february drabble challenge poll

Mar 06, 2008 21:50

This is an entry for members of SPEW only. Everyone else can overlook it:

I fail at judging.

- If you vote wish to vote, please read all the drabbles (there are 9). ie, don't just read a couple and fall so in love with one that you don't stop to compare the others ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

msqu March 6 2008, 22:36:56 UTC
What about if someone wishes to vote honestly about which drabble they think best illustreated the character/ideal even though they participated? Because I have a very unbiased opinion about which one I think was best, even though I do think mine turned out good? Could I perhaps just get to leave you a screened comment that you could count or not count if you have a tie or something?


aiseiri_47 March 6 2008, 22:42:23 UTC


bornofstars March 6 2008, 23:37:12 UTC
Do not vote if you participated in this drabble challenge. I simply won't count you, and I may be slightly annoyed with you. >.>

Fuck. I'm sorry, Jenna. I fail at life.


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