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HKmusic2012 In all honesty, the song isn't that great, but I can appreciate this kind of 'femme' concept that's not really seen in C-pop very often. But the YouTube comments saying how this video is "gay" and "belittles men" are really disgusting and make me disappointed in how backwards and bigoted many (if not most) Asian countries are.
Comments 10
I can accept that that's true without typecasting tens of millions of people as 'backward and bigoted'
There's so much involved here
- Differences in the way people in different countries might communicate about these things
- Differences in how people are distributed along some kind of ... tolerance continuum
Hell I don't know the answer. You might be right (or not). All I'm saying is, there's a lot more to think about. Having lived in Hong Kong as well, I'm comfortable with that. Maybe people will find it wishy washy - but between a) the inherent fuzziness and b) the fact that avoiding misrepresentation is more valuable than any assessment I can make - I'm okay with that.
i wouldn't agree with those youtube comments, either. but i do think there's more to tolerance than the western brand, or an absence of discrimination. i'm far from an expert but what i feel is that it isn't right or fair to brush off asian attitudes this way, especially in a community meant for people who enjoy and appreciate asian culture and what it represents to them.
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