Drabble for Greeneyelove

Jul 02, 2008 07:35

Title: Not as Planned
Characters: Tim/Jason
Rating: R
Setting: AU
Warnings: Angst and sap
Length: Drabble
Author’s Notes:  This is the Drabble written according to greeneyelove’s prompt.  Hopefully this is what you were looking for

He didn’t know how much longer this could go on.  His father had never looked too closely at his finances, but it’s bound to come up sooner or later.  A couple thousand dollars a month is a lot of money, especially for a fifteen year old kid.

Of course his trust found could cover it, but still.  If anyone ever found out what the money goes towards, Jake Drake would lose a lot more then the respect of his colleagues.  To have his underage son using the services of a hooker…

It sounds so lewd and vulgar.  Tim frowns to himself and turns under the warm bed covers to lightly run his fingers through the dark, unruly curls of the man next to him.  A fond little smile plays on his lips.

He’d never meant for this to happen.  It was just to supposed to be dinner, something to do, a way to get out of the house and away from the pompous idiocy his dad embroiled himself in.  But nothing went as planned.  Tim never let the other know he’d popped the young aristocrat’s cherry.  It didn’t matter.  The crass young man that had made him laugh over dinner proved a very skilled lover as he plied his trade, making Tim’s every nerve sing.

Incredible as all that had been, the slowly rising feelings made it much more so.  As well as painful.  Somewhere along the way it moved from simple physical desire and release to something far more poignant.  The days he had be with out the other’s company gradually became more and more unbearable.  But there is nothing to be done.

He doesn’t’ dare speak his feelings for the older teen.  No doubt he would be justifiably laughed at, trite and cliché as the situation is.  Still…

Looking at the strong features of that sleeping face, he feels a tender little smile cross his lips.  Leaning in, he ever so lightly kisses those warm, soft lips.  When he speaks, it’s less then a whisper: “I love you, Jason.”

drabble, jason, tim

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