Title: The Waited Day Part 1
Entailed: Infinite Light ~vast and shining~
Author: akinoyama
Pairing: YabuHika [mentioned], YamaRyuu, YuuChii [more in the next chapter]
Warning: Un-betaed, Terrible English, Cross-gender
Summary: Hikaru’s going to marry today and Hey! Say! JUMP members came to her room. Would the secret among them be revealed?
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Comments 16
You like YuuChii, don't you? Maaa~ I don't thinh there are many people like this pairing but but but you like them right? Uwa~ I love you XD
Btw, I like Yabu being the girl >O< In my mind, Hika is the seme of Hsj ;__; I mean every Hsj member should be uke for Hika-chan *maa~ my perverted mind*
Waiting for the next chap XD
cant wait for the next chapter...
this is so cool~~!!! lol at Yuuri and Yuto teasing YamaTarou~~
but i spot many YamaJima there (hahaha YamaJima biased)
i love mischievious Yuto and Yuuri and i love angry Yama-chan with defense-less Ryuutaro or Ryuuna in this case XDD
*goes off to next chappie* (btw i'm from Indonesia too ^^)
I'm happy to meet a same nation friend.
I have a full week offs but I have to study for my final exams T__T
jealous ryo-chan;jealous ryo-chan;jealous ryo-chan;jealous ryo-chan; I think I died for this part >___<
aaaaa.....jealous Ryo-chan is totally priceless xD I just see him as possesive as Yabu-kun is to his hikari-chan, I really love it!!!Thanks for writing 'jealous ryo-chan' XD may I ask for a side story for this pairing?maybe like yama-chan propose to ryu after the yabuhika wedding*i request too much, ok i'll shut up just now xP*
anyway, your fics never failed to make me feel warm;)
love this!*goes to read the next chapie*
Hahaha... Yabu is his respecful senpai, too, anyway... So some his actions resemble Yabu's... just OPINION...
EH? How can you read my mind? I also want to write the side story of this series and it will be some since the rest of HSJ members will be the main chara. Proposing??? Ryuu's too young... hahaha... but I'll thinking about it for another story when they're old enough for marriage. Oiya *lg males pake english* kira2 ntar perlu pake acara lempar buket bunga 'gak ya? XDDDDD
since you asked me in bahasa, then i'll answer it in bahasa too xP
perlu banget, udah ada bayangan dikit nih situasinya mau kyk apa:(cuma memberi inspirasi;D)
tar pas Hika lempar bunga, yang dapet Ryuuna, JUMP yang lain mulai pada ngegodain dia ma ryo-chan lagi deh. trus berhubung kata kamu ryuuna masih terlalu muda, jadi aja Ryo-chan bilang:well, aku mungkin belum bisa buat ngelamar kamu sekarang, tapi boleh ga ya klo aku mesen tempat dulu, biar kamu ga terima lamaran orang lain selain aku???(terinspirasi dari komik throbbing tonight xP) yeah, itu kan cuma ide gilaku aja...hehe, but i'll be the happiest yamataro fan in world if you make that one come to reality xD *hugs*
oh...and I comment so long again o.O
I'll think about your idea... Yup Ryuu's still young, Ryuu has to finish the education and will get a master degree... XDDD... Nunggu ampe bangkotan dah si ryou-chan... XDDDDDD
aww,thank you that's so sweet of you xD*hugs*
hey, do you have fb?;)
Unfortunately, I don't have... Why?
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