A Shanghai Drama used Kame as a funeral picture!!

Sep 07, 2008 22:16

My cousin was telling me about how this SH drama used Kame's photo as a funeral pic as it was big news in Baidu and thus I am here to spread it to our lovely eng comms. So here's how the story goes.

This SH drama, 儿子救人之后, has decided to stupidly use our dear kame-chan's photo as a funeral one. Fans of kame-chan in China saw it and immediately called the studio to inquire about this matter. However, the director has claimed that he "unknowingly" used the photo as he found it online by chance and he does not know that it was Kamenashi Kazuya.

Here's the photo.

(Credit : Baidu, mod :D)

(Credit : tsubayosho )

IT IS DEFINITELY OBVIOUS THAT THE GUY IS KAME!!!!! So what if they had blurred out the eyes!! The hair, the shirt, it's so obvious it was kame's picture!

Fans have also shown that it is impossible for the director to say that he had "chanced" upon the picture. This picture of Kame is from the scans of the Popolo 072008(thanks sonagun!) issue. It would be impossible to find this picture if he had not typed in the words, KAMENASHI KAZUYA/ 龟梨和也 to get this picture.

(Credit : Baidu, mod :D)

Many angry fans have been calling the studio and asking for an apology. However, the director continues to deny whatever he has done and does not want to apologise for this whole incident. Being pushed towards the last straw, fans have decided that they would let this get to the Jap Media if he continues to feign ignorance over the whole thing.

Right now, someone known as 李羽辰 claims that he is new in the industry and he was the one who picked the picture, and meant no harm towards our lovely kame-chan. Heres the letter.

道歉信   我的道歉

今 天,接到了很多朋友和同事的电话、短信,告诉我网上针对栏目剧《儿子救人之后》中用到的英雄遗照发起的种种讨论,当时因为正在工作未能及时看 到。现在刚刚拍摄完毕到公司,第一时间领导就来找我谈话,打开电脑,才发现原来事情已经成了现在的样子。对此,我心情也很沉重,甚至难受、自责。因为没有 想到一张照片,已经给大家造成那么多的误会。在此,作为当事人,我觉得有必要把事情的经过做一个说明。
8月25日,由我们公司负责制作的这集 《儿子救人之后》开始前期的准备。作为道具师,我开始准备所有在拍摄中需要涉及的道具和物品。这其中,根 据剧情需要,需要准备一张见义勇为救人英雄的遗照。当时,我就在网上下载了一张照片,再和自己的照片经过PS处理,合并为一张,并用自己的眼睛和鼻子替换 掉了原照片的上半部分,然后当作节目中的道具经行使用。需要着重说明的是,我并不知道这张下载的原图是日本当红艺人龟梨和也,而且为了避免一些不必要的麻 烦,以及职业道德的考量,我的同事也是在节目后期制作的剪辑中,专门对照片进行了马赛克效果的处理,也就是大家看到的样子。

(Cite : http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=474917170)

I'll update the translation soon.

/edit: here we go!~

8/25, our company was in charge for the preparations of the show 儿子救人之后. I being in charge of the props, have started preparing all the props needed during the shooting. All in all, due to the scriptbook, there was a need to prepare a picture of a hero which went all out to help others. At that time, I chanced upon a picture on the net and photoshopped with my own photo. I had photoshopped my eyes and nose onto the picture and used it as the prop for the shooting of the drama. I want to say that I did not know that picture belonged to the current rising star in Japan, Kamenashi Kazuya. And also, to avoid unnecessary trouble, as a person who sets out the props, my colleague has also during the programme used a mosaic to blur out the face, as everyone can see.
After the show had been aired, I did not expect the fans to have such a strong reaction, I am truly sad, I can’t eat, no matter how much everyone scolds me, I am in the wrong. To the people of XDJM, I am sincerely sorry.
I just entered the props team this year and I am not very experienced yet, however I am definitely not what the netizens say about me, that I harbour evil feelings towards this idol. This whole thing was an accident, I hope for everyone’s forgiveness. I am just a new guy in this industry who is working very hard, and if everyone is not appeased, I will resign, and stop working in this job which I love so much.
At the same time, because of my moment of folly, I have brought the tv station much trouble, the news is all over the net, and this causes me worry.
Lastly, I just want to apologise to all the people who have been hurt throughout this whole incident.

The whole gist of it is still him claiming that he meant no harm and that he is strongly sorry about the whole incident. And also that he would have no choice but to quit his job which he LOVES SOOOO MUCH as he caused so much trouble to the industry.

I feel that this is disgusting. How could they do something to our dear kame-chan?!! Feigning ignorance is just sickening. I really hope Kame doesn't see this. It would be so hurting to see your own picture on tv as a funeral pic. Ugh, stupid idiots.They better do something about it or else things are going to get ugly. I do not think that apology would suffice as it lacks sincerity. So what if you're going to quit your job? Fans expect an apology to be in the newspapers, that's sincerity.

This is also not the first time something like this had happened. If fans remember clearly, kame-chan once fell off the stage doing a backflip during one of the KAT-TUN concerts where Jin was helping him as he walked and continued after the fall. There was a tv show in Taiwan that made fun of Kame for copying Jay Chou for falling off the stage. That also angered many chinese fans and the tv station had phonecalls from fans who were very angry about the whole incident. The tv station then proceeded to apologise in the Newspapers.

Having something like this happen again, I don't think they should be let off easily either. They definitely should apologise through the newspapers if they want to show their guilt over this whole matter.

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