Hee hee! Think they'd have collective apoplexy! (all the while denying it, of course - they really are a bunch of (insert descriptive expletive noun of choice!). ...just when I thought we were getting beyond all this sort of nonsense; have been watching news report about Romanian families in Ireland getting racially abused. The Irish have got tired of beating each other up (over the afore-mentioned Catholic-Proddy nonsense) and have started on the recent influx of European migrants. Aaarrrgghhhh! WHY do people do this!?!?! me no' understand!! :(
The BNP are racists. They deny the holocaust. They make statements like "Rape is simply sex. Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal... [it] is like suggesting force-feeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence." - Nick Eriksen"
I got that from 1,000,000 United Against the BNP Take a look at the comparisons some of the members have made of the BNP's policies with Nazism and Fascism.
Comments 8
Or Jason - as Lucius XD XD
...just when I thought we were getting beyond all this sort of nonsense; have been watching news report about Romanian families in Ireland getting racially abused. The Irish have got tired of beating each other up (over the afore-mentioned Catholic-Proddy nonsense) and have started on the recent influx of European migrants. Aaarrrgghhhh! WHY do people do this!?!?! me no' understand!! :(
I got that from 1,000,000 United Against the BNP Take a look at the comparisons some of the members have made of the BNP's policies with Nazism and Fascism.
You really should start watching jf properly
That say-er of that statement has an interesting name - eriksen ;)
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