Fic: The Mountie and the Green Dragon - Surprises

Sep 09, 2007 11:05

Some of you will already have seen this. You weren't supposed to! The previous post has now been filtered to me and those who replied to it. It was a draft and never meant to be seen in public. It was supposed be set to private I do it with a lot of important posts the day before to back them up and delete them when the real one is posted. The moral of the story is - check your security setting before you post. In my defence it was late last night.

But back to the point. After seeing matsutakedo's picture for ds_mangastyle based on my The Mountie and the Green Dragon story ( ) I was inspired to play a little more in that universe. I was already doing a sequel but I figured I would do a small ficlet as a bit of an inbetween the original fic and the new one. So here it is!

Title: The Mountie and the Green Dragon - Surprises
Author: Aingeal
Pairing: Fraser/Vecchio
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 829 - yeah it got bigger than a ficlet...
Summary: Fraser thinks about his relationship with Ray the dragon.
Notes: For matsutakedo.

The Mountie and the Green Dragon - Surprises

Fraser sat up in bed tucking into the breakfast Doctor McKinley’s sister had prepared. He was feeling better everyday, his injuries were healing nicely, and he had Ray. In fact Ray had been wonderful during his convalescence, talking to him, listening to him, just being there.

Every night Ray slept with his head on Fraser’s chest with Fraser’s arm flung across his neck. Fraser smiled the two of them were becoming quite affectionate. Of course the fact Ray was a dragon meant some thing would never happen but Fraser was perfectly content just to be loved by Ray. Ray’s affectionate nuzzles and licks conveyed a lot to Fraser.

Being in love with a dragon was unusual Fraser knew that, and the two of them had not yet come to terms with the impact their blossoming love would undoubtedly have. Despite that Fraser was extremely optimistic of their relationship; however it would eventually be defined, lasting.

Despite that he had been concerned when Ray had disappeared before breakfast. Ray usually ate outside, his food of choice being meat if some form or another and not easy to eat in the house. That and the fact Doctor McKinley’s sister had said she didn’t want to clean up any mess. But Ray usually had his breakfast first and then came inside to keep Fraser company as he ate his. This morning there had been no sign of him.

Fraser asked both Doctor McKinley and his sister but they had not seen anything of Ray. Diefenbaker was also at a loss as to where the dragon had gone. The more time went by the more concerned Fraser got. It certainly wasn’t in Ray’s nature to just leave without saying anything.

The rest of the day passed slowly as Fraser waited for Ray to appear. It was sunset before he finally came back. Fraser sighed with relief as Ray greeted him in his usual way, nuzzling and making an odd sound Fraser could only describe as a dragon purr.

“I was worried, Ray,” Fraser said giving Ray’s muzzle a kiss. “When you disappeared I thought something had happened to you. Are you all right?”

Ray smiled; at least that was what it looked like. “I’m fine, Benny. I just had to go and get something.”

Fraser wondered what Ray was referring to. “Oh. What was it?”

“This.” Ray opened his claw and in the middle lay a beautiful polished stone.

He placed onto Fraser’s lap and stood back a little. Fraser picked the stone up and examined the smooth surface. He recognised the stone as being agate. It was a particularly lovely specimen. It was as if one half was an emerald green and the other more a sapphire blue, but the colours blended together in the middle.

“What do you think?” Ray asked.

“It’s a beautiful stone, Ray. I’ve not seen a specimen like this before.”

“You wouldn’t have,” Ray said. “It’s a…” he paused. “It’s a mating stone.”

Fraser almost dropped it in surprise.

“I don’t mean we have to….you know…because I don’t think we can, physically but…when a dragon finds someone they want to you know, date, they give them one of these stones.”

“Are you courting me, Ray?”

Ray nodded. “It’s not like I could go into the village and ask someone to make you a ring.”

Fraser picked the stone up again. Ray had clearly been very careful in his selection the stone was indeed perfect.

“I accept, Ray,” Fraser said simply.

“You do?”

“Yes. This stone, it’s…perfect. No-one’s ever given me a stone before, or a ring.”

Fraser put his arm around Ray.

“I wasn’t sure if you’d like it.”

“I do, Ray, very much.”

“So it’s official then? We’re…together?”

“Yes, Ray. I’m sorry I don’t have anything to give you.” Fraser thought about that for a minute. Was there anything he could Ray? “Actually,” he said “there is something.”

Fraser reached over to the table next to his bed and picked up his penknife. He handed it to Ray. “Take this, Ray.”

“I can’t, Benny, it’s your knife.”

“It’s your knife now, I can always get another.”

“Is this what Mounties do when they want to date someone?”

“I’m not sure, Ray. I did know a constable who gave his girlfriend a moose antler once.”

“You know,” Ray said looking at the penknife. “It would be hard to kill a moose with this.”

“Then you should take it,” Fraser replied, smiling.

“Thanks, Benny. Maybe I’ll use it for….” Ray halted. “Leaf cutting, or cutting flowers, or something.”

“You could use it to help skin rabbits; it would keep your claws clean.”

Ray seemed pleased with this idea. “Hey! That’s a great idea, Benny.”

Fraser smiled. And that night, when he went to sleep, not only was Ray’s head on his chest but in one hand Fraser held the stone and in one claw Ray held the penknife. Together they slept, very happy with their symbols of commitment.

fic, slash, dragonray, au

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