Title: Framed Memories
akichuuPairing: ReitaXAoi (ReitaX?? and AoiX?? in the background)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: romance, angst
Warnings: none here
Disclaimers: PSC own them until further notice
Summary: These were probably the same memories that were now left as nothing but dead, unmoving images fading behind a glass frame.
Word count: 501
Comments: Mmmm... part II? The (??) guy will remain a mystery until I think it's time for me to reveal him to you guys *devilish laughter*
Once, there was a time when he knew what trust was. It was a time when he could easily hand his everything and serve it on a silver plate, waiting for someone to grab what he had to give. It was a time that he had been the fool who would follow anyone's lead that promised him a bright future and he had let his eyes be blindfolded without questions. It was a time when he had been the man who believed in love.
But what was left for him now? What was still there for him to grip and hold?
Clinging to a picture of happy faces - neither of them was his - he didn't feel like he had anything anymore. His dreams, once so bright and so real and so touchable, turned out to be nothing but dreams. Dreams would vanish once he woke up, and now he was waking up, and every single memory slowly became printing of the past that he could only plaster on the walls and watch, but not to touch. These were probably the same memories that were now left as nothing but dead, unmoving images fading behind a glass frame.
These people looked so happy, so oblivious of what future lay ahead of them. Well, at least the raven haired one, he must have had the least of ideas of what was hidden behind the other person's smile. But then again, who could have guessed when the storm would hit? And the skies had been clear blue just before.
The bronze frame clattered on the cupboard as Reita lost his grip on it; a pair of arms found their way, wounding around his body.
"Throw that away," a voice spoke to his ear, softly but the desperation in it was so thick, so impenetrable and very much unbreakable. "Throw that away, please..."
Once there had been a thing called happiness. But even that had now become nothing but a faint, indiscernable sensation; a dying sparkle inside Reita's mind. There had never been such a thing, he knew that now, nothing that was even close. It might have been just a mirage, a glimpse of something bright in a picture but when Reita thought he had captured a star, it was only a defect of the paper. A false pretense, nothing more.
Reita slid his palm over the smooth, wooden surface of the cupboard, pushing the frame towards the edge. When it plunged down to a journey without return, a slow motioned movement to utter destruction, the hold around Reita's body tightened. He clutched back at one arm, closing his eyes, hearing something crashing loud against the floor - something inside their hearts crashed even louder, though, echoing between their molded bodies and roaring towards the skies beyond the window.
This was just one photograph they had just thrown away, a very small fracture of a huge memory. The important question now was: what was to be done with the rest of it?
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