Pollen Allergy?? - 1/1 - Reita/Aoi/Ruki

Feb 13, 2008 11:12

Title: Pollen Allergy??
Chapter: 1/1

Pairing: Reita-Aoi-Ruki
Rating: PG-15
Genre: fluff, crack
Warning: A sneezy Aoi, an annoying-hyperactive-cuddly Ruki, an overly-caring Reita and... even more sneezes!
Summary: The poor guitarist could barely survive springtime without a mask on, but this year it seemed different... They were indoor; then how come he was still sneezing his head off like that?
Comments: Been a while since I've written a one-shot, no?
Mwahahahah~ I don't know why but I just have to write about this. Based on real facts that I've read about Aoi and Uruha having allergies of pollens (poor guys), somehow a story like this came out, and it was rather quickly-written. The pairing section on this header said what it said, really. But pervert thoughts aside this time, sweeties! Sorry to disappoint you guys but as I wrote it up there, it's a PG-15. No love-bunnies-humping-on-each-others-asses in here. XDDDD *runs*

Pollen Allergy??

It was sort of a wonder how the four of them could jump in absolute unison, as if someone had just commanded them to jump and they jumped. It was almost like that jump they used to do up on stage, when they came to an end of a live where they would hold hands with each other, asking the crowds to do just the same and then jump with them. But here, in the studio, there really hadn't been any commands as to jump, neither did they have a crowd of audience watching them, waiting to do that jump together with them. Even weirder, they had had their instruments in hand, Uruha and his guitar, Ruki and his mic, even Kai and his drumset -- which he had accidentally kicked when he jumped. Luckily Reita had held on tight to his bass so it didn't fling off of him and, to his horror, hit the wall nearby.

But this was their instant reaction when they saw who had just walked in to the studio, being the latest among the five who had already gathered and prepared for a daily practice. After a short term of silence, Ruki gave another reaction, a dramatic one like anyone would've expected him to do. "HOLY SHIT! A YAKUZA!!!" he screamed, throwing his mic aside and ran toward Kai's drumset, and hid his chibi-self behind it.

But of course no yakuza would be interested in meddling with the GazettE's practice, unless that yakuza was a fanatic of them and desperate enough to stalk them even to the studio. Which would've been scary if it had been true, honestly. The next thing they knew, they could be kidnapped and brought to a secluded place somewhere, and there they would be forced to become yakuza-pets...

It was rather kinky to think about, wasn't it?

No, no, this person certainly wasn't a yakuza and Ruki was completely exaggerating. Kai was pulling him out from between his legs because the vocalist was close enough to knock the bass-drum down, and if that really happened, Kai would not be a cheery, smiley, happy Kai anymore.

Among the riot his bandmates were busy making, Reita halted to a realization: he recognized the long, dark-brown hair. And when the man took off his sunglasses... Ah! There were the squinty eyes, of course, Reita could recognize them over anything.

"Aoi?" Reita murmured doubtfully, still calculating the possibilities that Ruki could've been right, that that rather-scary man was a Japanese mafia after all. But to his relief, the man replied with a grunt. Oh yes, it was Aoi.

"Aoi, what the fuck, man?" Uruha hustled toward the other guitarist, looking pretty perturbed. Well, he was one that had jumped the highest among the four... "What's with the mask and glasses?" he asked.

Uruha received a glare from Aoi; Reita decided the eldest wasn't exactly in his best mood.

"You're not having the same problem?" Aoi retorted, flinging his coat to the sofa with a very irritated manner. It seemed that he was about to say something to continue, but a sneeze went past him and rushed out of his mouth instead. Lucky that there was a mask, otherwise Uruha would have a snot-covered face by now. Quite icky.

Uruha was frowning, surprised with the sneeze, probably. And confused, too. "What problem?" he asked.

Another sneeze came out.

"THIS--" sneezed, "FUCKING POLLENS--" sneezed again, "PROBLEM! For God's sakes..." and he sniffed aloud at the end of the terribly formed sentence.

Something clattered and made a loud bang behind Reita and when he turned around to check, Ruki was already out of his hiding with Kai shouting at him behind his back. It seemed that Ruki had accidentally kicked the hi-hat pole and now it was splayed on the floor, but the vocalist didn't give it another glance as he ran as quickly as he could out of Kai's angry reach and onto Aoi.

"POOR AOI!!!" he jumped and glomped Aoi, causing the eldest to fall back. Fortunately there was that sofa behind him to catch the fall, otherwise he would hurt his pretty ass and that would be a big shame. "Aww... Poor, poor Aoi..." Ruki purred and hugged Aoi tighter, while Aoi became a full-fit of irritated retorts and sneezes, trying his hardest to push Ruki away from him.

The sight made Reita think of a small needle flying across the room to stick onto a huge magnet bar. Someone was going to have to pull the vocalist away because it didn't seem like he was going to get off of Aoi, just like how you were supposed to separate a needle from the magnet bar because it obviously would never get free by itself. Reita volunteered, finally, but not before he set down his bass, thinking far and ahead about its wellbeing. And then he walked towards the scenery and pulled a still-squealing Ruki away from a hardly-breathing Aoi. Ruki was persistent enough to stay on Aoi's lap, though, and he did not want to move elsewhere. He made sure Reita understand that by slapping Reita's hands away, hard.

Aoi looked up in desperateness, and when Reita caught the gaze, Aoi nodded in gratitude. Reita thought he was smiling but unfortunately he couldn't see through the mask that was covering all of Aoi's nose and mouth. Another sneeze broke out without a warning, Aoi cursed at the end of it, obviously being more than annoyed with his seemingly endless suffering.

"It looks worse than ever, Aoi," Reita commented, full of concern. Sure he knew that Aoi had problems -- major problems -- with pollens and when spring came every year, he would turn into a sneezing-fit on the run. The poor thing was never happy about his condition, but there was really nothing he could do. He could only remind himself never to forget to grab a mask whenever he walked out of his apartment, which could be the only way he might survive spring. But to Reita's realization, Aoi's pollen allergy had never looked this helpless, this terrible.

"Yeah," Kai butted in as he had just finished fixing his ruined-by-Ruki instrument (never forgetting to keep glaring at the vocalist, though), "I mean, look at Uruha. He's doing fine."

Aoi and Uruha were the same in this matter: they both suffered the same allergy. They both would find themselves to be in dire need of a mask when spring time came. Good enough that they wouldn't wear those masks up on stage, otherwise it would appear like the GazettE had three Reitas. Would've been comical, really.

"It's indoor," Uruha responded, "Of course I'm doing fine."

Reita frowned. But of course! They were indoor. They were safely protected by these strong, thick concrete walls and healthy air circulation system that were supposed to keep all those evil pollens outside. When Aoi sneezed half a dozen more times, he knew something was terribly wrong. This couldn't be just a pollen allergy!

An idea came up on his head that made him hurry towards yet again a sneezing Aoi. He cramped between Aoi (with a still-clinging Ruki on his lap) and the armrest, ignoring the immediate protest let out by the guitarist. He lifted one of his hands and stuck his palm onto Aoi's forehead.

"OH MY GOD!!" Reita shouted in an instant, gasping when he realized what was wrong, "It's not a pollen allergy, Aoi, you moron! You have a fever!"

"HEEEEEEEEEE???!!!" was what the other three did as a response to Reita's exclamation.

Aoi's forehead was hot against Reita's palm, a bit too hot even. Odd that the guitarist himself didn't realize it, but with a temperature like this, he should've been in bed, not in a studio. Aoi looked at Reita with a dazzled glare in his eyes, he must've been surprised to be sentenced sick all of a sudden, but he really was a moron if he didn't realize that his own body was ill. "Fever?" he repeated, before another sneeze broke out, "Really?" He lifted his own hand to check on his forehead.

"Aoi-chaaaaan!" Ruki pouted when he too went to check Aoi's temperature, but the chibi liked to do it in his own way, of course. He shifted and pressed his lips onto Aoi's forehead, and then he pulled back with clear shock written all over his face. "You're burning like a fucking oven, for God's sakes!!!" Ruki exclaimed, "How can you not know you're sick?"

"Hmm..." Aoi pondered, his voice slightly muffled by Ruki's clothes as the vocalist had pulled him into another hug, "I do feel kinda... dizzy."

Reita shook his head, taking it really hard to believe anyone could be as silly as Aoi. "Let's just get you home," he stated, peering up to Kai to ask for permission, "Is that okay, Kai?"

"Of course, you guys," Kai smiled while Uruha was giggling beside him -- probably being just as amused as the rest of them were over Aoi's silliness. "Go get him to a safe place before his head explodes from sneezing too much," their leader said, "I need some time off myself anyways..."


The nightstand was filled with all sorts of medicine Reita could grab from Aoi's cabinet, refrigerator, and any other places the guitarist stored his medical necessities. Reita was now reading the label on one syrup bottle, trying to find the expiry date. It said it would work on fevers and all their symptoms, but Reita wondered if it would work better than the pills he had just thrown aside. But those pills were expired (which made Reita wonder as to why Aoi would still keep expired medicines around), so this was probably his one and only choice. This and the antibiotics, they should work just fine against Aoi's sickness.

"Open up, Aoi! Here comes the aeroplane again!!" Ruki screeched, and when Reita peered aside to look at him, he was holding up a spoonful of porridge and aiming it toward Aoi's mouth. Aoi was glaring at the vocalist, obviously feeling annoyed for being treated like a little kid. But as annoying as he may be, Ruki was without a doubt a big help. At least he could make a decent porridge. If they had let Reita cook instead, Aoi would suffer more than just a fever, he would also have a food poisoning and this latter one would kill him sooner than any fever in the world could.

Not that Reita had ever killed anyone with his cooking... At least not that he knew of.

"Okay so I think you should drink these," Reita held up the syrup bottle with one hand and the antibiotics with the other.

"After meal, Reita! After meal!" Ruki scoffed, "That's usually the rule. You should take them after meal."

"Yes, I know, I was just saying, Ruki," Reita glared at Ruki, "Now if you would just finish feeding him already!"

"But there's still half!" Ruki shoved the bowl he was holding to Reita, showing it to Reita just what he meant, "He must finish the whole bowl!"

"I'm full, Ruki..." Aoi mumbled, but got unheard of when the vocalist lifted yet again another spoonful of porridge.

Reita heard what Aoi said, though, and he wanted to point it out to Ruki. "See? He said he's full, Ruki," Reita said, "Stop already!"

"No! He needs to eat a lot!" Ruki insisted, "A person heals faster from sickness when he eats properly."

"You're not trying to feed him properly, you're trying to fatten him up!"

A swing of red-haired head and a flash of angry eyes told Reita he had said the wrong thing. He had said the absolutely forbidden word.

"ARE YOU SAYING I'M FAT???" Ruki's eyes were bulging out of their sockets and his whole face looked red. Reita was thinking maybe he should either apologize or just take a leap to the door before Ruki threw him with a bowl filled with porridge or stabbed his eye with the spoon.

"No, I'm not saying you're fat, but it's just--"

"Reita, you noseless fucker, watch what you're saying or you're not getting it for a whole month!!"

Something dropped inside Reita's stomach, knowing exactly what Ruki had threatened him with. "No! No! I'm sorry! Ruki, please..." he begged. He peered at Aoi, asking quietly for some help. Ruki couldn't just abandon him for a month, could he? That would just be cruel! That would be inhuman!!

"Okay, okay, cut it out, you two," Aoi mumbled -- and then sneezed, "You're giving me a headache... worse than I already had."

Reita stopped, Ruki stopped too. Reita's heart sunk as he realized how inconsiderate they had been; while their precious Aoi was lying helpless like this, they were arguing over a very stupid matter in front of him. It wasn't time to think about anything else but Aoi and the two of them had been stupid to even start.

"Awww... Aoi-sweetie..." Ruki finally set the bowl aside, Reita helped him to place it on the nightstand (shoveling some of the medicine strips down to the carpeted floor as he did so). "We're sorry," Ruki murmured as he slid over the bed, nuzzling his head onto Aoi's shoulder, "We're really sorry."

Reita did almost the same, he shifted from the bed's edge where he had been sitting on to lie on Aoi's unoccupied side. His hand moved up to Aoi's forehead, rubbing it as gently as Reita could manage with his fingers. "Yes, we're sorry, Honey," he said remorsefully, "Come on, I'll help you with the medicines and then you can sleep afterwards."

Aoi nodded in agreement and Reita got to work as soon as possible; the syrup and the antibiotic pill went down Aoi's throat not in a minute later. Helping to situate Aoi to a more comfortable position, Reita lay down too. Ruki was already curling comfortably on the other side of Aoi, pillowing his head on Aoi's shoulder, the smile on his face looked like a good sign that he had forgotten about their quarrel and the threat he had just muttered a few minutes ago. Reita kissed Aoi's forehead, tip of his nose and of course lips before finding himself a comfy position to settle in; his head sharing the same pillow with Aoi's.

"Get well soon, Aoi," he murmured to Aoi's ear, receiving a smile from the older man as a reply.

Ruki's eyes glimmered as he shifted. "Yes, get well soon, Aoi... our favorite dirty dancer, the world's most irresistable teaser, and of course the hottest, most sexy-assed man in the universe," he said, while Reita laughed at the remarks Ruki had made over Aoi. Not that he could argue with any of that, honestly! Ruki followed Reita's fashion to plant kisses on Aoi's face, and before he shifted away, he lingered one on Reita's lips as well. Reita supposed the disagreement had ended after all, he smiled as Ruki lay back down on his previous position.

"Oyasumi, teddy bears," Aoi mumbled hazily, and the room fell slowly into a rhythmic ensemble of steady breathings.


Author's (stupid) notes:
Lucky Aoi! Ooooh~ What I wouldn't give to be in his position! (>o<)
Or Reita's position... Or Ruki's...
On second thought, I think I'll squeeze in between the three. Hm... Yes. That's better.
Awwwnn... never mind this note! Me being stupid! XDDDDDD
Comments are love, yo! ... although I rarely reply... *whacks self*

go here, the same old link. ^^

oneshot, fanfic

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