Redhood: Lost Days 6 of 6
I LOVE this series. All of it. Yes, there are things that could have been done better, but there always is. Overall I'm just ecstatic to have MY Jason back! Woohoo! Now, what follows is my response to a lot of criticism I've been seeing on various boards.
Here be spoilers...... )
Comments 12
I am a little confused about people treating Talia like a "Virgin Mary" or "mother figure" though. I mean, I don't know her very well, but it most of the comics I've seen her in she's been about as black widowish as they come. How very odd.
As for Talia=The Virgin Mary.....I got nothing on that one. Seriously, where do people come up with this stuff? One person on one of the forums commented that he thought it was evidence of shipper bias, and I think he might have been onto something.
Wait, I'm confused. It's possible to read Morrison's Bat stuff without getting lost?
So people keep telling me. Usually with some snide remark about my lack of intelligence thrown in for good measure -_-
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