Bleach fanfic - Heavier than a Mountain

Oct 31, 2008 14:41

Title: Heavier than a Mountain
Author: Akuni
Universe: Bleach
Genre: Romance, Angst
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: Renji/Ichigo
Spoilers: up to and including HM arc
Word Count: 1591
Summary: Death is lighter than a feather, while duty is heavier than a mountain.

A/N: This is my contribution to the Halloween 'Come As You’re Not' event. The idea was intriguing, but ( Read more... )

renji/ichigo, come as you're not, fanart, fanfic, bleach

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Comments 31

coffeesuperhero October 31 2008, 20:00:42 UTC
This is both lovely and heartbreaking. I know next to nothing about Bleach, but you made me feel for both of those guys. Great work! Makes me wish I watched Bleach-- might have to pick that up on semester break.


akuni October 31 2008, 20:04:34 UTC
Oh hey, another party person, right on! :)

I'm glad you were able to get into the emotions despite not knowing the series. It's quite a lot of fun, I heartily encourage you to pick it up. :) If you want to give the manga a try, check out one manga (as with most manga, the art does evolve and IMO get better as the series progresses).

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. ♥


aurorarose1414 October 31 2008, 20:38:51 UTC
Akuni, you made me cry! ;_;

I love this story. It hits all the right buttons and does a thorough job of covering all the reasons why Renji and Ichigo should and shouldn't be together. I really liked how Ichigo mentioned that Renji was running away just like he had from Rukia. Brilliant.

They had their quiet moments, to be sure, but the fire was always there, simmering just below the surface, waiting for the next gust of wind to stir it back up. The imagery in this is beautiful. Later on in the story, when you mention that their fire might not stir after being under a pile of cold ash... wow, I am duly touched and impressed.

Sorry for all the raving, but you know my weakness for a good angsty piece. *happy/sad sigh*


akuni October 31 2008, 21:25:19 UTC
*snuggles* I got teary reading it over, too! I have no idea how I managed to write it, this is just so not like me.

There are no reasons why they shouldn't be together! La la la I'm not listening! /o\ *sniff sob*

I'm so, so glad you liked this. I was worried no one would even want to read it!


aurorarose1414 November 1 2008, 00:28:18 UTC
I very much enjoyed it. I'm going to read it one more time but then I have to read a massive dose of fluff before I get too sad. *grabs tissue*


aurorarose1414 November 1 2008, 00:30:50 UTC
Ahhh, i tried to read one more time but I couldn't because I knew what was coming! *runs to nearest fluff story*


conjure_lass October 31 2008, 21:27:54 UTC
*eyes well up*

*bottom lip trembles*


OHHHH GAAAAWWWWWD. The fact that i'm still PMSing and full of hormones is not helping the fact that...that...*sniffle*

I don't even ship this pairing and...and...*breaks down into tears*


It was so good. I never want to read it agaaaaaainnnnn....*sobs*


akuni October 31 2008, 21:38:14 UTC
Gaaaah!! I don't know how I did this. It's just... SO VERY WRONG! *gives hanky and clings back* What on earth were we thinking? OTP forever!

I'm so glad you were moved by this, and I can totally, totally understand never wanting to read it again! This is why we need fluffy happy fic to make it all better. *races off to read something light*


conjure_lass October 31 2008, 21:50:34 UTC
I've got part of an Autumn piece for my Uraichi collection half written...I might just finish that while I let the idea for your story gel in my head. I've got a plan now! It's gonna be fun!

OTP Foreverrrr! *sniffle*


akuni October 31 2008, 21:54:41 UTC
Oo yes, do. :) Follow your muse! I can be patient. :) *wibbles into hanky*


(The comment has been removed)

akuni November 1 2008, 00:20:08 UTC
You and everyone else. *gives tissue* It's one of those fics you never ever read again. I don't think I will be reading it over much myself.

This fic is totally wrong, IMO. Renji and Ichigo never break up. *folds arms* They're together happily forever after, and that's that. :P


sickletongue November 1 2008, 07:19:09 UTC
I very much loved the sweet subtlety of "bitter salt" and "wiped his cheeks and neck."

And the bit where

"all he could taste was the fabric of Renji’s uniform as they held on tightly for just one more moment"

These little things, for me, are powerful depictions of "the last time". They're reminders of all the times I've said goodbye to someone and have buried my head in their shirt like that.
I'm also a massive fan of angst and unhappy endings. Especially if I believe the two characters are destined. I just think there's something profound being said about the strength of two people who're in love; in willing separation. Having something so good end so suddenly really pulls into focus their need for each other and that love suddenly transcends them.

So thanks a lot for writing this even if it was hard for you -hugs- :)


akuni November 1 2008, 12:32:03 UTC
I'm especially proud of those bits, thank you so much for picking them out. :) It just wouldn't have had the same impact if I'd said that they hugged or whatever, and I really like the subtlety of the description there because as you say, it's the little things like that that will stay with you for the rest of your life. *wibble*

I'm so not a massive fan of angst and unhappy endings! /o\ Total wuss, here. ;) But I'm very pleased that I seem to be able to do it well if I put my mind to it.

Probably the only thing that made me able to write it was that even though they're saying goodbye, it was because they're so strong and they love each other so much. I was able to build on that strength of love and devotion, the potential for which is one of the reasons I OTP these two so hard. It would have been easier, actually, had I written them just... not caring anymore, and drifting apart, because I wouldn't have believed it and I would've just dashed it off and not had my heart behind it. You know ( ... )


sickletongue November 1 2008, 12:44:37 UTC
I forgive you for being a wuss :p
But in return you have to promise to surprise us all with more of this.



akuni November 1 2008, 12:52:53 UTC
Lower lip trembling, Akuni raises her head and trains sad, shining eyes on her flist. "Don't make me do it," she begs, her voice cracking. She snuffles and lets out a pathetic little whimper.

*is a total dork* :D Next Hollow-ween, we'll see what brave places I go.

I am looking forward to conjure_lass's fluff fic as my reward and pick-me-up after this. *clings to OTP*


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