I Decide, You Wear | 1/1 | ByouxRui

Feb 12, 2012 15:33

Title: I Decide, You Wear
Chapter: 1/1
Author: akichuu
Fandom: SCREW
Pairing: ByouxRui
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff, (attempt at) humor
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: SCREW belongs to themselves and, yes, the Almighty PSC. I, well I own this story. It's fiction, meaning IT'S NOT REAL and I'm making no profit from it (except my 15 minutes of fame). Yes, mind that.
Beta: None.
Summary: For their ROYAL NIGHT SHOW live, SCREW members were wearing Byou's old costumes. Since it was specifically a celebration of Byou's birthday, he got to decide who wore what.
Comment: First attempt at writing my new OTP. Something short, inspired by the (very) amusing convo I had with bagarahnyo and kei_kyuuketsuki last night in Twitter. LOL~ I hope you enjoy~ (・ω<) ☆てへぺろ

I Decide, You Wear

“Gather roses?” Rui repeated, appalled. “You want me to wear your Gather Roses costume?”

There was a suspicious glint in Byou’s eyes when he nodded, reaffirming what he just said. “Yes, my Gather Roses costume, Rui-chan. Do you have a problem with that?”

Rui leaned back on his chair, his thoughts wandering back to the time he watched Gather Roses PV. He was familiar with that certain costume Byou was talking about-the fur coat, the leopard print shirt, and those red pants. Why did Byou want him to wear that one? Weren’t there dozens of other costumes that Byou had worn in the past?

“It’s just that…” Rui mumbled. “Well, the shirt shows a lot of uh… chest.”

Byou smiled really wide that his dimple looked more like a real hole on his cheek. “Oh yes, it does show a lot of chest, Rui-chan.”

Rui tried not to fidget too much, realizing there were three other pairs of eyes staring at him right now. He didn’t have to look up to see the amusement on their faces-especially Jin’s. That guy had always been enthusiastic whenever Rui was in one of his ‘Byou-related-commotion’ moments. And to Jin’s joy, this sort of moments happened often.

Maybe it had been a bad idea to tell Jin how he felt about Byou… a very bad idea.

Rui sighed. “The pants might not fit me, Chawan. You know my legs are longer than yours.”

Byou’s eyes traveled down Rui’s legs, making Rui even more uncomfortable in his seat. “I guess so,” he said, his voice sounded regretful. Turning to one of the staff in the room, he asked, “Can we do something about that?”

With all his might, Rui prayed that the staff would say no. No, there’s nothing they could do about the pants. They couldn’t simply stretch those damn red pants and somehow make the legs longer in such a short time. But his prayer went quickly down the drain.

“No problem,” said the staff. Rui could just throw a shoe at him for being so confident about it. “We can fix it overnight.”

“There you go,” Byou grinned, turning his attention back to Rui. The guy looked unreasonably cheerful, in Rui’s opinion.

“But…” Rui quipped, his brain frantically searching for more arguments to say against Byou’s decision. “Can’t I wear your Raging Blood costume instead? I mean, it was a really nice suit and-”

“No, I want you to wear my Gather Roses outfit,” Byou cut off with a finality in his voice that completely shut Rui’s mouth.

Tremor ran through Rui’s spine at the realization that there was no way he could avoid it. He was really going to have to wear Byou’s Gather Roses outfit on stage for Byou’s birthday live. He had no say against it-they all had agreed that the birthday member got to decide everything, from the costumes that they must wear to the setlist of the live. Byou had asked Manabu to wear his BRAINSTORM outfit, Kazuki DUALITY, and Jin VEGAS. But why on earth did Rui end up having to wear Gather Roses?! Kazuki had better chest than he did, for God’s sakes, so if anyone had to show any chest at all, then it should be Kazuki.

It wasn’t really helping that all Rui could think of was how vulgar the PV was, how lewd Byou’s acts were in it, and how much he hated that female model for being in it. He knew he hadn’t been around back then, and he really couldn’t protest even if he was desperate to, but he simply wished they had done things a little bit differently.

Especially Byou, Rui glanced quietly at the vocalist who was now busy having a discussion with the staff.

“Relax, Rui-kun.”

Jin’s voice took Rui away, momentarily, from his worries. The drummer was leaning against a table right behind him; a large grin was splayed on his face.

“We’re going to do this for each member’s birthday, right?” he said. “You’ll get your chance for a payback.”

It felt like a light bulb was switched on in Rui’s head. Jin’s words seemed to open up a whole bunch of possibilities; so Byou could get Rui to wear his Gather Roses outfit and show the audience his bare chest, but Rui could also do the same to him. He could pick one of his own costumes, one that he would like to see Byou wear, and make him wear it no matter what at his next birthday.

His previously clouded mind cleared up in an instant. He knew exactly how to get Byou to taste his own medicine.

“Okay, Chawan,” Rui said, smiling sweetly. “I’ll wear your Gather Roses outfit for the live. But next year, on my birthday, you’re going to have to wear my DUALITY outfit.”

Rui could see the look on Byou’s face change drastically. It was all he could do to hold back the laughter that was bubbling in his throat; his nervousness had completely dissipated and was replaced by excitement at seeing Byou turning paler by the second.

“DUALITY?!” the vocalist shrieked. “Y-you mean-”

“Yup,” Rui nodded cheerfully. “DUALITY, the suit and the very short pants and knee-high legwarmer and all that.”

“But that’s-”

“Either you agree, or you can forget about getting me to fit into your Gather Roses outfit.”

A giggle escaped through Rui’s lips at the sight of Byou stuttering and flailing. If he would be able to see Byou wearing his DUALITY costume, then he didn’t have any problem wearing Byou’s costume. Heck, showing a bit of his chest sounded so trivial compared to Byou having to show so much thighs. Rui randomly remembered about his secret fetish-he loved, loved seeing inner thighs; he could bet that Byou’s inner thighs would look fantastic in his DUALITY shorts.

He would probably be drooling by the time Byou showed up with those short shorts, but without a doubt it would be worth it, completely worth it.

Rui could feel Jin patting his shoulder, could hear him laughing, but he was too busy stifling his own laughter to respond.

In the end, Byou agreed, although his face clearly said he’d rather not.

“Fine,” he said. “It’s still a long way to your birthday anyway…”

Rui shrugged. “I’m patient enough to wait,” he said. “Okay, now let’s go get your damn costume and see if I’ll fit in it.”


A/N: Weeeell? I know, I know. It's so short for an attempt to write ByouxRui. This adorable baka-kappuru deserves something longer. I swear I'm going to write a few more about them!
In the mean time, comment please? :D

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fanfic, screw, one-shot, byouxrui

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