Hanabi 07/?? - ReitaXRuki

Mar 24, 2007 13:26

Title: Hanabi
Chapter: 07/??

Author: sweetXsweet ( akichuu)
Fandom: JRock, Gazette
Pairings: ReitaXRuki. Some other pairings in the background that you might find later on...
Overall Rating: PG
Genre: Drop dead fluffy.
Warnings: n/a
Summary: Reita knows he can't hide away from Ruki forever, not when the little brat sets his aim at this particular item in Reita's possession...
Comments: Ah!!! Turns out to be a HUGE struggle, writing and posting 2 fics at once. I hope I don't disappoint you guys... I'm like... Splitting my brain to 2 pieces right now, thinking about 2 different fics. Not that I mind, actually. Hahah~ My Mom minds, since I keep skipping to study, and exam's next week *dies*
Okay, just go and read chapter 7...

Hanabi : 07

"What should I do with it?" Reita looks at the envelope in his arms, still having a big lump of confusion hanging in his throat, stopping him from owning enough urge to eat his lunch. And as a result to that, Ruki raids the whole box on his own, having the time of his life with Reita's lunch. For only this time, Reita doesn't complain. Maybe it's the smell... That non-disappearing smell that is coming from the envelope that's killing his appetite. Sadly, Reita placed that damn envelope in his bag when he had to rush to class, being already really really late... Now the inside of his bag smells just like that... That weird. Reita's going to have to wash it later this evening.

"Read it," Ruki answers unclearly, his mouth is filled with rice... And all around his pouty lips too, rices everywhere. He's always got such a neat way to eat.

Reita peers down under his desk, to the thing he holds in his hand, that PINK envelope. He has no intentions at all on observing it closer, not wanting to let the whole class know he's got a PINK envelope that smells funny in his hand. "Should I?" Reita asks again.

"Yessh..." A few rices jump out of Ruki's mouth. "Oops... Sorry..." Ruki brushes one hand over the desk's surface to get rid of the stuffs that came from his mouth.

But Reita ignores that--unlike normally, he'd already be smacking Ruki on his head for making a disgusting mess above Reita's desk. "What... What would I... I mean... What's in a--a..." Reita keeps his eyes on the envelope. Still as neat and clean as when he found it inside his shoes locker. And as smelly.

Ruki doesn't answer immediately, but halts to gulp in Reita's drink. He makes an ugly burping noise, before humming, "Hmm... What's in a love letter?"

"SSHH!" Reita glares at the boy in front of him, a little panicked at Ruki's very audible voice. "Don't say that out loud!"

Ruki giggles. "Aww~ Reita-chan's nervous!" he giggles a lot, receiving more deadlier glare from Reita. "It's just a love letter, Reita! You can either read it or just throw it into a garbage can and by doing so you'd break the girl's heart. Either way, it's your choice. But just do something, now! I wanna see it!"

Reita looks at Ruki, wondering what Ruki just said was serious or not. But it's true. It's... It's just a letter. No matter how PINK and smelly the envelope is. It's still just a letter. A... A love letter. Reita looks back down at the envelope. "Maybe... I should open it somewhere else. It's too crowdy here..." he mumbles.

"Mm... But I'm curious, Reita-chan!" Ruki argues. "I'm too curious, I could die! I wanna know who is it from, and I wanna know now!"

"But--but not here! Not in front of everybody!"

"Naaa... Reita-chan... Just... Just peek at it, who wrote it. I just wanna know that. Reitaaa~" Ruki starts begging. "Come on, just rip the envelope open and read the letter, no one will notice you. It's that simple."



Reita's heart beats so fast. His head feels spinning... It's probably because of Ruki's irritating voice or maybe the pink color that's hurting his eyes, or maybe the smell that's seriously starting to making him dizzy. Or the whole damn pack of all those. Reita can't decide... Open it? Or not? Or wait until later? But then again, the bell's going to ring soon anyways, and Ruki will have to stop whining and get back to class. At least he'd be free from the endless 'Reita... Reita-chaaan~" noises Ruki is still apt on making. Yeah maybe that's wiser. What would the world say if they knew, Reita the 'cool-guy' gets a love letter--a PINK love letter?? His classmates... Oh no. No. Reita can't risk that. And with Ruki around, the risk is only bigger and more threatening, because more likely Ruki's going to squeal so loud once Reita gets the envelope open, and that's going to attract everyone's attention and then they're going to find out what's going on... Oh no. Hell no.

And the bell saves him at last.

"Ahh!! Stupid bell! Stupid stupid stupid bell!" Ruki yells. He returns to be a pouty little boy again, lips pursed tight together--yes, still with some rices stuck here and there on his face, but Reita would rather stay quiet about that and let Ruki know by himself later on... Ruki's eyes glaring up at Reita. "I know you're deliberately delaying to open the envelope, Reita. I know that. But--" he gets up swiftly, almost knocking off the chair he was sitting on. "You're not going to runaway later. Anyways..." Ruki grins, suddenly. "I think I'm gonna sleepover at your place again tonight. I have a business to talk about with your sister."

- - -

Yeah. Reita knows he can't hide away from Ruki forever, not when the little brat sets his aim at this particular item in Reita's possession. He's always so nosy, no matter how he himself stated repeatedly how he hated people to be nosy around him, he's just exactly that kind of a person who likes to stick their noses into matters that are not theirs to worry about. Well especially around Reita... Now that Reita thinks of it, Ruki basically knows every little thing about him, every single secret that he had ever had, Ruki would just easily extract everything from him. But Reita can't complain... Reciprocatively, Ruki tells him EVERYTHING. Every single thing about him, even if Reita didn't ask him to. Ruki would just blab everything raw in front of Reita. His personal matters, his feelings... Even about his family, a matter that Ruki shuts close in front of everybody else. Everything. Or maybe so Reita thinks.

"Reita's got a girlfriend... Reita's got a girlfriend..." Annoyingly, Ruki lilts the words endlessly all the way from school to here, which is right in front of his own home. A long way... And Reita would've seriously dumped him off the very first time Ruki starts singing that song, if only Ruki's not in his healing process from his gastric problem. It's useless to try to stop him from singing that stupid, stupid song, Reita had already tried but Ruki only got louder and louder. So he let him, finally, thinking that halfway Ruki would be tired and strain his voice. But no... Ruki just kept singing all the way until they reached this place. Dear God...

"I don't have a freaking girlfriend, stop that singing now and get the hell down from the bike, go get your stuffs and talk to your mom!" Reita yells in one long breath.

Ruki giggles, watching Reita for a while, his expression is totally childish, seems pleased to see Reita so pissed off, before he finally runs into his house. "I'm gonna know Reita's girlfriend..." his voice fading as the front door closed behind his quick steps.

Oh if only Reita had the heart to throw his bike at Ruki... Just a small injury to give that brat a lesson or just temporarily shuts his loud mouth... No. No. That's an act of felony. Reita could be jailed for murder attempt.

Ruki said he needed something with Reita's sister. What's that? But that brat wouldn't talk. The worst part was, Ruki wanted to spend another night at Reita's, related to that business he said he wanted to talk about with Neechan. Oh great... That means he'd be sharing his room again. He'd be having Ruki's arm strewn across his face again. Practically, he'd be Ruki's futon again for tonight. It's completely irritating, especially the part of waking Ruki up in the morning, and it's good enough if Ruki doesn't talk in his sleep like some nights that he did and keeping Reita awake, but Reita could never say no. Anyways, he's also wondering, that business Ruki had, what was it? What would Ruki need from Neechan? He gives up to that, to his own curiosity. So be it, if he had to endure Ruki's annoying sleeping habbits again tonight.

Ah but Neechan would be happy, really really happy, just like last night when Reita showed up with Ruki at the front door and explained that Ruki was going to spend the night in their home. She squealed and literally jumped at Ruki, and Reita thought she was squishing Ruki to his death. Reita's neechan always love Ruki. She said, and Reita quotes, 'Ruki-chan's a whole lot cuter brother than you, Aki!" That's exactly what she said. So maybe, if she could disown him as a brother and have Ruki instead, she'd be the happiest girl in the world. It's not like Reita minds, though, she's a fussy sis anyways. And once she gets to know the real Ruki, the noisy and ignorant and stubborn little Ruki that Reita has been facing every single day of his life, she'd be crying to get Reita back to her life as her younger brother.

In another five minutes, a small blonde boy comes hopping out of the front gate, grinning, carrying a large bag on his back. "Yay! She said it's okay! I could sleepover at Reita's! Yaaay~!" Ruki hops the rest of his way to where Reita's standing with his bike, right outside the front gate, waiting for him. Looking at that, if you would add a pair of white, long and fluffy ears on Ruki's head, he'd make an obnoxiously hyper-cute bunny rabbit. Seriously. Oh! Don't forget the white, round and fluffy tail too... "Let's go let's go let's go!" Ruki jumps at Reita's back, the sudden burden thrown at him makes Reita almost fall, almost letting his bike off his grip.

"RUKI!!" Reita yelps, partially angry partially surprised, his hands swiftly saving his bike from meeting its' cruel fate against the asphalt underneath. Reita hates it if he finds any sorts of scratches on his lovely bike.

"Let's gooo~!!" Ruki doesn't let go, his arms that flung around Reita's waist only grip tighter, he's pressing his head at Reita's back.

"I can't ride if you cling on me like that--Ruki! Get off!" Reita slaps the hands on his belly, feeling a bit tingly there.

"Carry me like this! I want Reita to carry me on his back like this, all the way to Reita's home," Ruki giggles.

"That's impossible, Ruki! Do you want me to break my back??"

Ruki giggles again, but finally letting go of his hold on Reita. Reita breathes, his heart beats faster for some reason, but it's probably because Ruki was cutting off his diaphragm from doing its' proper work on transporting oxygen all around Reita's body and now his heart has to work hard on filling up the few minutes lack of oxygen. Maybe because of that. But it shouldn't have had anything to do with his injured diaphragm when his heart beats faster just as he looks at Ruki's extremely happy face, his grin never fades, neat teeth showing off.

"Hurry, Reita-chan!" Ruki tugs on Reita's shirt, impatiently.

Reita sighs, giving up once again to those reddish, plump cheeks and brightly glowing puppy eyes. "Okay, okay, let's go," he gets on his bike, feeling Ruki following soon, his hands gripping Reita's shoulder. Reita can hear Ruki's non-stop excited giggle. "Hold on tight, Chibi."


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