- Imbeciles - Ingrates - Incompetents - Indian gurus: Whether the gurus are Native American or from India is besides the point. "Spirituality" is another word for woo-woo designed to fool gullible people out of their money. Which sucks. - Idol, the local edition of "American Idol": Uhm, explaining this one is a bit like explaining why i enjoy breathing a Nitrogen/Oxygen mix rather than a Methane/carbonmonooxide mix. Explanations are only necessary if you are _very_ different. - Intellectual property laws: Yarghh! - Internet [X]: /where X equals half the dictionary. The other half is good, though. Internet cafés are a good example: Not cafés with wireless, those are great, but those places where old desktops are stacked to the ceiling... hate 'em.
...by the way, Average Joe S, are you getting less spiteful these days? It seems you are writing less and less on each letter...?
Comments 3
- High-level calculus:
- Imbeciles
- Ingrates
- Incompetents
- Indian gurus: Whether the gurus are Native American or from India is besides the point. "Spirituality" is another word for woo-woo designed to fool gullible people out of their money. Which sucks.
- Idol, the local edition of "American Idol": Uhm, explaining this one is a bit like explaining why i enjoy breathing a Nitrogen/Oxygen mix rather than a Methane/carbonmonooxide mix. Explanations are only necessary if you are _very_ different.
- Intellectual property laws: Yarghh!
- Internet [X]: /where X equals half the dictionary. The other half is good, though. Internet cafés are a good example: Not cafés with wireless, those are great, but those places where old desktops are stacked to the ceiling... hate 'em.
...by the way, Average Joe S, are you getting less spiteful these days? It seems you are writing less and less on each letter...?
And I'm not spiteful, I'm hateful.
I actually think the driver was kinda funny. I smiled when reading it, at least.
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