Title: Cold Night
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Characters: Penelo, Reks, Vaan
Word Count: 320
Rating: G
Summary: Living on the streets with only a tattered blue blanket for warmth wasn't much fun in winter.
Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/57564.html “Reks?” a small voice whispered.
“What is it, Penelo?” Reks replied. There was a pause, and then Penelo spoke up.
“I’m cold.” Reks knew she must be absolutely freezing; Penelo wasn’t a girl who liked to complain.
“Come here then,” he told her. Penelo stood up, a small figure huddled in a tatty blue blanket, and fumbled her way towards him. It was a dark winter’s night, and she couldn’t see where she was going. She yelped loudly as she tripped over Reks’ foot and landed on top of him.
“You ok?” Reks asked her, after wiggling his toes to check they were still working.
“Yeah… I’m just so cold,” Penelo answered, shivering. Reks unwrapped her from her blanket and felt her feet.
“Since when have you had icicles instead of feet?” he muttered, feeling the cold appendages. Then he felt her hands, and her arms. “Why didn’t you say you were cold before?”
“I don’t whine, Reks,” Penelo objected. “And it’s winter and we’re sleeping on the streets. What else would I be but cold?” Reks sighed. She always tried to be strong; growing up around he and Vaan had given her the typically male viewpoint that weakness was something to hide.
Reks wrapped Penelo back up in her blanket, then reached for his own and used it to cover the two of them.
“You’ll warm up soon if we share body heat,” he told her.
“You don’t mind?” Penelo questioned.
“No, course not. If I did mind, I’d tell you to curl up with Vaan and you know how much he snores. I’m not that cruel,” Reks said. Penelo giggled. There was a definite reason why she and Reks always hoped Vaan would sleep near Old Dalan’s and not keep them awake into the early hours of the morning.
“Reks?” Penelo asked softly half an hour later. There was no reply; the older boy was fast asleep. “Thanks.”