Priorities | 1/1 | AoixReita

Mar 27, 2010 14:04

Title: Priorities
Chapter: 1/1
Author: akichuu
Fandom: the GazettE
Pairing: AoixReita
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff
Warning: Shonen-ai
Disclaimer: the GazettE belongs to themselves and, yes, the Almighty PSC. I, well I own this story. It's fiction, meaning IT'S NOT REAL and I'm making no profit from it (except my 15 minutes of fame). Yes, mind that.
Beta: izumi_luvsjrock (I owe you a lot...)
Summary: Like any normal people, Aoi has priorities in his life. “My band comes first,” he always says. “And then the fans, and after that, my family.”
Comment: Judging from the amount of words (732 words total) this should be a fic. Not too short to be a drabble and not long enough to be a one-shot. I was in the mood to write something light and fluffy about Aoi and Reita since they have been all-chummy and cute and buddy-buddy on stage lately. The big question is, when will I ever be able to see them right in front of my eyes? T^T


Like any normal people, Aoi has priorities in his life. He is no longer a kid who can do whatever he wants at any given moment. There are things he needs to put forth before others. Things he has to sort out. He has a whole life to lead now. And life, as we all know, is not a game you can easily walk out from or start over.

“My band comes first,” he always says. “And then the fans, and after that, my family.”

Those are his top three, the winners in his list of priorities. He doesn’t just randomly make this list. He has chosen the most important things and people in his life. These are what his entire existence is made of. There is nothing that can replace them. Not even the most expensive things, nor a lover. Nothing compares to these three.

But that doesn’t mean he always has them to warm up his spacious, but cold, apartment.

Aoi jokes a lot about his loneliness. It’s not that he is too desperate for attention, no. Most of the times he is too tired and too worn out to feel lonely. He has the tour, the lives, interviews, photo shoots, recording, and meetings to attend to. His work takes up almost eighty percent of his mind, so there is only a very small space left for him to think of finding a potential lover.

But of course there are times when it becomes too much for him to handle. When he is all alone in his room, when the world seems to have switched into mute mode, it all comes crashing down on him. At these times Aoi wonders why he never takes a chance to go out with someone and maybe fall in love. When was the last time he held someone close, close enough to feel the other’s warmth? When was the last time he kissed someone? It seems like a whole era has passed by since then.

At these times, as Aoi lies down on his big empty bed, he feels as if he can hear his heart cracking bit by bit.

And then Aoi turns to his list of priorities. Maybe he can figure out how to feel less depressed and just be with those whom he feels comfortable around. He can definitely use some laughter, share a handful of jokes. He can spend some money on drinks and sleep over at someone’s place. Anywhere is fine but his apartment. He has had enough of trying to convince himself that he will be fine being all alone.

The band is, after all, his first priority.

But when Uruha strictly turns down his offer, Ruki makes excuses to reject his invitation, and Kai apologizes a million times before he also walks away and leaves Aoi to himself, Aoi wonders if he has made a huge mistake. Maybe his band isn’t as reliable as he thought they were. Maybe they never put him on top of their list of priorities. But then to whom Aoi can turn to? Driving back home to Mie to meet his family sounds like a big hassle.

“You’re paying, right?”

Aoi turns around to find the blond bassist standing there grinning. He has miscalculated apparently, Reita is still there. But after everyone turning their backs on him he really wasn’t expecting anyone to stay behind.

Thinking back, it’s funny that he feels so surprised. Reita has always been there when there’s no one else around. Reita has never turned down his invitations. Reita laughs with him when everyone else thinks his joke is lame. And Reita… well, Reita is Reita. And Reita is here, and that’s all that matters.

Aoi smiles, he smiles wide. “Okay,” he answers. “As long as you pay for the food.”

Walking out of the studio, with Reita’s arm around his shoulder, Aoi looks into his list again. He wants to see if he really should reorganize his priorities. His band, his fans, his family, and lovers come afterward.

But hey, doesn’t Reita count as his band mate?

“Keiji misses you, by the way,” Reita says.

Yeah, Reita is his band mate. According to the list, he is on the first position.

“Yeah, I miss you guys too,” Aoi replies, smiling wholeheartedly.

About his list of priorities, no, he doesn’t think it needs any reorganizing for now.

=== THE END ===

A/N: Hmm... Can't think of anything right now (OOOH! That's new! XD). Oh okay. It's weekend and honestly I intended to write. But then there's pico and I'm revamping my ameblo, so uh... *gets beaten* XDDDD Anyways. I'm a happy little girl right now because ViViD's Ivu and Egoist's Hasune have left me petas for the last couple of days. Happy happy happy! So there, I'm back to randomly giving jrockers peta in ameblo.
Yes. Now, uh... Comment? :D

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