Title : Along for the Ride Pairings : 2min, Minkey, (maybe) Jongtae Genre : Angst, Fluff, Slight (if any) Smut Rating : M for language and possible smut Word Count : in progress
Minho isn't worth either of them.( It's nice to see that Taemin is at least loved by other people, and i'm actually proud of how he treats Kibum although in fact he's the main obstacle. Not everyone can divide feelings like that and he really wants Minho to be happy even so he's a jerk and doesn't deserve it, so i think that Taemin is kind of perfect even so he does everything not to see it.♥
minho is a jerk.. stupid bastard..lol..sorry.. I really want to punch him. He should have confessed to kibum if he really loves him...coward! asdghjkk poor taeminnie...oh... thank you so much for writing this XD .I love it <3
Comments 5
It's nice to see that Taemin is at least loved by other people, and i'm actually proud of how he treats Kibum although in fact he's the main obstacle. Not everyone can divide feelings like that and he really wants Minho to be happy even so he's a jerk and doesn't deserve it, so i think that Taemin is kind of perfect even so he does everything not to see it.♥
poor taeminnie...oh...
thank you so much for writing this XD .I love it <3
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