Is it possible that with over a hundred members that everyone has gone into an early hibernation? Only 5 people took the time to vote! While it makes it quick & easy to tally up the results, it's a lot more fun when more people take part.
First Place:
xenylamine Second Place:
moonshadow_nal Third Place:
kazekodomo Overall Rankings* |
Refresh? 07, 04, 02, 06, 08, 10
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Special Category: Most Emotional
tamakins8604 Overall Rankings* |
Refresh? 09, 05, 08
sky_dominic is going to be moving this week, but will hopefully have the time to make a few more beautful banners once settled in.
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.>> If you want a banner, please comment and say so in this post. However, you might want to check
cb_overflow if you'd like someone else make your banner.
.>> Have a theme you want to suggest?
Click here!