REPOST: Goody prizes, pay it forward, whatever!

Oct 12, 2007 00:46

gacked from just_ruth and caerfree:

For the first three people that reply to me and re-post this challenge - I will send you something that I think rocks ( Read more... )

randomness, pass it on, meme, gifts

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Comments 2

meritjubet October 12 2007, 08:36:00 UTC
I never reply on these sorts of posts because I would have no idea what to send. I did read it but. Just didn't comment... XD

I'm sure the stuff you send to people will be PG enough to pass through customs! ;)


haraamis October 12 2007, 09:54:07 UTC

Try me. ^_^♥

You have my new address, yes? If not, it's in this post.

*cuddles* I hope you feel better soon.


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