Title: Shadow-Ghost
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Ariana D, Albus D
Prompt: #23 Shade
Word Count: 388
Rating: PG
Summary: Ariana's third question to Albus reveals his darkest, most horrifying secret. Sequel to
Anything Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/72127.html Three questions I have left. Then you must join me in making a choice. Will you stand with me? Or will I be left alone, left to seek a future I can never find?
That… is not my third question, Albus. You look at me so sadly, so wisely, so secure in the knowledge that your many years of life have afforded you a standing in the halls of wisdom. I wonder if you have yet experienced any of the wisdom that can only be sought in death,
The wizards you have fought have marked you, Albus. Not just in the battle scars you received, nor solely in the solemn look that sometimes crept across your face as you stood at the window in solitude. They have touched your soul, curling beneath your righteous shock at the atrocities that a human being can commit. They shook you not merely because of your moral contempt, but because they brought your memories back to the forefront of your thoughts.
Most people have regrets that lurk in the back of their mind, sidling forward when opportunity presents itself. You have sinned more than most, brother; the crimes you committed cannot be atoned for. The people you hurt must forgive you before your deeds can ever set you free.
What do you remember when the darkest shadows of your mind invade your thoughts? That is what I wish to know, Albus. Did you remember the days you spent with Gellert, mingling evil magic with an affair that pitched fiery passion against sinister manipulation? You certainly did more damage then than any other time before or since.
Or are you haunted by that day, that day you admitted the truth of to no one? You buried it deep, out of shame or maybe simple desire to cover your crime. It certainly haunted me; it still does. Perhaps if you explain it to me I will be released from its horror. So, Albus: that day when you saw a group of thuggish muggle boys viciously attacking your innocent sister, why did you not stop them? Why did you allow them to beat me into madness? Why did you hide in the shade of the tree, a shadow-ghost that I could see but not reach? What had I done to make you hate me so?
Here be the next part:
What If?