Title: Catch Me
Pairing: Jin x Kame
Rating: NC-17
Genre - Catch Me: AU, angst, romance, smut
Beta by: my cat. okay, seriously, nobody
Disclaimer: I don't own KAT-TUN, any of its members, any other JE people. I write this for fun and for other fans of these fine folks. But don't steal my plots, mmkay? I put a great deal of time into them except for when I'm randomly spastically spitting words onto a page. But I value those too...
Summary - Catch Me: A dramatic turn in his life throws Kame into Jin's college world. Almost immediately they notice an attraction, but they spend more time clashing than not.
On my journal:
Catch Me, Lose Me, Find Me, Heal MeOn the akame_ Community:
Catch Me, Lose Me, Find Me, Heal MeOn the akame_fanfics Community:
Catch Me, Lose Me, Find Me, Heal MeOn the kattun_fanfics Community:
Catch Me, Lose Me, Find Me, Heal Me Catch Me
Sixth Cut ~The Clash~
He had made up his mind. No more would he let Akanishi’s activities crowd him out of their dorm room. He had just as much right to be there as Akanishi. On Friday after his last class he stopped by Ueda’s room to grab the rest of his books and, instead of studying in the library, Kame went to his own room.
It felt weird being in there after almost a week of avoiding it. He wasn’t happy to find Akanishi’s things lying all haphazardly around the room. Even Kame’s own desk was covered with Akanishi’s stuff, though not for long. He shoved it all onto the floor beside the desk. He didn’t care if something ripped or broke. It was Akanishi's fault for stealing his desk space in the first place.
Kame spent the next hour shoving the rest of Akanishi’s things - clothes and books, mostly, though there were a few empty bottles too - back to Akanishi’s half of the room and straightening his own belongings that were buried underneath until finally he could sit down at his own desk to study.
That’s where a very drunken Akanishi found him four hours later, just as he was finishing for the evening.
He had a blushing young woman with him. Long, dark hair. Annoyingly high giggle. Or maybe Kame was just in a bad mood. Especially because neither seemed to realize he was in there.
Clearing his throat, Kame called out, “Really, Akanishi… another one? How many this week?”
Caught completely off-guard, Akanishi replied, “Oh… uh… what… here… why?”
Wow. Just… wow. That was one totally drunken fool. But Kame had to smile when the pretty girl with the annoying laugh suddenly stopped laughing and rounded on his roommate. “You said you never did this before!” she all but shouted. “You lied to me!”
Then there was the sound of the slap. Akanishi stumbled against the wall and the girl left in a huff. For a moment, it looked like he was going to chase after her but instead he slammed the door to the room and stood there, shaking in drunken fury.
“You!” he hissed at Kame. “No right!” He took a step in Kame’s general direction and then another. He looked so pissed.
But Kame was pissed, too. He lit into the older one, “I have every right, you stupid, lazy, inconsiderate…” and he kept going, on and on and on. He wasn’t even sure himself what else was in that list. No cussing because he just didn’t do that but every other foul thing with even a small grain of truth he could call his roommate came pouring out, ending with, “… lying slob!”
He felt something wet on his cheek. His hand flew to his cheek to brush away the moisture. Wait, was he crying? Why was he crying?
But as he looked back up at Akanishi, he saw he wasn’t the only one crying. And that confused and, for some reason, scared him.
“This. All your fault,” Akanishi said, sniffling. “Have to… distract… Please. Don’t hate…” He took a few more steps towards Kame, while Kame stood up.
“How is it my…” Kame started to say, but then suddenly Akanishi was right there, so very close. Close enough that Kame could smell the alcohol on his breath and something else underneath, the faintest whiff of something much more pleasing. Some smell he’d never encountered before that made him want to find the source. But with all that alcohol smell, he’d never find it…
Closing his eyes, Kame let out a small laugh. “God, Akanishi, your breath smells like alcohol. How much did you drink?”
“I didn’t ask what, I asked how much! Baka…”
“Not gin. Jin.”
“Not gin-gin? Wait, what-“ and then it hit him and suddenly he felt like the idiot. “Oh. Right. Jin. So, Jin,” and he put a lot of emphasis on the name, “How is this my fault and how mu-“
The rest of the word never came out. It’s usually hard to talk with someone else’s lips on yours.
Everything was all blurry and wonderful and sad and terrible and upside down and inside out. Jin was mad at Kamenashi. Except he wasn’t. Was he? No, wait, that wasn’t it. He was a minute ago. He should be mad still. It was only a few moments since the girl slapped him. Why was he even in Jin’s room? Or… no, the room was Kamenashi’s room, too, wasn’t it?
And Kamenashi hated him. He was yelling and yelling and Jin couldn’t keep up and it hurt. Didn’t he know? Didn’t he understand? Jin had to do this. To keep himself away. To make himself forget his pounding heart and the sight of those lips and eyes and skin and.... To dull the ache he felt for him, right?
Jin was crying even though he didn’t remember starting.
“This is all your fault,” Jin said, sniffling. “I have to distract myself. Please, don’t hate me.” At least, that’s what he thought he said. He walked unsteadily towards Kamenashi.
Kame said something. Jin wasn’t quite sure what else was said, but he heard “Akanishi” well enough. Pouting, he corrected Kame, saying, “Jin.”
Kame snapped at him. Jin caught maybe every other word, if that. “Didn’t ask… what… asked… much!”
“Not gin. Jin...” But he was fast losing interest in the conversation. He could smell Kame’s perfume and it was more intoxicating than anything he’d had to drink that afternoon. He might have survived the conversation, except for that sweet smell. His gaze was caught by Kame’s lips. They just looked so soft and kissable and delicious. Once again, Jin felt like his heart stopped.
He was vaguely aware that Kame was talking to him still but the next thing Jin knew he was leaning down, his lips on Kame’s. Even for such a tame kiss, they were far softer and sweeter than Jin had imagined.
Kame’s eye went wide the moment he felt Jin’s lips on his. He reflexively brought his hands to Jin’s chest to push him away but found he couldn’t… or, maybe it was that he just didn’t want to. All he could do was melt into the sensation. His arms dropped back down to his sides and his eyes closed as he lost himself in the moment. Was this it? Was this where all his recent feelings and that tight thing in coiled in his chest, burning to be released... was this what it was driving him towards?
When Jin pulled back, Kame didn’t open his eyes. He just stood there, breathing hard, standing mere inches away from Jin, who seemed to be breathing just as hard.
For a moment, they just stood there, both of them dumbstruck. Then Kame put his arms around Jin and kissed him back.
Author's Note: Sorry about cliffhanger, except, well, I'm not sorry about the cliffhanger LOL. I cut it off right there on purpose. *insert evil laugh of geniusness*
The story continues:
Seventh Cut ~Seriously Screwed~