renji?)

“I’m serious, I can’t get out!”
“Pull harder!”
“Argh, I knew I was too big for you! I’m stuck in you because you’re too damn small for me! But no, you said I’d fit just fine…”

I took this in the most wrong possible way. And I liked it. *runs off*


akuni February 20 2009, 15:26:20 UTC
I know! He's just too sexy, even for himself apparently. *snicker*

You know I totally intended those bits to read Very Naughty, even though they weren't *g* It was silly and self-indulgent, but birthday fic gives me an excuse to write pretty much anything I want. :D

Thanks for reading!


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akuni February 20 2009, 15:33:35 UTC
It's all your fault! :D You gave me such a crack image I couldn't shake it. :P

Thanks again for all your help. ♥


sekra February 20 2009, 15:55:13 UTC
*snicker* Hindsight.

I do, however, love the idea like absolutely. If it were possible to actually convey this in pic form without having to explain who was in who (that sounds unnessisarily dirty) I'd be tempted to do it.

I do so adore the fact that Renji is too big to fit into Ichigo's gigai (again, unnessisarily dirty sounding) and that whole "it's almost mastubation with myself, only not" concept. Oh Bleach, you make it so easy to make people have sex with themselves....

Also, last three lines win internets. Like, high-speed-awesome internets. *loves*


akuni February 20 2009, 16:13:14 UTC
(Hi James! ^^)

*laugh* You should draw it anyway, even if just you and I appreciate it. :D

Well, see, in my mind, you know Ichigo grows up and is more or less of a size with Renji - but more or less only works for sharing spacious uniforms, not so much a gigai. *g*

The ending makes me giggle so hard. Every now and then, Ichigo gets to make the good joke. :)


sekra February 20 2009, 17:16:31 UTC
(WTH James?! The only thing coming to mind is Ghei!Pokemon!James o_o;;)

I-I-I could try, although the only mental picture I have is RenIchi looking confused with each other XD;;

*g* you know, swapping uniforms is hot. Like, really, kinda hot. Even if they're the same damn uniforms. Mmmmmswapping. I lost my point, because even if they're the exact same thing, the idea is still mmyes XD


akuni February 20 2009, 17:21:11 UTC
Gah, no Top Gear til June WTH BBC? I hope there'll at least be a special of some sort while we wait. x_x

Sharing uniforms is Shinyverse canon. ^_^ And yeah, I totally think there's something ridiculously hot and intimate about the idea. *is a nerd*


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