Strands: 4/8 - Against All Odds

Sep 07, 2006 21:58

Authors: shiny_starlight & alfirin_kirinki
Beta: cross-beta'd.
Pairing: Stackhouse/Markham
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Season one; some aspects of season two - mostly season two AU.
Summary: The shock of meeting old - and current - friends settles over Atlantis; but not everyone is ready to see eye to eye over the circumstances.

Strands: 4/8 - Against All Odds )

chapter four, strands

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Comments 21

unsung_hero_99 September 8 2006, 02:36:10 UTC
Yay! Another chapter! This one had me on the edge of my seat for the entire chapter. It was so... angsty. I really want to read the next chapter now.


akstarlightfic September 8 2006, 18:29:38 UTC
Hehe - thanks, hon! You'll have a bit of a wait because we haven't even started it, yet - but we'll get it out as soon as we can, honest!



shiny_starlight September 8 2006, 20:15:06 UTC
Aw, glad you like it hon. We'll try and get the next chapter up fairly soon. And yes, angst is always of the good :D


triptnx September 8 2006, 04:03:17 UTC
I--I really hope you will update again soon. I am absolutely enraptured (is that a word?) with this series. It just keeps getting better and better, if that's possible! I love that Bates is not the bad guy in your fic, it just makes it so much better. And Jamie! Adam!

At the point where Jamie was explaining Adam's death to him...I had Augie March's CD on and it was "The Cold Acre" and I CRIED LIKE A LITTLE BABY.


akstarlightfic September 8 2006, 18:34:52 UTC
Aw, hon - we keep on making people bawl I'm sorry... And yet also not. I'm not familiar with the song you're referring to, but I'll take your word for it.

We really like Bates and feel he got a raw deal when he was still in the show - we wanted to make sure people got to see for all his gruffness, he's really an okay guy who just wants stuff done properly.

Really glad you're still enjoying it, too! Thanks for the kind words!



shiny_starlight September 8 2006, 20:17:30 UTC
I swear, this fandom makes people cry so much. It's so sad! I know I cry when I'm reading Pieces anyway. I'm glad you liked the chapter. We'll try and get the next one up soon.


ria_kukalaka September 14 2006, 17:30:58 UTC
Awww poor Adam! Poor Jamie! I could really feel them both hurting so much. I love the plot too (which is so strange for a fic!). Can't wait to see what happens next. :)


akstarlightfic September 14 2006, 17:34:56 UTC
The plot's strange or the fact you love it is?! Hehe.

Thanks for the feedback, hon - was starting to think only two people had read it!



shiny_starlight September 14 2006, 22:08:57 UTC
Yeah, we're really putting them through the wringer, aren't we? *huggles the boys* Thanks for reviewing. Really glad you like it.


khyrra September 25 2006, 03:28:08 UTC
Yet another great chapter! Oh, those poor boys. I feel for them both, but I think alternate Ford and Bates are being a little hard on Adam. But then, our Bates was a bit harsh with their Jamie, so Maybe they're even.


akstarlightfic September 25 2006, 11:45:30 UTC
Well, they're all suffering from POV-blindness... They're all as bad as each other, really.

But thanks - more soon.



shiny_starlight September 25 2006, 21:55:16 UTC
Glad you liked it hon :o) They're all just protecting their friends, but are a bit stubborn about seeing from the other person's side. Oh well, they may not be too bright, but at least they're loyal *g* Thanks for reviewing


shaedowcat October 29 2006, 06:23:38 UTC
This story is just made of awesome...I love it and the one before it. Pieces was the first fic in SGA fandom - and the first one in a very long time - to make me cry, but you guys mananged it. Hope you guys get around to posting another chapter of this soon!


akstarlightfic October 29 2006, 09:14:34 UTC
Wow. That is high praise indeed! :) Thank you, hon!

We're working hard on chapter five of Strands, but there have been a few setbacks and if we can't get it finished by tomorrow night, my laptop is being sent back to Dell for repair so it'll put another couple of weeks in before we can post it.


Anyway, really glad you're enjoying it - did you read it all in one go, because that's a whole lot of text?



shaedowcat October 30 2006, 00:58:22 UTC
Um...yeah. I read Pieces all the way through, then I saw this one and read that through, too...why yes, I have no

*dances* Another chapter soon! Yayness!


shiny_starlight October 29 2006, 21:48:10 UTC
Pieces made me cry too, and I was only beta-ing it. lol. Im glad youre enjoying it hon. Well try and get the next chapter up fairly soon. Hope you enoy that too :o)


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