Some Dreams Do Come True - 2/3 - AoiXUruha / UruhaXAoi

Jan 20, 2008 10:15

Title: Some dreams do come true
Chapter: 2/3

Pairing: AoiXUruha / UruhaXAoi
Rating: PG-15
Genre: Fluff
Warning: Two gorgeous men kissing?
Summary: What did exactly happen during Decomposition Beauty Tour Final ~ Meaningless Art that People Showed ~ live at Yokohama Arena?? (OMG I still wrote the whole title!)
Comments: Chapter 2! And I finished it in one night, determined to have it posted at the 20th, since today is... is... AOI-SAMA'S BIRTHDAY!! Yaaaay~ Happy birthday, Aoi-sama, may you have a happy happy day, celebrate your 29th birthday with all your loved ones and great presents!
*runs off to write him a fanmail*


Okay, so... We all know Ruki, don't we? No, no, you don't have to answer that, I meant it as a rhetoric. Of course we all know him, whether we like it or not; it's only fact that he's our vocalist, band mate, friend, confidante and so on, and he has grown to be a part of our lives after all these years we've spent with him. Now, I know -- I mean, we all know that Ruki has his good qualities and we cherish him for every single point. He's undeniable cute and adorable, he's an amazing vocalist with a voice that can make some other bands envious of us and wish that they have him instead of the sucker they had as their vocalist, he's focused and determined when it comes to work, he's an admirable artist and he does awesome designs, plus he is the best partner I can get whenever I need someone to accompany me shopping. Oh let's not forget, he makes great spaghetti too, although that basically is the only food he can cook that tastes decent enough. Have you ever tasted his miso soup?! Good Lord, what the hell did he put in it...? Reita could've done better than that (being given the proper, step-by-step instructions, that is).

But there're two sides of the coin, and Ruki also has his ugly sides... actually, he has a lot of ugly sides, and I'd love to let you know some.

No, I'm not going to mention his height, although I must admit, it's quite amusing to see him all flushed up and angry whenever I brought up that topic in front of him. It's more of his inner-qualities -- or should I say inadequacies? -- that I wanted to talk about.

First of all, large-font, underlined and bold: he's annoying.

If you've never known what it was like to have a spoiled chihuahua as a pet, then try to deal with Ruki when he's in the mood to tail up on you wherever you go, doing everything he knows that has a big chance it will annoy you. He did it good -- actually, he probably did the best impression of a stubborn little puppy that wouldn't let go of your ankle no matter how hard you tried to shrug him off. I was just being nice, not wanting to offend him when I went around telling people what an adorable pet he would make; but honestly, I wish he would just butt off and keep his wagging little tail away from me.

It never makes sense to me why he likes to victimize me, most of the times. I mean, Kai has the most pitiful face than the rest of us, doesn't he? And he gets beaten up by Reita all the time. Why won't Ruki just join Reita and beat up Kai together and leave me the hell alone? Is it because I fall for his pretty face all too easily?? If that's the case, there is really nothing I can do about it.

He said I was a whiny person and I liked to bring up his faults in the past, but I think he really doesn't have the right to complain in this matter. He does just the same; when it comes to my mistakes and errors, he remembers everything. Unlike how he most likely forgets where the hell he put his hats or sunglasses or even his bag (they're mostly in my car, but hell, I'm not telling him that!), he puts in mind every fact he can use in the means of making my life miserable.

Well that's Ruki for you, there's so much more to him that I can tell you, but if I keep on going we are sure to have a very long, malicious talk about him. And I haven't even intended to talk this much about him in the first place. But despite everything, don't we just love him? Well, I love him. Oh yes, I love him so freaking much that I know a day will come when I'm going to shave his hair off for him. Every single one he has on his head. All of it. Off. Don't you wonder sometimes how he would look like if he was bald? Oh... I sounded pretty cruel just now, didn't I? But he needs to be taught a lesson, and I'd be willing to teach him one. Honestly, it's for his own good. Okay, if it makes you feel less intimidated, I promise I'm going to buy him a nice wig afterward, he can even choose the color and style for himself...

I sounded like I know Ruki so well. It's inevitable, you see, I and Reita practically grew up with him; one gets to know the other pretty well if you've been around him for as long as I have. But I guess I don't learn from my mistakes, or maybe I'd gotten a little too sidewinded after everything that had happened earlier last night. But I should've seen it coming; I should've known that Ruki would never, ever leave me alone and let me live my life in peace... not after that incident up on stage.

He saw EVERYTHING. Every single second of it. Yay! Lucky me!

I do believe you recognize sarcasm when you meet one.

And hadn't he become a happy-little-Ruki? I swore I could almost see him jumping around all over the place, he had that wagging tail and the scratching paws and all, going "Woof! Woof!" every time he caught me being out from my hiding. Well of course I ran and hid from him! You would too if you were in my position! I was very dangerously close to being completely crazy because he wouldn't stop hovering around me, tailing up on me everywhere I went... he would've followed me even into the bathroom if I hadn't slammed the door in front of his nose.

He had also been so very kind to let me know that he had written a brand new song. It was a song that the band would never release or even record, a very stupid song that had only three main words in its lyric: 'Uruha', 'Aoi', and 'kissing'. Oh yes, Ruki wrote it in like a blink of an eye, absolutely a record-breaking time! You wouldn't even care about the distracting melodies if you'd heard and seen the way he sang it. But of course Ruki wouldn't dare chasing you up instead of me, not to mention to sing that song in front of you, he knew you'd strangle him with no hesitation whatsoever. You wouldn't have pity even if he put forth every cuteness-power he had ever possessed.

I thought my problem ended when I kicked that prick out of the room. I didn't really give a damn if we were supposed to share a room after a proper and justified decision-making -- you know, the rock-paper-scissors thing.

"Wait! Where do I sleep, Uruha?!" I heard him scream from behind the door.

I told him he could go sleep in the hallway and see it for himself if I cared much about him catching a cold or getting kicked by unaware strangers in the middle of the night. I heard him stomping his foot angrily against the floor as a response; but I was dead serious, I didn't want to have him in the same room with me last night, so I made sure the door was securely locked. I know you heard him banging on the door -- hell, the whole hotel heard him, I'm sure. He beat on that poor door pretty badly that if it was a person, it would need some serious medical treatment soon afterwards. Relentlessly, he kept on barking (just like a chihuahua would do if you keep it away from his favorite snack), arguing about the room-sharing thing that I could barely give a damn anymore, and when I supposed he got a little exhausted, he started scratching on the door instead. His argument did come to pleading at that moment, and he sounded pretty pitiful, but I wasn't sure giving him a chance to come in and share the room with me would be a good thing... Ruki can be quite deceiving, you see. That little devil.

After a few minutes Ruki gave up on pleading too, seeing that I wasn't going to budge, he ended up giving me his notorious speech containing various publicly-censored-vocabularies (I had to flinch at some words there... God only knew where Ruki learned even half of them from). My ears went red, but I tried my best to ignore him the best I could. Oddly enough, the speech didn't last long, it was only for three or four minutes, and suddenly the hallway outside went quiet.

I was already lounging on the bed, huffing in relief because I thought Ruki finally had given up, taking off to Reita's or Kai's room probably. Well maybe Reita's, since Ruki said he hated sleeping with Kai. I hated sleeping with Kai too. I don't know what Ruki's reason is, but mine... well, it's just that... he had those spider-like arms and legs that wouldn't stay still even when he was deeply asleep. The last time I slept in the same bed with him, I woke up in the middle of the night having a leg around my waist and a hand groping at my back. I tell you, it scared the shit out of me! Kai also talked in his sleep, which only scared me even more. From the things I could vaguely hear, it was either Kai was having a dirty dream or... a VERY dirty dream. And so, for my own safety, I crawled off the bed and spent the rest of the night on the floor instead.

He woke up to that 'problem' in the morning and I thought it would be wise if I played dead, acting like I heard nothing, saw nothing. Ever since that night, I've given up the opinion of Kai being pure and innocent, no matter what the rest of the world thinks of him.

Anyways... So yeah.

When I thought Ruki had left and I'd finally found peace on earth, I got ready to sleep, puffing my pillow and pulling up my blanket and so on. There seemed to be no other beds that felt as comfortable as the one I was laying upon, no other pillows were as soft as the one I had under my head, but just before I drifted to the land of earthly heaven and imaginations, someone knocked on the door again. "Fuck off, Ruki!!" I yelled, because I believed it was Ruki, his pride lay flat under the foot of his desperateness and he was coming to beg me to open the door because no one else was going to let that prick sleep in their room.

I was so wrong. Ruki was probably safe and sound in Reita's arms at that point, being Ruki-bear or whatever else Reita would prefer to have in his bed, but I've never been a psychic to be able to know that!

"Open up, Uru-chan!"

At that exact moment, I seriously thought I was dreaming again. I had never thought that any pills could work as strong as the ones I drank just before I went to bed, but at that time, the only thing that came across in my mind that it must've been the drugs. I knew I wasn't asleep yet, but I was very, very sleepy, and it was just too fuzzy to recognize which was real and which wasn't.

But there came the knock again. "Uruha?" that voice again.

When I rose up in bed, seeing everything was a blur, I blinked; somewhere inside my head I was trying to grasp on consciousness, but honestly it was hard, like when you tried to hang on to the edge of a cliff but your hands were soapy and slippery, you kept on slipping on and off, and it was getting pretty frustrating. But then there was another knock, and that was when I finally pulled myself up from where I had been lying down and crawled out off my blanket.

I made a mental oath that if it was the Manager, or Ruki, or any of the crew, I would strangle them. No questions asked. But for the sake of politeness, I mumbled "Who is it?" ... I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't be strangling the wrong person, you know.

"It's me," the voice answered, "Aoi."

I believe I froze with a very awkward pose: a hand pausing in mid-air reaching for the door-knob, eyes wide open (as wide as I could open them, being sleepy and all), mouth gaping.

I thought, if I knew how to dissect my chest without killing myself, I could see my heart jumping up and down in an unhealthy excitement. It would be pretty hilarious, if you could imagine it too, how a round and plump thing like a heart could bounce here and there inside a person's chest, splashing blood every time it throbbed... What? It's not hilarious? Oh okay... Well it's not as scary as you might think... And now you're going to tell me I have to reduce the frequency I watch horror movies, I told you, I don't watch them too often!

Bottomline is, I knew I was having a heart-attack. Or some kind of a heart-seizure thing I wouldn't know its name.

Well, of course I was shocked, how was I supposed to know that it was you? From all of the people in the world, you're probably the last person I'd expected to come knocking at my door, late at night -- oh fine... You're second last, after my father.

Of course I didn't forget what you said in the changing room. As a matter of fact, it was the only thing I had in my mind ever since we left the concert hall until I was alone in my room; your voice constantly buzzing in my head, I really thought I was losing my mind for sure. It wasn't that I was trying to avoid the topic or anything -- okay so maybe I was, but it's just that... I honestly felt so scared, I mean, really, really scared. You told me you wanted to talk, but to me it sounded like: "You DARE kissing me in front of public, I'm so going to beat the hell out of you tonight, you just wait, Uruha!"

Actually, if you had meant it that way, like you really were going to beat me up for dragging you into a scandal (as what obviously had happened after I kissed you up there on stage), it wouldn't be so scary at all. Yeah, so I'd be bruised and have a few broken bones probably, but I'd be fine. I would feel so much better that way than to have you ignoring me for the rest of your life and consider me as an invisible man or some other species you didn't have to pay attention to. If you had decided to do that, my life would be a dark, gloomy world that was just unworthy of living anymore. That was what I was afraid of the most. I was so scared that you would just come and tell me to fuck off, never come near you again, and never even think about laying one god damned finger on you.

But I suppose that if you had even bothered coming to my door to knock on it and ask for me to let you in, you hadn't intended to ignore me, right?

So, bracing myself as firmly as I could, brushing up a hand to the mess I called hair on my head (I should at least look decent enough, if it turned out you were going to beat me up afterall. No one wants to see a dead-Uruha with messy hair, I mean, the lack of make-up was already bad enough...), I opened the door.

Do you know what it felt like to be sitting on the passenger's seat inside a taxi and the crazy taxi driver decided to step on the breaks all too abruptly, after we had just gone on a several hundred mph ride? You'd be lucky if your head didn't crash and splatter against the seat in front of you.

Well, I think I felt almost like that when I saw you there, standing in front of my door, looking as outer-worldly as you could ever be. The first thing I noticed, honestly, was your dark, sultry eyes -- completely free from eyeliner whatsoever but still managed to look ghastly beautiful -- beaming straight through me as if I was a mere piece of tissue paper stricken and your eyes were a cruel edge of a knife. Before I was completely wrecked, I shifted my gaze, and I thought it was pretty weird that, despite my accute nervousness, I still had the chance to look at how empty the hallway was. It really was... It was so quiet, I felt like the whole place was tensely waiting for me to react, do something, not just stand awkwardly like a dumbstruck idiot (like I happened to be doing for the first two minutes or so). But then, somehow, I managed to say a decent "Come in." You smiled and took a step forward, while I startled back oh-so-dorkily and let you in.

When you finally got yourself in and I finally figured out how to simply push a door to close (funny that, under your gaze, I could forget how to do something so trivial...), you asked, "Were you sleeping already?"

I answered, "Sort of," while standing in the middle of the room, randomly recalling about a fact that Reita had once told me, being the observant kind of person that he was (yeah, right!), I tend to stand with my back hunched a bit. I wonder if I hunched at that moment...

You apologized for disturbing me, I smiled and saying it was alright, all the while thinking that was just so sweet of you. I told you to have a seat, and since the room wasn't exactly a fancy one with sofa or long tables or even chairs, you sat on the bed. My bed. Well, it's the hotel's bed, but practically, it was my bed for the night.

And then neither of us said anything for like... an hour or two? Okay, it couldn't have been that long, but I felt like it had been that long. You know how time creeps like a turtle when you're nervous or anxious, and I had been way over any humanly-existing nervousness level at that point.

"I figured..." you murmured suddenly, successfully making me jump at where I stood, "You know what I came here to talk about?"

I swear it, I had never, ever known a person who could make his voice sound so fucking sexy. That's what I thought, until I met you. You know that slurred out, lazy, almost a purr kind of voice that you used when you were talking? You might not even realize it before I tell you this, but it was the kind of voice that could make my knees go weak in an instant. And yeah, it was this kind of voice exactly that you had used just now.

"No," I said, standing there without knowing what to do but scrambling with random thoughts and quizzes I invented and asked myself. Should I sit? Sit where? Next to you? Wouldn't you mind? Maybe I should sit on the TV table instead? Or on the nightstand? But could I even walk there without stumbling down and humiliate myself in front of you?

In the end I couldn't move at all, so I just stood there. It was, no doubt, a pose that would cost me a scolding from a photographer because I looked dull and pretty much 'lacking the rock-star sense' -- a term they liked to use at some studios.

Okay so I think we spent more time staying quiet at this point... I felt like something was burning right in front of me that I could feel the heat radiating against me, I had a feeling that it was you staring at me, but I hadn't the courage to lift up my face and check out if my guess had been correct. For once in my life, my toes turned out to be quite an attractive sight, I never really paid that much attention to them, but they looked somehow cute, especially when I wiggled them over the carpet. And the carpet... Why, it was a fine carpet, wasn't it? It was a nice color of beige, suited perfectly with the curtains, it gave the room a really warm and friendly impression, even if you had only first seen it.


It's just an idea, a really random idea, but I thought I should paint my toe-nails with a color that matched the carpet's color. A habit that I had picked up after the years of dealing with our wardrobe team -- or more like, they dealing with me -- I became pretty fascinated with color-combinations and now I pick my clothes in various colors so I can match them up later on. It's fun, actually, you should try it too! You wear black most of the times, not that you don't look utterly-sexy and edible (did I just say that??) in black, but there's no harm in trying some other shades on your skin.

Okay so... if the carpet was beige, what color would fit then? Would plum look nice over beige? I wonder...

"Uru-chan, come here,"

Or maybe dark red. Oh yes, like really dark red. It would look contrast on the beige, but should make a nice combination. But I didn't think I brought my red nail polish with me... My costume for the live was mostly black with combination of purple ribbons, I didn't think the red nail polish would have been any use even if I had brought it.

"Uruha. Get your ass here, now."

I snapped my head up and immediately forgot all about color combination or sorts that I had been thinking about. Normally, I wouldn't appreciate anyone using that tone on me, not to mention the choice of words; if it had been Ruki, he'd have his nose bleeding from severe beating already. But it was you... and when I finally caught gazes with you... I think there was that one moment of oblivion I came upon; it felt like someone had injected a dosage of tranquilizer into my artery, my feet suddenly became wobbly and I knew it was only a matter of seconds before I did fall the non-so-graceful fall and kiss the carpet goodnight.

I guess you were being the impatient kind of a guy that you'd always been, because you didn't even wait for me to finish gathering up some composure and I swear it, I had already tried thinking up some comprehensible stuffs as a response. I never had the chance to say anything, though.

"Ah well," you sighed, "I guess I'm gonna have to get you here myself if you won't move."

With that being said, you plopped off the bed with one swift, graceful move; swung an arm into my direction and the next thing I knew, there was a hand anchored on my waist, and that hand gripped me and pulled me forward and... there was that 'POOF!' again. Yes, it's probably the same 'POOF!' that I had heard when you leaned down and whispered to me back at the changing room.

Oh, this 'POOF!" was louder than the previous one, it certainly was. It was like someone had pounced a stuffed doll somewhere very near my ears and the 'POOF!" was the noise that the air made as it was being squeezed out of the poor doll.

And I knew my heart had ceased beating at that point, because what else could be the reason of the sudden dizziness I felt? I figured it must've been from the lack of blood flowing to my brain. It happened, you see, sometimes when I got too tired and I worked up myself too hard, I would get really, really dizzy. But this time the reason was far from any physical exercises (since I hadn't been doing any, at the moment), this time... Well. It was either the extreme close-up view of your pretty face, or the feeling of your body pressed against mine, but I figured it was most likely both and a whole lot of other sensations I had at the very minute.

A proper warning would be nice, Aoi-san, really. It might be helpful if you had said something before you pulled me into your hold. Well, for one thing, you would've saved me the heart-attack. But I guess that was the point, wasn't it? You wanted to shock me till I was breathless and clutch me dead in your arms. I think you'd done your task quite successfully.

I felt my insides swollen to the point I knew it's better for me to explode otherwise I'd suffocate.

And I did explode, I think; I became 'Uruha, the human-nuclear-bomb' and blew up into a mass of tiny Urupon-particles, spreading like germs in the atmosphere, all of that thanks to you. Oh I remember exactly what you said, Aoi-san, you evil, evil man. Damn you; damn you for being who you are, damn you for having your looks, and damn you for whispering your oh-so-fucking-teasing question with lips only a breath away from my own: "Aren't you going to continue what you've started up there on stage, Uru-chan...?"


* notes:
1) I'll say it again: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AOI-SAMA!!
keimaxwell told me what had really happened during the notorious Kiss (thank you sweety!)... And I guess the story became purely fiction now because I had got it all wrong (well, not ALL wrong, I mean... Uruha still DID kiss Aoi...). XDDD But that's what a fiction is supposed to be naa~ It might be just a teeny bit far from reality, but I think what had really happened isn't less of a proof... It's better, even! My my, Uruha, you might as well just say it out loud in front of everybody: "I fucking love you, Aoi!" (and kiss Aoi again, or course) and make us the happy little fangirls (worse than what we already are). XDDDDDD <<<<<33333333333

chapter 1

my other works, of course


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