My Rhysling-Eligible Poems

Jan 03, 2010 01:20

The ones available online are hotlinked to the source:

"Journeying," Mythic Delirium, Issue 20 [Reprinted on Other Voices International Poetry Project, hence why it's available online].

"Cradle Song," Jabberwocky, Issue 4.

"Moving Shakespeare's Bones," Snakeskin, Issue 157.

"Cry Wolf," Cabinet des Fées, Issue 8.

"Queen of May," Not One of Us, Issue 42.

"Eye for an Eye" and "Bluff," The Houston Literary Review, October 2009 [Click on "Poetry Issue" for the PDF].

"Interment," Fear and Trembling, November 2009.

"Blue Stars," The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, November 2009.

"Fireflies Gone," Straying from the Path anthology. Drollerie Press, November 2009 [I'm willing to send a PDF of the anthology to anyone who wants to see this].

"Five Secret Selves" and "The Monsters of Notre-Dame," Midnight Echo, Issue 3 [In PDF format, the magazine is quite inexpensive].

"Changeling" and "Grave Goods," Poetic Diversity, December 2009.

" Lunar Divination in Three Simple Steps" - This poem won 2nd place in dichroic's Lunar Maria poetry competition; it may or may not be eligible. We are waiting for official word!

(I've left out a few, given they're either not easily accessible, non-genre, or both. Once again, best of luck to everybody; your posts have been a great help in finalizing my own decisions!)

ETA: I've just realized that there are a handful of pieces in my chapbook, Devil's Road Down, that definitely count as speculative or slipstream. However, these are not available online, and I can't afford to give out any more free copies! However, it costs only $5.00 from the press, as linked. The chapbook was published in September 2009.

writing for my afternoon tea, poetry, rhysling nominations

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