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May 24, 2006 14:16

Name / LJ Username (if available): Akira Hara
House: Hufflepuff
Age / Birthdate: Seventeen / September 26
Year: Seventh

Bloodline / Heritage: Muggleborn / Japanese-English

Personal History:
Akira was born and raised in good ol’ London, England. His parents, Yumiko and Kouya, separated while he was around three years old and with that divorce, his mother took his younger brother Kazu with her back to Japan, while his custody was given over to his father. Perhaps it was a personal vendetta against his former wife in Japan now, Kouya raised him to be English, to speak, read and write it as his first language rather than Japanese like what his mother would have wanted.

It was pretty much him and his dad, (and his dad’s occasional girlfriends) for the next few years. A manly life, one without much TLC from a womanly figure but hey, at least they had fun and freedom. His dad didn’t ever settle down again with another woman, nor did his mother with another man; sometimes Akira just wonders if they’re both just waiting for the other to apologize first. He doesn’t ever get to see his mother often though, since his father refuses to set foot in Japan again and his mother the same way towards England. It wasn’t until he was around thirteen years old that he and his brother were allowed to fly on the planes themselves to be with their other parent.

To this day, Akira’s mother still doesn’t know that Akira’s a wizard. It was shocking enough when persistent letters from Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry came in his eleventh year and then for his dad, the open minded, to digest the information. It would be triply hard to tell a traditional and conservative minded mother in Japan of the news, especially through the mail. Instead, they just told her and his brother that it was a boarding school for Fine Arts instead.

Personality: Akira is a creative and independent individual. He is quick with his hands and feet and a fast learner in anything practical. Theoretical too, except that might take a little more effort. For the most part, Akira prefers things to happen at a leisurely pace and he would very much like it if things stayed nice and slow.

True to his house sorting, Akira is a very reliable and responsible person. Patience is probably the main key to Akira’s clockwork, sometimes it’s beyond a normal person’s reasoning to see how he can still keep attempting something even after the first few assemblies failed. He takes his time doing things and would continue to fix them up until they appear absolutely perfect. Akira is also trustworthy, the type to keep a secret and take it to his grave with him because he would sooner die than betray a friend. That is actually a big thing to Akira, if there’s one sort of people that he can’t stand in this word, it’s those that don’t keep their word or hold in a secret. Once he’s lost his trust in someone, it’s virtually impossible to gain it back.

Another good word to describe Akira would be silly. He’s a dork. Sometimes he says the silliest things and makes the most random and odd connections to theories. He likes comedy, getting to laugh and plain having fun. Angst ain’t big on his agenda.

Physical Description: Akira possesses your average Asian features with the dark brown eyes and black hair. He is of an average height like other boys his age, though, unlike the others around his age, he prefers to remain clean-shaven and retain that boyish charm. He wears his hair in a mix of his own style, which mainly consists of a few wavy curls here and there. Oh, and like the recurring fashion seen with many other Asians, he sometimes bleaches his hair to a few shades lighter than his natural black.

Preferred Body Model: Jin Akanishi

Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length. Fourth Character.

Hobbies and talents - max of five:
Akira is creative. Give him some wood pieces, a few bits of nails and glue and he could just come up with a neat little artefact. Building model aeroplanes was something he and his dad did often and it was probably what got him started.

He’s also rather good at chess and other strategic board games. Beacause of his patience and willingness to sit down and slowly think things through, Akira never makes a move without being absolutely sure and positive first. The only way to throw him off in a chess game would be a timed game, since Akira often or not takes a good long few minutes before even touching a piece.

Akira has a bit of a ‘yes-man’ syndrome, especially when the person asking him to do something if of the female persuasion. He can hardly ever deny a girl anything. This is probably because of his childhood, being left by his mother at an early age; he’s probably developed some unconscious thought that if he were to refuse, they would stop being his friend and leave.

Physical fights just aren’t his sort of thing. He could hold his own against someone his size and all in a friendly brawl, however in a serious match that would last more than five minutes? He’d get flattened against the wall. (He’s pretty good at escaping such situations though.)

Organization. Akira’s side of the room is almost always somewhat like a pigsty. Try as hard as he might, even magic can’t help this book keep his things neat and organized.

Last but not least, Akira’s a bit naïve and gullible. If you told him you had a sixth toe on each foot and looked really serious while saying it - he just might believe you and take it for the truth.

Best subjects - max of three: Care of Magical Creatures, Charms
Worst subjects - no max: Transfigurations, Ancient Runes
Broom (if applicable): Cleansweep 11
Wand: Ten inches, Vine, Unicorn’s hair

List of classes for current year:

Defense Against the Dark Arts
Care of Magical Creatures

ooc, background

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