Secrets chapter 9

Nov 05, 2010 19:04

Callie slept in the chair next to Erica's hospital bed that night. They talked about everything and decided that they would tell everybody . It was seven a.m. when Erin, Elise and Angela walked into Erica's hospital room. Callie and Erica were still sleeping. Angela was the only one to notice that they were holding hands. Erin walked over to the other side of her mom's hospital bed. "Mom, wake up." Erica's eyes start to flutter and as soon as they open she is looking into a pair of blue eyes identical to her own. "Hey, babe. What time is it?" Erica asks groggily. "It's seven o'clock." Hearing the voices Callie wakes up, too. "Good morning everybody." she says. Callie looks at Erica. Erica looks at Callie. Erica nods and looks at Erin hoping that she would understand and be okay with this. "We have something to tell you guys." Callie says nervously. Angela had a hunch about what they had to tell them and she didn't think that Erin was ready.  "Erin, why don't you uh.. go get your mom something from the cafeteria, okay?" "Okay, grandma. I'll be back in a minute." She says as she kisses her mom on the cheek. After Erin walks out Angela starts talking again. "What did you want to tell us?" "thought that we should wait for Erin." "Well the fact that you two were holding hands while you were sleeping tells me that  this is something that you shouldn't be telling your daughter right off the back.." Maybe her mom was right. Maybe they should see if it was going to work out before they told Erin. Erica looked at Callie and could tell that she was thinking the same thing. "Well you're my sister. Whether you're with a woman or not that's not going to change." Elise said. "And you're still my daughter. I'm stuck loving you." Angela says. Before anyone could say anything else Erin walked back into the room with a tray. "Okay, mom, I got you and everybody else a bagel and coffee. Only mom, you get juice." Erin said as she passed out the food. "Why do I have to have juice?" Erica whined. "Because you are hooked up to machines and on medication . So you will drink the juice." Erin said sternly while glaring at her mother. "Fine." Erica said quietly. Now she knew how an intern felt when she glared at them.
Erica and Callie were sitting on the couch in Erica's house watching a movie. Elise was upstairs sleeping. Erin was spending the night over Dalila's house. And Angela was out running errands and wouldn't be back for a few hours. Callie scooted closer to Erica and kissed the side of her mouth. On the third kiss Erica turned her head and the kisses began to intense as the seconds passes by.

what will happen? Find out in the next update

secrets, erica hahn callie torres

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