Here, I Am. A Rabbit Hearted Girl.

Feb 28, 2011 14:50

Characters: Fred and Cas
Content: Cas is sent back in time and winds up stumbling upon Fred.

Frozen in the headlights )

[verse] scar tissue, fred, cas | insouciantmaybe

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insouciantmaybe February 28 2011, 20:06:29 UTC
There was very little Cas could remember. Going in he knew hew was surely facing his own death, but the final minutes of the battle seemed like nothing else but a dreamy haze.

Bullets pounded and reverberated off of the walls, he'd been thrown back by a Croat and stabbed in his side. He managed to kick it off before it could contaminate him and as it leered forward to make its second attempt he was deafened and blinded by an impact that was not beast or human alike.

When he came to he was gasping up against the dingy alleyway clutching his side. His eyes scanned the area, he was confused, weakened by lack of sustenance and sleep. The will to collapse into sleep was strong and he had to fight it to scoop himself to his knees.


insouciantmaybe February 28 2011, 22:34:11 UTC
Cas hadn't had a different set of clothes in almost a year. He looks disbelieving to the offer as it's being said.



aintnorain February 28 2011, 22:39:22 UTC
"Your clothes. They are in shambles and have blood all over them. I can get you new ones." She offers another smile, though she's definitely confused as to why he isn't getting this. There was that odd comment about LA before.


insouciantmaybe February 28 2011, 22:41:10 UTC
"Nothing.... it's.... nevermind. I need to be in that room, please, the sooner is the better."

Cas attempts to stand up on his own and wobbles a little before doubling over.


aintnorain February 28 2011, 22:43:32 UTC
She comes to his side, apologetically looking up at him. Fred should have been there. "Come on. Let's get you up there. I'll put you across the hall from me, in case you need me. I'll also leave the phone up there." Fred said starting up the stairs slowly.

"I'll leave fresh clothes and the pain killers outside your door when they get here."


insouciantmaybe February 28 2011, 22:50:03 UTC
"You have my thanks," he pauses as he gets into the room, finds a seat on the bed. "You'll need to lock me in."


aintnorain February 28 2011, 22:57:22 UTC
"It locks from the inside. I can try and move something to block the door." It wasn't like there wasn't furniture everywhere. It was a damn hotel.


insouciantmaybe February 28 2011, 23:01:35 UTC
Castiel's eyes drop just a fraction, "That will suffice, thank you."


aintnorain February 28 2011, 23:11:54 UTC
She nods and leaves him there. He may hear soft grunts as she attempts to move a chest in front of the door. She's little, okay. It takes a bit. About a half hour later, she leaves a fresh change of clothes and three Vicodins under the chest and knocks at the door before leaving.

She spends the next two and a half hours on her original case. At some point, Wesley checks in after a vampire attack in downtown LA. She gives him the code she'd managed to crack after he vehemently tells her to go to bed. There's still so much to do.

Especially after Wesley takes Gunn to go check out what Fred had come up with. It wasn't enough. She crosses into another room, grabbing a very heavy book on demonic rituals and takes it back to the back room. It's going to be a long day where she runs on no sleep.


insouciantmaybe March 1 2011, 00:56:00 UTC
Cas didn't respond to the knocks, he curled up into a fetal ball and rocked through the next two and a half while sweating bullets.

This was not where he was supposed to be.

Three hours survived, he knew he wasn't part of the epidemic. He crept a little toward the door and peered out underneath the jam just like a creature that had been living on the streets and off of scraps for a while.


aintnorain March 1 2011, 01:10:16 UTC
She checked the clock and saw the time. Heading up the steps, she took them two at a time until she came to her floor. Fred saw the chest and attempted to move it. "I'm comin'. Sorry. Things got sort of hectic here." She calls out, still attempting to heave the chest over to free him. "Feelin' better? Didya get the clothes and meds?"


insouciantmaybe March 1 2011, 01:16:26 UTC
"I never had chance," his reply was short and to the point. He helped with the chest, though barely because of his injury, and ended up leaning partly against the jam to scoop up the things she'd left him.

"Is there hot water here? ...And bathing necessities?"


aintnorain March 1 2011, 01:23:42 UTC
"The bathroom is behind you. Each room has one, but I can get you some soap and shampoo, towels, anything else you might need." She said gesturing behind him.


insouciantmaybe March 1 2011, 01:28:34 UTC
"You've been very kind, it's not a common trait where I'm from."

Cas clutched the clothes close to his lapel and swallowed the three Vicodin with only his salivia, tilting his head back in a far too routine sort of way.

"I'm Cas."


aintnorain March 1 2011, 01:42:19 UTC
"It's not exactly commonplace here either," Her mouth slowly forms into a smile, looking up at him. "But it's sort of what we do here. You're lucky I wasn't that far away."

She watched him and nodded. Well at least she'd learned his name. That was a start.


insouciantmaybe March 1 2011, 01:57:56 UTC
Cas pulled his clothing close again.

"Where's the bathroom?"


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