Hanabi 27/?? - ReitaXRuki

Oct 23, 2007 09:46

Title: Hanabi
Chapter: 27/??

Author: chuu ( akichuu)
Fandom: JRock, Gazette
Pairings: ReitaXRuki. Some other pairings in the background that you might find later on...
Overall Rating: PG
Genre: Drop dead fluffy.
Warnings: n/a. Un-beta-ed mistakes.
Summary: It's all bad luck for Reita after that day, and as if fate thought it was funny, it just gave Reita even MORE bad luck...
Comments: Short, but if you'd click on the link below... You'll find yourself a bonus of another chap. It's my way to redeem my constant-absence lately...

Hanabi : 27

He couldn't blame his seemingly persistent mind that couldn't get off the thought that it would've been so much better if the skies would just crack apart and fall upon him, because everything seemed to be so ugly and painful and unbearable that he wished he was dead. He hated himself, of course, for even thinking about such hideous ideas when in fact he despied suicidal thoughts, having been once a person who thought it was stupid to want to end his own life. But sadly, that was how he felt right now. It didn't really help how he could feel every painful bit of sadness, desperateness, and loneliness coiling inside his chest; it was a really terrible mixture, all those feelings crammed up into one. But none of it would go away and leave him in peace, no matter how many days in the week had passed. It was already Friday all over again, and Reita wondered how the hell he had managed to survive Monday to Thursday.

Lessons in school became so much more meaningless as days went by. It became such an urgency, all of a sudden, because mid-semester's exams were closing in on him, and he didn't even know which chapter the senseis were talking about in class. He knew it would do him bad if this continued, but he couldn't keep his eyes down on a book's page long enough without wanting to puke over it.

Oda had been a God sent, Reita thought. She never complained even as Reita started asking her if he could copy her homeworks, although that annoyed look on her face couldn't lie to nobody. But ever since that Monday when she had asked him if Reita was alright, and Tuesday noon when she had found Reita ignoring his lunch, she should've guessed already that something was really wrong with him. She was kind enough not to ask, though. That was really, really nice of her. Reita knew he would feel so much worse if he was asked to share the story - because that would require him to remember. And it was the last thing he wanted to do right now: to remember.

Maybe if he would just jump off from this second floor and make sure he hit his head first against the grounds down there, he might just get himself an amnesia. Without the horror of a broken neck and a permanently damaged brain, an amnesia sounded promising...

Reita hissed. Not another one of those thoughts...

The bell rang and for one moment there, Reita thanked the gods that they were finally giving him a little break. Thoughts about home, bed and slumber teased him mercilessly while he shoved in all his books and stationery into his bag, didn't give it much attention when he heard something wreck inside. Could've been one of his text books, but who really cares...


The sun became the worst of the torturers as it beamed down upon Mother Earth with unbearable heat, its ray prickled on human's skin, drawing out all the sweat contained in a man's body. Reita felt a bit fortunate that he was wearing a long sleeved shirt so that his arms were covered, but if only he had brought his cap, his head wouldn't have felt like it was being fried under the heat like this. It was already painful without the heat, but now... It was too much.

And to make it all worse, his mother had asked him not to forget to stop-by and buy sugar on his way home. It couldn't have been called a 'stop-by', really, because Reita had to go the opposite way from the direction to his home, to reach the mini-market. So it was going back and forth, and under such a heat, Reita felt completely abused. Had it been someone else's request, Reita would just ignore it and go straight home.

He just wished his bike could go faster without him having to pedal it, though. Which was impossible. So now Reita was pedalling his bike with all his might, praying he would reach mini-market soon enough, wondering if he had enough money to buy a carton box of cold, fresh juice at the mini-market.

And there was the mini-market, stood out amidst the blurry mirage like an oasis in the middle of an endless desert. "Finally..." Reita breathed, hopping down his bike and parked it on the available parking lot for bicycles, chained it securely before he headed inside. The cool, soothing breeze from the air conditioners inside the mini-market was heavenly, Reita thought, that the feeling could've been the best thing he had experienced in the whole week. He wished they had one of those too at home... Ah, but an air conditioner was too much for his mother to afford. They had only the heater for the winter and it was so darn old, it could be an antique.

Reita walked leisurely heading to the food and seasoning section, taking as much time as possible to cool himself down. It gave him an idea that maybe he could get a part time job here at the mini-market, just for the summer... Think of all the advantages he could get...

"Sugar... Sugar..." Reita stopped at the rack where kitchen supplies were displayed. Now, what brand did his mother use to buy? There were many choices there at the rack. "Oh, this one..." Reita picked out one pack of sugar that had a familiar logo-brand on its' front. Okay, now, how many did his mother need?

He took a while calculating the money his mother had given him and the possibility of getting himself a box of juice, just like he had intended for. If he took one pack of sugar, then he could go get the juice. But what if his mother needed more than one? Reita didn't have his allowance with him today and he regretted it.

Deciding that his mother wouldn't need much sugar just to make the whole family some cups of tea for the week, Reita stuck with that one pack, and went to the beverages section. There, he picked his favorite flavor of juice, smiling at the pack almost unconsciously.


He had to pass the school again in order to reach home, and as he reached its front gate, he could see how it was already quite deserted, save for some kids that must have had their unfortunate turns to clean up the class after school. Reita didn't stop to ponder or marvel at the school's building, though, he just sped up his bike, wanting to get home as soon as possible. If his mother was to complain once he got home, telling him that he should've bought more than one pack of sugar, he would drag his sister and do whatever it took to make her go instead of him. It was certain that his sister would hate him for as long as he lived, but there was no way Reita would go outside again, once he had the roofs of his home sheltering him from the heat.

Anyways, she owed him, really. That night when Reita had had to go and buy his sister's order, Reita would keep that in mind and use it to confront his sister. Yes, she owed him for that. Let's see if she could argue with that...

He passed the game center and felt the prick in his heart, unavoidably, as the memory of this place wouldn't leave him alone and grew even stronger now that Reita was near it. Reita had never visited this place again ever since... Well. Ever since a long time, now that he thought of it. Ever since that first time Ruki was furious at him - yes, from that birthday incident. After that night, problems just kept coming one after another and the queue seemed to be endless, and now things had gone worse than the worst Reita could think of.

Oh dear... Had there been a new machine in the place? Reita remembered about a boxing maching being installed the last time he visited the place. It should be up and running now. And how were the arcade games nowadays? Had his name been replaced by someone else's? Or the racing games... Oh he sure missed them. He even missed seeing that damn DDR machine, although Reita was still very much paranoid about dancing his legs off upon that platform.

Reita missed a lot of things about that game center. And he knew the one thing he missed the most...


A sigh left his mouth as the boy's face emerged from beneath his conscience. He knew it had never left that place, not a short bit, and it would rise up every time Reita let his guards down. It hadn't happened seldomly, but almost in his every waking hour and even in Reita's shallow sleeps; Ruki would be in his eyelids whenever he closed his eyes, in his dreams when he dared falling asleep... He knew Ruki would always haunt him, wherever he went, not just that game center.

Gods... How was Maruo-chan? Reita had never seen it again ever since he succeeded on picking it at the game center - all to fulfill Ruki's annoying whining. Was it a happy little (stupid) cat now that it had a friend? That almost-as-stupid looking cat Reita had won at the Festival... Reita imagined that they were sitting side by side on Ruki's table, or scattering around upon Ruki's bed. A pair of stupid cats that would one day rule the world...

That was if Ruki hadn't thrown those cats away.

Reita sniffed, sadly. Honestly, if only he had known earlier how love (or falling out of love - like his sister had told him) could be so torturing, Reita would've already gone to Tibet and become a monk there.

Did monks fall in love? Reita didn't really think so...

Just a few feet away from the game center's front entrance there was a small alley. Reita could see a few kids there, still wearing their uniforms, standing and grouping around something Reita couldn't perceive. Reita halted, just steps away from what seemed to be at least half a dozen boys yelling and mocking at something within the circle. He didn't recognize any of them as second graders, but for sure they were from the same school as Reita's. Probably third graders. Were they bullying on someone? To listen to the words being yelled, they most likely were. Reita bit his lip, didn't know if it was wise to poke his nose into this. Remember the last time he did that? Poking his nose in a business just like this? He was just lucky he hadn't gotten himself into a fight.

"No... Please, let me go..." cried someone, and Reita's mouth fell open.

He knew that voice.

He knew her.

Throwing his bike aside, didn't give it much care how it made a sickening crack on the ground, Reita jumped to the scene. A growl left his mouth, screaming for those boys to stop. One action led to another and his voice startled them, making them turn their faces at Reita... Reita barely noticed how upset those boys looked before one of them flung a fist at him.



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