Name: Evelina (rl), Miyu (ol)
Nickname: Eva, Lina, 'Yu-chan, most people call me Evelina though. xD
Age: 17 - though I don't look or act like it. XD;
Describe your personality: Hmmm.... first of all I'm shy. I totally lack socializing skills. But other than that, I'm a rather kind and caring person who can understand how others may feel. I like singing, drawing, reading - but I'm lazy. I procrastinate and it takes a lot to get me off of the computer to do something else. XD
Likes: Hmmm.... I like to photoshop, sing, draw, write - mostly creative stuff. I like to read, manga and novels I also like to sleep. <3 <3 I also like it when people are nice to me and try to know me for who I am - but that's going too deep. =D
Dislikes: Mean, rude people, people who judge others, too much homework, not having enough sleep, getting rejected.
Hobbies: Hmmm, photoshopping, singing, writing, drawing, reading - I love imagining and visualizing and creating. <3
Strengths: I'm pretty nice, and I always think before I act, I try to stay committed, and I'm mostly optimistic.
Weaknesses: I'm painfully shy, I can't hold a decent conversation (seriously, I think that I should take a class, 'Conversation for Dummies' rofl.) , I'm lazy, I procrastinate... yeah. <<;
Follower or leader?: Follower, though once in a blue moon, if that person irritates me, I'll be the leader. >>;
Independent of Dependent? Hmmm... I'm pretty dependent because I know the troubles of being independent. xD
Would you prefer to work alone, or with a group?: Alone, since that way I won't have to trouble my group members, and that way I won't have to ask someone to be in a group with me. <<;
Pick a quote/song lyric that suits your personality & explain why. Errr, I have no idea so I'll just say my favorite quote is this: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This isn't necessary my favorite quote, but it is one that I agree with wholeheartedly and sometimes feel ashamed because I'm not following it to the best of my ability.
What would you do if...
Someone yells at you without a reason?: It depends. <<; If it’s some random person on the street, I’ll look at them strangely and ignore them. If it’s someone I love/like, I’d probably cry or be very sad and depressed...
Your best friend confides a secret in you that is self-threatening to them?: I’d be torn between what to do. Seriously. I’d ask some people for their opinion, where I never reveal who my friend is. But I’ll probably chicken out and watch her/him carefully for any warnings.
If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring and why? Hmm... A very long but enjoyable book - to help me pass time. My brother - to keep me company. >D A boat - to row home with. xD
Tell us your favorite character and why: Hmmm... I really like Misuzu, her determination and naïve air is just so rare to find in today's society.
Post one clear picture of yourself I know it's not clear, but it's the only one I could find. XD;;;;
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