Title: A Batclan Christmas Carol - Part VIII
Authors: aiyokusama & vespertila
Prompt: [special prompt #2] Holiday Miracle & T11; P10 Together
Characters: the whole Batclan
Genre: fluff/comedy; a bit of angst; holiday
Rating: PG-13
Words Count: 5258
Summary: When loved ones are near/It's the most wonderful time of the year. -
E. Pola and G. Wyle
The kiss
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Comments 20
And Alfred is the very best - EVER (Is he secretly Santa Claus?)
I haven't been following the comic, so I don't know Damian, but the rest of this crew in a food fight just thrills me to death! That was WONderful!
There isn't a LOT of Damian in the comics and what there is, tends to be inconsistent. So we decided on this version and ran with it.
kk...loved that Jason gets bowled over by a kiss. kk... and the scene between him and Dick was lovely. The stockings awww!
omigod...LOVED the food fight! I cracked up that Jason threw Cass into the fight. hillarious! (is Jason ticklish? I mean what was that at the end? LOL!!)
ha ha ha, awesome way for Bruce to find his family. Messy food fighting. Love how hard he strained to hide his humor. And poor Alfred. LOL, it's a small price to pay for being sneaky. XD heh heh heh.
(btw, have I mention how I simply adore how Cass is taking care of Jason? And that I simply adore how you guys have written Cass? I adore it!) kk...also love how Steph pushes Damian's buttons.
But awww! what a lovely ending. Making Alfred sit at the table. YESH! thank you! He is made of awesome and deserves to be with them. :) (heh heh, even Damian agrees with that. Yay! points for Damian!)
Everyone was a lot of fun to write but this is really my first time writing Cass, so I'm glad you liked her.
I was a little worried that the ending might be too sappy, but we totally had to have it like that, since "family" has been the theme through out.
Oh! and don't forget, there is still the epilogue to come. It should be up some time tomorrow
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(sorry for the late reply)
Sorry it took so long to find this.
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