Strands: 5/8 The Tangent Universe

Nov 19, 2006 23:13

Authors: shiny_starlight & alfirin_kirinki
Beta: cross-beta'd.
Pairing: Stackhouse/Markham
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Season one; some aspects of season two - mostly season two AU.
Summary: It's D-Day for the attempt to complete the weapon - but nothing ever goes to plan.

Strands: 5/8 - The Tangent Universe )

stackham, fic, strands

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Comments 23

triptnx November 20 2006, 09:11:00 UTC
You know, I have been thinking about this fic for DAYS. Really. And now there is an update, and I cannot contain my glee!!!!!! I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH.

And with the nazi's now? Hahahaha. You sure surprised me! And and and! I never have COHERENT things to say - I just? Write more soon!!!!


akstarlightfic November 20 2006, 15:44:38 UTC
Hehe - you must have been tapping in on our concentration!

As I just said to entchenmv, we're not likely to spend much time here, but it was a "different path chosen" that we thought would make an interesting change. Really take the boys out of their element.

So glad you're really seeming to enjoy it, though! *glomps*


shiny_starlight November 20 2006, 22:25:27 UTC
Heee. I'm glad you're enjoying this so much. Your comments always make me smile *huggles*


entchenmv November 20 2006, 15:37:45 UTC
Sometimes, it's really sad, that the first "bad enemies" in alternative realities are always the Nazis. I mean, Sliders, Star Trek...

Didn't know the "kraut"-thing was still used !?

But all in all, I like this chapter. Adam and Jamie finally a bit friendlier and Marc... oh, poor guy.


akstarlightfic November 20 2006, 15:41:28 UTC
Well, we were thinking of things that could have gone differently in history, and that was the first thing that really stood out: The War.

Besides, as you'll see, we've really only one more chapter here - the Nazis aren't really an enemy so much as an unfortunate inconvenience.

You'll also get a clue on why Jamie uses such an old reference as 'kraut' at the start of the next chapter. ;) It's a hint of something else.

But thanks - glad that didn't put you off too much.


entchenmv November 20 2006, 16:09:20 UTC
there were two world wars ^^

I understand you, sure, but it's just that it's everywhere the same. The Nazis are always the first that comes to your mind.

at the start of the next chapter
when will that be? *can't wait for next chapter*

glad that didn't put you off too much.
Never. It's part of my home's past. But as long as no one thinks I'm a Nazi only because I'm German ^^ I don't mind.


akstarlightfic November 20 2006, 16:29:01 UTC
there were two world wars ^^

Indeed, but to me, WWII was The War - it's always fascinated me. The last 'Good' war, as they say.

Can't say when the next chapter will be. I still have to finish Night Lights and it took us much longer than expected to finish this one.

We'll have it done as soon as we can manage, though, rest assured! :)



shaedowcat November 21 2006, 02:21:08 UTC
*runs around like a crazed soccer fan* Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! An update!

I'm so glad you've updated...I love this fic so much!

Silly boys, should've been paying attention when they were being taught how to dial home...tut tut! Oh well...

Are we going to see Nazi!Stacks and Nazi!Markham? Probably not, but still, it'd be interesting...

Is there any hope that Stacks and alt!Markham will get together? Because it seems like Stacks is really against it, but it would be nice if they could be a couple...

Looking forward to your next update!

p.s. I was watching Resident Evil a couple of days ago, and one of the lab techs was Markham! It freaked me out for real...


shiny_starlight November 21 2006, 22:47:19 UTC
I'm glad we could inspire crazed soccarfan-like tendencies in you :o) Score one for us. lol.

It might take a bit of time to get the next chapter up as we both have seperate projects in the works, but we'll update as soon as we can. Thanks for reading.


khyrra November 21 2006, 22:31:19 UTC
Woohoo! I had just decided that it was dumb for me to keep checking the site every couple of days and I went ahead and set it to "watch", when lo and behold, new chapter! This was great, I look forward to seeing how Jamie's world history compares with Adam and Marc's, and how, in turn, they compare with the universe they find themselves in now. At first I was thinking that "Nazis won the was"-verse seemed a little cliche, but I realized that it's been done before precisely because it is something that could have happened. They were well on their way to becoming world conquerors. And they're such quintessential bad guys.


akstarlightfic November 21 2006, 22:47:57 UTC

We really thought about that - especially because this is about how things could have been different if X happened instead of Y - and that is something that, especially for soldiers from any outfit, we can all related to. It's modern enough that it's still something people our age can comprehend, but has become mythologised enough that it still seems like something you could just tap into in a universe like that.



shiny_starlight November 21 2006, 22:49:57 UTC
it's been done before precisely because it is something that could have happened. They were well on their way to becoming world conquerors. And they're such quintessential bad guys.

Exactly. It's a scary concept, for me anyway, to think what cuold have happened if the Allies had lost. Ireland is a neutral country but im sure Hitler wouldn'thave stopped at that and woud have invaded us at some point. I'm glad your enjoying this and thanks for stopping by and leaving feedback :o)


priskha November 22 2006, 21:57:24 UTC
I loved it!!!

(yeah, I know, not a useful comment, but who cares...)


akstarlightfic November 22 2006, 22:16:01 UTC
Aw - well it's good enough for me to know you like it and I'm sure Silv agrees!



shiny_starlight November 22 2006, 23:06:38 UTC
I do agree with AK. Its great to know people are enjoying this. Thanks :o)


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