Jun 26, 2009 14:56
So, what with Adam's crush on Kris and Kris' crush on Adam and Kris' wife's crush on Adam, I could really go for some Katy/Kris pegging fic with a lot of dirty talk on Katy's part about Adam being a part of things which Kris is not really in a position to respond to coherently.
Version A of how all this plays out is that it starts with Kris asking Adam some awkward questions and Adam laughing his @$$ off and taking Katy out for a mani/pedi and some girl talk about what she might like to try in bed if she's interested, because she might be surprised to learn this, but Adam suspects her husband is totally up for it. Then there is hot hot pegging porn and afterwards Kris blushes around Adam a lot and ducks away from friendly neck squeezes, and Adam is slightly puzzled until he sees Katy looking incredibly smug and then he laughs his @$$ off yet again and Kris is permanently flushed because a) Adam won't stop teasing him, and b) Katy has discovered that she enjoys dirty harmless fantasy talk and is now calling/texting/whispering in his ear on a regular basis.
Version B is that after the pegging, they have a talk about Adam and his newfound bicuriousness, and then there is a scorching hot threesome which I would offer various bribes to get to read. I'm not sure when I became mildly interested in het, but I think it has something to do with Kris being on the bottom. Bonus: Kris and Katy teaching Adam how to please a woman in bed, and then Adam blowing both of their minds.
Who has a kink bingo card that needs filling? I implore you.