Title: One Last Time
Pairing: HanChul (broken HanCHul)
Genre: angst
Rating: PG-13 (some kissing and , well, making-out.)
WARNING: I find this story very sad and heartbreaking. It does not end well...Sowwy ;__;
Words: 2, 424
A/N: I had tears in my eyes writing this. *sobs*
One last time
The sun shone softly through the thin white clouds and I smiled
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Comments 7
Hope you like~
and ohmyshisus you not only write smut well you write angst awesomely too?! *is jealous*
i loved this!! the beginning was cute, what with Chullie cleaning his room and i just loved how you described everything that went on! but oh, poor broken!HanChul, but really, i enjoy reading angst. this was wonderful, simply wonderful!!
and, ah, you might want to change the rating to PG-13, just to be safe, because there are mentions of stripping and such...
And ALL the credits go to YOU for making ME right! Remember that~
*nods* I try to do my best. Not having written anything for years does tend to give one PLENTY of time to think and get her ideas in order.
I'll go change that right away!
*hugs* ♥
i look forward to your future writings ^^
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