Week 88: Submit

Feb 10, 2008 20:33

It's Valentine's this week! So whether you love it, hate it, or couldn't give a toss, lets have some Air Gear love...

General Theme


This can be canon, or non-canon. Het, yaoi, ecchi, slash, whatever... if you ship it, then icon it!

Lyrical Theme

There is a Minimum Word Count of THREE WORDS.

Walking After You - Foo Fighters

Tonight I'm tangled in my blanket of clouds
Dreaming aloud

Things just won't do without you, matter of fact
I'm on your back

If you walk out on me
I'm walking after you
If you walk out on me
I'm walking after you

If you'd accept surrender, I'll give up some more
Weren't you adored

I cannot be without you, matter of fact
I'm on your back

If you walk out on me
I'm walking after you
If you walk out on me
I'm walking after you

Another heart is cracked in two
I'm on your back

I cannot be without you, matter of fact
I'm on your back

If you walk out on me
I'm walking after you
If you walk out on me
I'm walking after you
If you walk out on me
I'm walking after you

Another heart is cracked in two

Lyrics from Lyrics On Demand

Image Theme

Treat the image in whichever way you please...

Click on the thumbnails for the full versions

Submission Rules:
.>> You may enter up to three icons, but each must be for a different theme. For example, you can have one for the general theme and another for the image theme, but not two for the general prompt.

.>> Submit following this format:

Theme: General/Lyrical/Image

URL: http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j25/SimCa25/layout/agaw1.png

.>> Your deadline is Sunday, 17 February 2008, 16:00 Eastern Standard Time/21:00 GMT. If you're not sure what your time zone is then please Check it against The World Clock (New York is EST & London is GMT)

.>> And for another way to contribute... Suggest-A-Theme!!!

week 88, theme

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