[PG] beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth

Jan 29, 2012 17:58

Title: beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth
Characters: Eunhyuk, the rest of Fighting Junior, Lee Sena
Rating: PG
Genre: Friendship, Life, Romance

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character: donghae, genre: life, genre: friendship, character: leeteuk, character: lee sena, character: eunhyuk, character: sungmin, genre: romance, title: b, character: hyukjae, author: a, pairing: eunhyuk/lee sena, rated: pg

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Comments 21

snowychrys January 29 2012, 10:20:36 UTC
Aww, this is really cute!♥ I know I haven't watched this episode of WGM (or any other episodes for that matter, but let's just leave it as that), but I know enough from my timeline about what had happened in the show. Poor Hyukjae, his tweet exchange with Jungsoo really broke my heart. He was just trying to be funny, but of course everyone else has to take it personally and start to jump on him screaming bloody murder.

Makes you think how the boys really feel when they see all these shitty comments being said for them.

Anyway, that was awesome Frances dear♥ This definitely came as a surprise ^^


airplanewishes January 30 2012, 07:30:16 UTC
People just need to chill and take shows for what they are: shows.

Thank you for the comment! I'm glad you liked it. :D


snowychrys January 30 2012, 09:46:47 UTC
Hmm, batshit fans/antis are a little difficult to control with regards to that. And I just realised how atrocious my English was in my previous comment D:


airplanewishes January 30 2012, 10:00:24 UTC
LOL what? Your English was fine. /laughing so hard at the word atrocious


penipenpen January 29 2012, 12:13:11 UTC
You brought out the hidden side of the show (which I hope is real and this happened) OMG I haven't even watched that episodes yet.

The EunTeuk twitter convo yesterday clearly showed how people forget that idol world is so different from the real world. And Hyuk's tweets broke my heart. huuu


airplanewishes January 30 2012, 07:31:28 UTC
I really hope this is what happened. :))) Well, I'm sure Eunhyuk really apologized to her and I'm sure she understands that it was for the sake of the show. I don't think he would've done it if he knew Sena would feel hurt.


peperokiss January 29 2012, 12:18:40 UTC
this deserves a great comment but really omg all i can say is


And this was great because it showed them as human beings and not as godly idols and ;___________; <3 it was sweet and not over the top, it was realistic! <3

Thank you for creating this ;A; <333


airplanewishes January 30 2012, 07:32:28 UTC
asldfkjas;ldfkjasdl; is exactly what I feel about Hyukjae and Sena. LOL. They're both so precious that I really wish they would start going out.

I'm glad you liked it. Thank you!


plusixthsense January 29 2012, 12:36:22 UTC
As soon as I saw this was HyukSena I was like asdsdhglkjsdfgsudiaf MUST.READ!!

This is like the X-Files a.k.a what really happened (Yes,I'm delusional but I can't help it)

I totally imagined how Sena scanned him before agreeing to that coffee.It was the look that she gave him in the show too xD

Eunhyuk has had his turn with your life. It’s time Hyukjae gets his.”

That sentence made me have goosebumps,honestly.It's like Jungsoo made Hyukjae wake up.Wake up and return to his original self.Finally realizing that he shouldn't care of what other people think,he's Hyukjae,not Eunhyuk,the person everyone expects him to be.

Thank you for writing this wonderful piece!I'm very sure a lot of people appreciate and love it n_n


airplanewishes January 30 2012, 07:35:36 UTC
Let's be delusional together. LOL. I really wish this would happen. I want them to date. It would be so cute!

It must be hard trying to keep yourself grounded and think of yourself in an industry that's dictated by critics and fans all the time. They barely can do things they really want to do for fear of scrutiny and harsh criticism. Such a spotlight can't be good for a person. I just really wish they are able to be themselves, even after being years of being an idol. But I think they've got good heads on their shoulders and good hearts to keep them afloat.

Thank you for the comment! :)


h_e_n_j_i_n January 29 2012, 13:15:38 UTC
I felt real bad for Hyukjae yesterday. I hope he did clear things up with Sena. She seems like a nice woman. I want to see more of the two of them.


airplanewishes January 30 2012, 07:36:29 UTC
I felt bad for both Sena and Hyukjae. Sena was just too sincere, I guess, and Hyukjae was just trying to be funny and just working hard. I wish there will be more of them in the next episode! :D


h_e_n_j_i_n January 30 2012, 08:09:20 UTC
She was very genuine and that's what made me like her and the fact that she was the closest to my age. I do hope there's more of them. It's nice to see the boys be awkward with girls LOL


airplanewishes January 30 2012, 08:26:26 UTC
I really like her the best, too, because she seemed so real (not that the others weren't). (She's closest to my age, too. LOL.) She's so earnest and all of that and doesn't even care about what the fans or people would think (maybe others would think that the kissing on the hand was too much).

It's nice to see the boys dating, even if it's all just for show. They're nearing their 30s. They need to go out more. Haha! (Although I'm sure they have girlfriends. :)))


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