I stayed up all night last night finishing a project for one of my art classes. Doing that really takes a lot out of a person. x_x; It's no surprise that I was yawning a lot and couldn't focus very well during class (which wasn't really much of a problem since on days like this, the students are just evaluated by the teacher/classmates on their
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Comments 5
Also, "I must be predicting the future again"...? I'm curious. And I had a laugh at the last part about Japanese. I wish I could have dreams in a foreign language about my favorite pairing in my favorite anime.
Ah, I never really had a Shimeji, but I did have Himaruya's desktop thing up for a while. I have an FMA clock now.
It might sound a little silly, but sometimes I have dreams (or daydreams, less often) and then something strangely similar ends up happening.
I'm still amused about the dream being in Japanese as well. XD Then again, I usually imagine the characters with their Japanese voices when I can, so maybe the language just came more naturally because of that.
I used to have Himaruya-sensei's desktop mascots too, but I stopped using them since they covered too much of the screen for my liking. ^^; (Having a bunch of chibi's crawling over the screen from Shimeji isn't exactly less intrusive, but...)
In fact, from the way Daisuke was acting, it could very well have been a DarkSato dream. O.o
The weird part? I don't even ship yaoi in DNAngel. I woke up with half my brain going "HolyMagikarpWhatTheHellWasThatIDon'tEvenEwEwEw" and the other half going "DaaaaaayyyyuuumThatWasHot".
I've had dreams about pairings that I don't ship too. Usually crack-pairs. It'll make sense until I wake up, then I'll be like "What did I just dream? O_o;".
Okay, not quite everything I've ever known. But you know what I mean.
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