[Honestly, Misty was very puzzled. It happened so suddenly and everything, and while she was in her room, too! No one was in there with her at all. Was it widespread?]
Maybe it was something that hit the whole city? It even got to me, and no one was anywhere near me when it happened! It was so sudden!
This isn't the first time something crazy's happened! Just... I think it was a week ago, something else happened! People were having hallucinations, and it happened to a lot of people in the school!
[At least, that was from what she could manage to gather. Either way, it would effectively convey her point, hopefully.]
Well, I think it's worth it. The school is so crazy, but...
[But what? But it held a lot of luxury? It paid for a lot of things for her? It gave her a lot of good friends? People she already knew resided here? Because of Pokemon?]
... If you stick around, you'll see why I stay here! There are a lot of good reasons to stay!
[She glances down the stairs, finding them to be quite an obstacle, seeing as all she could do was bounce around.] I think... I'm going to go to the city to see if anyone there transformed! I mean, what if it hit the whole city?!
[She looks back at him.] Do you want to go looking with me? Maybe we can even get to the bottom of this!
Ugh, I guess, unless he can understand Pokemon language somehow.
[But enough of that. Misty was just going to attempt this. She bounced right down the stairs, seeing how she'd fare.
She immediately fell right down, however, and tumbled all the way down to the bottom. Thankfully, Tektite bodies were quite resilient for a generic Zelda enemy, so she didn't get seriously hurt. However, that didn't keep her from screaming as she went down.]
Here she comes, bouncing in Falkner's direction with interest, making garbled noises.]
Y... Yeah! Misty! The gym leader!
( ... )
[Honestly, Misty was very puzzled. It happened so suddenly and everything, and while she was in her room, too! No one was in there with her at all. Was it widespread?]
Maybe it was something that hit the whole city? It even got to me, and no one was anywhere near me when it happened! It was so sudden!
( ... )
[At least, that was from what she could manage to gather. Either way, it would effectively convey her point, hopefully.]
( ... )
[But what? But it held a lot of luxury? It paid for a lot of things for her? It gave her a lot of good friends? People she already knew resided here? Because of Pokemon?]
... If you stick around, you'll see why I stay here! There are a lot of good reasons to stay!
( ... )
[She looks back at him.] Do you want to go looking with me? Maybe we can even get to the bottom of this!
( ... )
[But enough of that. Misty was just going to attempt this. She bounced right down the stairs, seeing how she'd fare.
She immediately fell right down, however, and tumbled all the way down to the bottom. Thankfully, Tektite bodies were quite resilient for a generic Zelda enemy, so she didn't get seriously hurt. However, that didn't keep her from screaming as she went down.]
( ... )
[It took her a while, but Misty somehow managed to wobble back up onto her feet. She was not at all used to this terrible body.
She watched Falkner out of the corner of her eye, watching to make sure he'd make it down safe and sound.]
( ... )
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