Title: PSC Series: The Haunted Celebrity
Chapter: 14/16
Author: アキ
Fandom: the GazettE, SCREW, Alice Nine, ViViD, more to come
Disclaimer: I don't own the guys. Just the story.
Pairings: AoixRuki, ByouxRui, KaixUruha, probably more to come
Genre: AU, horror, supernatural
Rating: PG, for now
Warning: None
Beta: None
Summary: "PSC, which stands for
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Comments 10
And D'AWWW Yuu really cares about Ruki :'3
Aw this story is ending soon, but thank you for the update!
If it's okay, I really Really want to read your other fics that are f-locked or on private I think, is there any way I could read them? :D
Happy Holidays! And I hope you had a wonderful Christmas~^^
Sure! You just add me and I'll add you back.
and eh? O_O two more chapters?! Now that's very intriguing!
Ruki was glowing red..hhmm... very interesting... looks like he has some supernatural power that he doesn't even realize...
I'm looking forward for the next chapter...
This is the best fanfic I've ever read... thank you very much for making this fanfic.. <3
I'm the one who should be thank you guys for reading this story m(_ _)m
okeh, dua chapter lagi, ganbatte chuu!!! bentar lagi beres (buat yg seri yg ini) as always, aku menungguh XDDD
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