
Jun 04, 2009 15:59

oh the wonders a 6-kilometer run does to one's mood. Now I am too dead to be angry...God bless sports!

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Comments 8

lt_black_fire June 4 2009, 14:21:34 UTC
I know how that feels!
I am sorry to hear that life is being unkind. Ranting about it helps - and sports!
Last night, I was very depressed but went kickboxing anyway. Ninety minutes later I was totally exhausted but significantly less depressed.


akin16sk June 4 2009, 14:33:05 UTC
I know exactly how that feels, always when I have a problem or I am frustrated, I go running. It kills my knees, but at least the frustration doesn't kill me. The worst time in my life was probably after I had my knee operated and I was totally useless for about a year. God bless sports, really, even if they do get us to hospital more often than not :P


lt_black_fire June 4 2009, 15:12:21 UTC
The knee-issue, yes, there is that. But the pros clearly outweigh the cons!
It really works to get rid of frustration and depression etc. that way, and I usually feel pretty good after a long workout.

How's your knee these days?


akin16sk June 4 2009, 15:44:18 UTC
Oh my knee, it really depends. Just recently I've started trying to run without bandaging it. At times it hurts, but today it went quite OK. I don't know whether it's a good idea, since a mended knee will most likely never be the same as before, but I think the less support it gets, the better. Changes in weather make it hurt though, not to mention I wonder what my other knee will do now, when I try to equalize them, because I am sure I am still protecting the operated one, even if it's subconscious. To be honest, I expected a little better and faster recovery considering it's been two years since the operation, but I kept my diaries from the times when I couldn't walk at all just to remind myself that I should be content with every little thing I can get :P I tend to push myself too much too far too quickly....as all sportsmen do.
Did you get yours treated?


quarrions June 4 2009, 17:37:40 UTC
ach to su vsetky tie endorfiny vyplavene do tela ....
s nimi je kopu veci lahsich to poznam ...coz mi rpipomina ze by som mala ist behat nekedy v najblizsej dobe XD


akin16sk June 5 2009, 20:57:56 UTC
milujem endorfiny a rozhodne po nich vyzeram lepsie ako po cokolade, aspon z dlhodobeho hladiska uzivania :P som nevedela, ze chodievas behat, nejako ma ani nenapadlo, ze by ta to mohlo bavit :)


lt_black_fire June 4 2009, 17:41:36 UTC
My knee didn't really get any further treatment since I had hyaluronic acid injected into it - which seemed to improve things for about 6 weeks, after which it went back to its previous (crappy & painful)state. The doc told me that an operation didn't make sense at this point in time and sent me to do physiotherapy, which I tried, but which turned into a bit of a joke (I was doing 80% upper body work, 10% cardio and 10% training for my legs)and I gave up. I went to see an alternative practitioner, who has managed to get rid of the inflammation somehow, but the pain caused by the cartilage damage remains. Recently, I've been considering asking my doc for more injections or so, but I have an appointment with the alternative practitioner on Tuesday, and I'll see if she can do some more 'magic'...I just keep myself going, I guess. There's nothing else I can do.


akin16sk June 4 2009, 19:52:16 UTC
I've had problems with cartilage too. Doc said after the surgery that it's in a very bad state. I had such great pain in my knee that it kept breaking so to say just in order to relieve the stabbing pain in it and that was happening like every other step. So my doctor ordered me three injections of hyalgan, I think, it's usually used by arthritis or similar problems, but I have to say, it helped. As for training, can't you ask for training precisely for knees. When I went to physio the first lesson my trainer showed me what I was supposed to do and I was doing it more or less alone. Though I am not sure if there is anything that could help by cartilage. I know that they needed to "smoothen" my cartilage or something like that at the operation, I didn't know more precise details. But my whole knee was in a terrible overall state.


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