Characters: Will, Sao Feng, others by reference and implication
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Pirates is owned by Disney, and I do all this for fun and love, not profit and plunder (I'd be a crap pirate, me).
Word Count: 1 234 (lol)
A/N: Written for
poetic_self 's prompt 'Starry' for the
turningpirate challenge.
A Drowning Man Will Clutch At Straws )
Comments 14
*hugs you and jumps around happily*
i'm newish to pirates fic, and this is the first thing i've ever favorited in this fandom. yay! :)
*flails again*
If you want more pirate fic (well, J/W specifically), I've got loads of stuff in my memories that's all worth checking out, as well as the links on my sidebar to authors and websites that have good things. I've got a master list of all my fics at the top of my journal page as well (/shameless self-pimping).
*hugs* You've made me very happy :D
I am afraid I don't believe Will when he says he's not doing it for Jack, though. *g*
LOL, methinks the piratesmith doth protest too much, eh? ;D
Everyone needs to find their way home, William. Look to the stars. They won’t let you down.
*SMOOCH* Gorgeous! Absolutely perfect.
*is very, very happy!*
I can't even write anything coherent, I'm so overjoyed with this!!! LOL!
*sigh!!!* This story is so beautifully simple, but so complex at the same time that it makes me shiver! The layers!!!!
Oh, wow. I always wondered how Will was holding his breath all that time. Seems he had plenty to think about!
Everyone needs to find their way home, William.
I love that line the most. :-D
There were so many loopholes and hiding places in the plot. I wondered about Will having Bootstrap's knife, and you've cleared that up completely! Makes perfect sense! I also wondered how they could hold Will so effortlessly beneath the water for so long without nary a struggle. Seems if you were drowning you'd have to be fighting under the surface of that dirty water!
(Frankly, you'd have a mighty big fight from me on your hands if you even suggested making me put a big toe in that stuff...ewww!)
I love the way you put the seconds counting off in there. Makes for a sense of urgency that you forget between the ticking of the second hand, while you're engrossed in Will's thoughts.
And you know what? That last line just KILZ ME DED.
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