Yomenai Kotoba 06/?? - AoiXRuki

May 12, 2007 07:31

Title: Yomenai Kotoba
Chapter: 06/??

Author: chuu ( akichuu)
Fandom: JRock, Gazette
Pairings: AoiXRuki. ReitaXKai
Overall Rating: NC-17
Genre: Smut
Warnings: ManXMan sex scenes, language--just sometimes, over-exaggerated romance scenes.
Summary: ... A missed call? It wasn't something he'd normally be surprised about but the person that had tried to call him was...
Comments: Aaaawww~ my dear beta... I think I've made her the busiest person ever... *hugs* 
Here it is, chapter 6.

- 06 -

Ruki was woken from his oddly beautiful dream by the piercing shrill of his alarm. It was so irritating; not nice at all. He struggled to find the source of the noise, running his hands under his pillow madly, too tired to get up or open his eyes. He finally found the source of the noise--his damned cellphone--pulling it out from under the pillow, almost throwing it away... In any case, he had just bought his current phone a month ago to replace the older one that had gotten broken. He wasn’t stingy or anything, but it'd still be a waste of money to slam his pricey phone against the wall simply out of frustration. So, half-heartedly, he opened his eyes (now that his sleepy mood had already been ruined by the deafening noise) and turned off the alarm.

He had set the phone on silent mode during the night--completely silent, no ringtones, no vibrations, nothing--because lately he never wanted anything bugging him when it came time for him to relax, but it seemed that he had forgotten to turn off the damn alarm.

Eh, or did he intentionally set the alarm himself? He looked at the digital numbers blinking on the external screen: 8:00 a.m. The early schedule knocked sense into him and he suddenly remembered where he was supposed to be going today. Fuck.

Ruki’s eyes kept staring unfocusedly at his phone, which was silent. He promised himself that he would put a calmer tune as his alarm next time... God. The shrill ringing... It was still echoing painfully inside his skull, shaking his brain madly.

Hm...? What's this...?

Ignoring his slightly paining head, Ruki sat up quickly, phone securely in his grip, staring intently at the screen... A missed call? It wasn’t something he'd normally be surprised about but the person that had tried to call him was....


He flipped the phone open, pressing buttons, going through his call records. Time of call, 3 a.m., Okay... That wasn’t exactly a normal time to be calling a person now was it? Why would Uruha call him? He had never called Ruki after what had happened between them... Ruki had almost believed that Uruha had deleted Ruki's contact number from his phone. Why had he suddenly decided to call him now, and more importantly, why so early in the morning? What would Uruha need from him? Ruki's thumb hovered over the top of the buttons;he could either delete or not delete. Well... It was just a missed call. But, then again, it was from Uruha. Delete or--

His spine trembled like an earthquake when he felt a touch on his back; it didn’t matter that the touch had been soft or gentle. It had almost given him a heart attack. He turned around and... "Aoi, you're up...?" Ruki smiled, hoping that he didn't look nervous.

"Hmm... Your alarm could’ve woken everyone in the building, Baby," Aoi drawled, grinning, still looking very sleepy. Aoi's hand ran lower following Ruki's tailbone, making shiver run through Ruki's entire body. "What a nice sight to wake up to... Sexy ass." And Aoi groped.

Oh damn... Ruki giggled unavoidably, flinching away from his lover’s hands. "Aoi!"

"You showed it off to me," Aoi sat up too, suddenly looking fully awake, all sleepiness dissipated, quick hands soon finding their way to Ruki's waist, pulling the giggling man to slide against the messy sheet. Aoi's hand ran over Ruki’s skin, from the waist to the back, returning to where he had groped just seconds before--only to grope more, of course. This time Ruki couldn't run away, because Aoi's other hand was gripping him almost ticklishly at the waist. Aoi snuggled his face into the crook of Ruki’s neck, which felt even more ticklish and Ruki couldn't stop giggling. "Where's my good morning kiss, hm?" Aoi mumbled, nipping his skin, "You're planning to run away and leave me alone without my good morning kiss?"

"AH... Stop--Aoi~!" Ruki laughed louder as Aoi's evil hand continued rubbing him. "Aoi!" Ruki fell back on the bed, trying to escape Aoi's fingers that were now tickling his waist. "Stop that! Aoi, no!" Ruki tried rolling around; curling his legs up, slapping his hands everywhere he could reach, struggling to get those fingers away from his waist, but to no avail. Aoi was giggling too--sounding almost crazy--moving himself to sit on Ruki's legs, stopping Ruki from moving any further. The blanket was entangled artistically between them but had uncovered most parts of their completely naked bodies. "Aoii~" Ruki begged, panting after laughing too hard.

Finally stopping, Aoi leaned himself on top of Ruki, placing a quick kiss on Ruki's nose. "Cute..." he murmured, grinning delightfully.”Baby Ruki; Good morning kiss. Now." Ruki looked up at him, his grin and a bit of a giggle still remaining in his expression. How could he refuse the request? He needed one too, anyways; it had become one of his daily necessities in the morning... So, letting go of his phone, the still flipped-open item slipping away from his hand to the pillow, forgotten, Ruki flung his arms around Aoi's neck. Aoi was immediately pulled down on top of Ruki, his lips grabbed in fervor for a possessive kiss. Ruki clung tighter with his arms, one hand pushing Aoi's head down so that the kiss could become even deeper; he could feel Aoi smile into the kiss. Aoi's hands were already playing another game with Ruki's skin; sliding softly up and down Ruki's sides, warmly touching Ruki's thigh... With a soft moan reverberating in his mouth, Ruki gripped Aoi's waist with his legs, his moan coming back to him even clearer as Aoi's hips came down on his.

Even though he was supposed to be in the van with Kai so that it would take them to Osaka for the radio campaign in just two hours from now, he just couldn't stop his lover, not now. God damn, it felt too good to stop or to even think of stopping... So he'd come in late and get yelled at; what would be so fucking bad about that? He could even face Manager-san who, most likely, would be ready to greet him with a deadly glare when he arrived later. Hell, Manager-san could even throw a dagger at him and kill him in an instant, who really cared?

Without this early morning love-making (which was clearly where their kissing and rubbing and touching each other was leading to) Ruki didn't think he could survive the day...


Ruki ran into the building with one hand clutching his chest as if holding back his heart from fear of it falling out; he could feel his blood flowing quickly and harshly inside his every artery. Damn. Ruki cursed lowly; he was late and although he had had an urgent need to get to the building, he hadn't been too keen on letting Aoi kill them both with the way he usually drove through traffic. Ruki had totally lost count of exactly how many cars had angrily honked their horns at them and he couldn't even begin to count the number of times he had warned Aoi to slow down... God, they were lucky to have made it to the building alive. But, despite Ruki's hysteria, Aoi actually seemed to have been enjoying it! Him and his tendecies of mad, high speed driving… One day he would certainly have to deal with the police, Ruki was certain of that.

Their big fat manager was visible as soon as Ruki reached the alley that lead to the band's meeting room. The man was standing in front of the door, obviously looking quite pissed; his face was all red and his eyes were not the least bit friendly when he saw Aoi and Ruki running towards him. "Well, thank the dear Lord, one of you decided to show up," Manager-san said in way of greeting. Ah well... What had Ruki been expecting? A welcoming party? A nice smile and a friendly good morning as a greeting? He was almost an hour late... He was just lucky that Manager-san had not decided to bite his head off.

"Sorry, Manager-san... Traffic... Bad..." Ruki panted, stopping in front of the angry manager. He was telling the truth; of course, there was also that extended round of sex to take into account... Ruki, however, couldn't mention the primary reason if he didn't want to have troubles. Ah... But what did Manager-san just say? "Kai-kun?" Ruki asked in confusion, after he realized that the drummer’s presence was missing from the alleyway and the meeting room; there were only crew members inside, walking around with backpacks and other stuff… No sign of Kai.

"He's not here yet," Manager-san huffed, clearly annoyed at the fact. Ruki lifted his brow at that; he hadn't expected to be the first one to arrive, knowing he was already so late... But Kai? Late?? Kai could be negligent most of the time about his personal belongings, but it was not like Kai to be careless about the band's schedule. His biological clock seemed to tick according to the band’s business which made him a very punctual person when it came to their group. Beyond that, though, he was just the lovely but forgetful Kai.

"Have you tried calling him?" Ruki asked again.

Manager-san sighed: "A hundred times, atleast." Ruki knew he was exaggerating, "But he didn't pick up; not even once."

"Maybe he just left his cellphone somewhere again, Manager-san." Just like always. Ruki wondered just how many times other people had found Kai's cellphone lying around in the most inappropriate places and how many times they had had to return the poor thing to its owner. Maybe Kai should chain the phone to his neck and just carry it everywhere he went... Even Ruki would admit: that was a pretty mean thought.

"Is that supposed to cheer me up, Ruki-san?" Manager-san asked back. Okay, only an idiot wouldn’t have noticed the sarcasm in that question. He stayed silent, biting his lower lip as Manager-san turned around, entering the meeting room. Ruki felt quite a bit of guilt for adding to Manager-san’s already aggravated state. Poor guy... Ruki was pretty sure that the man would die at early age when he thought about the amount of stress the five of them had been causing him every day.

Ruki sighed when Aoi's hand came to rest on his shoulder. He turned to him. "Don't worry, Baby," Aoi said, smiling gently, "We know how he gets when he's pissed."

Ruki pouted. "Yeah, I know. It still feels bad, though..."

"Now..." Aoi murmured, "Are you regretting this morning, Baby? Do you think we shouldn't have..."

"Aoi, you know I don't regret that at all..." Ruki replied, smirking. Now how could he ever regret such a special moment with Aoi? Every single second was worthy of infinite repetitions... If Ruki had a remote that could control the environment around him, he'd be pausing and rewinding almost every minute of his and Aoi’s love-making sessions so that he could make every second of it never-ending. Teasingly, Ruki leaned close, trailing his fingers on Aoi's black denim jacket, his lips hovering close to Aoi's ear. "Keep warm till I get home, Honey..." he whispered, "When I knock on the door, it'd be nice to find you opening the door to greet me... Wearing not one goddamn thing on your pretty body..." And he kissed Aoi's ear lightly. Even though the kiss was light, he still succeeded in making Aoi shiver.

"Is that a request?" Aoi replied, a hint of a quaver in his voice.

"No," Ruki pulled back, smiling victoriously, "It's a demand."

"A demand, huh?" Aoi giggled, "Then, I guess, I don't really have a choice but to fulfill it?"

Ruki shook his head, his lips still stretching a wide smile across his face when Aoi pulled him forward, hugging him tightly. Ah, Aoi's scent... Again, it mesmerized him and never failed to put Ruki under a spell. Just breathing in Aoi's scent as if he was taking Aoi's presence into him felt magical. Ruki slid his hands to clasp behind Aoi's back, tightening their embrace. "Damn..." he whispered, weakly, his voice muffled by Aoi's clothes, "I'm gonna miss you." He said it slowly and quietly, but apparently Aoi heard; he slipped one of his hands into Ruki's hair, rubbing Ruki's head gently in reassurance. Ruki could feel the soft press of lips to his cheek. Oh great; that just made leaving even harder, actually... Ruki breathed deeply.

"It's just for two days, Baby, you'll be home in no time."

"In no time, huh?" Fuck. It felt harder and harder, having Aoi hold him like this. Two days of no snuggling into Aoi, two days of no kissing Aoi, no touching Aoi, no making love with Aoi... Oh hell. Ruki calmed himself down, trying to suppress his frustration by thinking that he'd have those two whole days filled with such tight schedules that he wouldn't even have time to think about Aoi but even as he thought such things the truth still wouldn’t go away; he knew damn well that it was impossible to put Aoi out of his mind, even for the shortest amount of time. "Baby..." Ruki could feel Aoi’s lips pressing into his forehead, the movement of those lips distinct against Ruki's skin as Aoi mumbled, "Just don't go teasing those Osaka guys when I'm not around, okay?"

Ruki looked up, grinning. "Cross your fingers that I won't meet anyone half as sexy as you..."

Aoi laughed lightly. No, Aoi knew that Ruki wouldn't even think about flirting with anyone, man or woman--not when there was only Aoi in Ruki's mind. In this matter, Ruki would win his lover's trust in no time, he'd move heaven and earth to prove himself in front of Aoi.

"Just kiss me and tell me you love me," Ruki whispered, closing his eyes as he welcomed the press of Aoi’s compliant lips onto his gently and when Aoi pulled back a few moments later, he sighed clearly, "I love you, Baby."

Ruki opened his eyes, meeting Aoi's gentle gaze, sighing, "Good. Because God only knows how much I love you, Aoi."

And Ruki would've leant up and kissed Aoi again, feeling as though he could never live parted of Aoi’s kisses, if only the rustling noises and the hurried footsteps from the end of the alley didn't startle him. "Ah, Kai..." he greeted when he recognized who it was, running straight towards the spot where he and Aoi were standing. "Reita?" Ruki frowned when he saw who it was running right behind Kai.

"Late... Sorry... So sorry..." Kai panted-Had Ruki sounded like that when he had stuttered in front of Manager-san just a few moments ago? "Alarm... Forgot..." Kai dropped his backpack on the ground, bending forward in an attempt to catch his breath. Ruki felt pity, and patted the drummer on the shoulder. "That's okay, Kai... You're not that late." Well, actually, Kai was late as hell, but Ruki didn't have the heart to tell him that. "And what're you doing here?" he asked, turning his attention to the blonde bassist.

"Just..." Reita panted too, looking down at his shoes, "Giving Kai a ride..." Ruki could very well have been mistaken but he was almost sure he could see a faint reddish blush on Reita's cheeks. And, as Ruki lowered his eyes, he noticed Reita's unusual wardrobe... Wasn't that...

"Thank God!" Manager-san exclaimed, cutting off whatever train of thought Ruki had been pursuing in his mind. His huge figure came out of the meeting room, almost bumping the four of them. "Let's go! We're already fucking late!" Ah, well... There went Ruki's efforts in calming Kai... Kai immediately looked guilty, hearing what Manager-san had just said, but he didn't waste more time to ponder about his tardiness as he picked up his bag and rushed right behind Manager-san. Behind him, Ruki stared after them, a little busy with the tiny but disturbing thought inside his head that had just popped up all of a sudden. Turning back swiftly, he kissed Aoi on the lips briefly, before finally running after Manager-san and Kai.

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my lovely, lovely beta:


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