Prompt: Drabbles

Oct 14, 2010 10:12

Well, I have just recently surfaced from the sea of midterms/essays/horror, and it appears I've made it out alive. :) 
HELLO INCEPTION FANDOM!!!! *waves* I've missed you guys!

And now to get back to writing fic!
From zeto :
The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble of any pairing/character/gen fic of their choosing ( Read more... )

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Comments 41

incandescent October 14 2010, 20:33:40 UTC

Um, okay, I don't know how to choose a fandom. I'm going to say...Doctor Who smut. Of any pairing, really. If I've confused you, ask. :D


aimlesstravels October 14 2010, 20:41:47 UTC
Ohhhhhh, dear.
bb, I am utterly incapable of writing smut. I can do a pretty R-rated romance, though. :)
Your pick!!
(And please, a pairing? ^__^ )

And also - I'm slowly making my way through what you've sent me; and so far - I like it. The pacing is excellent.


incandescent October 14 2010, 22:54:26 UTC
Yeah for romance! Amy/Eleven, perhaps?

And yay! I'm so glad it's working. Give me details later. :D


aimlesstravels October 14 2010, 23:13:37 UTC
Here you go, bb!!
I don't know if I can make it online later, but I'll do my best! Tomorrow might be better, actually. We'll see!!
Double drabble, enjoy!

The engines are phasing. Five minutes.And so the five minutes in that dark overgrown garden of a backyard turnsto ten, then fifteen, then she doesn’t remember anything more as sleep claims her. Somehow, she’d manages to tuck herself back into bed -but it wasn’t a dream, it wasn’t at all, and goddamn it, this little Amelia Pond knows with all her heart, that her magic Doctor with the mysterious blue box will come back for her ( ... )


zeto October 14 2010, 21:59:52 UTC
Arthur gets stuck in the rain. Eames fusses over him when he gets home because he wants to get him naked.


aimlesstravels October 15 2010, 15:21:48 UTC
Don't look at the word count! I fail at drabbles too!!! :P
Hope you like! *hugs*

As he steps in a puddle that soaks all the way through his shoe (oh God, the leather) and up to his ankle, Arthur forces himself to close his eyes, take a deep breath, and reminds himself once again that one cannot shoot the rain no matter how much of an expert marksman one might be ( ... )


zeto October 16 2010, 03:19:24 UTC
OMG, how can you make a drabble so awesome? O_o

I love it. The feel of it, the fluffiness and the domesticity. And-and did the wind steal Arthur's umbrella?! O_o



aimlesstravels October 16 2010, 20:46:33 UTC
I could ask you the same question, bb!!

Yes, I do believe the wind stole Arthur's umbrella. XD

♥ ♥


spndreamz October 16 2010, 03:27:55 UTC
Omg, yeah! First, I just want to say that you are amazing! I'm such a fan of your work, it's so beautifully written and emotional it's basically become my personal canon. Second, congratulations on surviving midterms, being right in the middle of them myself I understand what you went through, lol. So if it's not to late, and you don't mind a first time commenter *looks ashamed*, I'd like to request one of your amazing drabbles. Arthur/Eames h/c Arthur realizes that he is safe. Thanks for taking prompts! And best wishes! :D


aimlesstravels October 16 2010, 15:01:29 UTC
Hey, first time commenter!! :D *smishes*
The more the merrier!
And this is definitely more than 100 words, but. Oh well. ;)
(And is that 10 and Jack?!!! O___O *makes grabby hands*)

He awakens like a drowned man heaving through the surface, like a madman breaking through the black of the imprisoned corridors of his own mind, gasping for breath and flailing madly, still fighting the monsters no one else sees or can ever know of because it’s his burden to bear, and goddamn it, he’ll bear it silently even to the grave.

Someone’s shouting now, around or maybe even at him; hands fall upon him and he writhes, jerks away with a low cry and crawls away as fast as he can on his mangled hands and stumps of missing legs, blindly because they gouged his eyes out too, and he’s never been this frightened before, never. He tries to curse his tormentors, tries to shriek to the high heavens for them to keep the fuck away, but all that comes out is a garbled mess of nonsense because, too late, he remembers that they cut his tongue out ( ... )


spndreamz October 16 2010, 18:02:59 UTC
This...this... I'm speechless over how perfect this is. It was everything I wanted and more! And oh god poor Arthur, I just want to hold him until he's better, but I'll leave that job for Eames. But thank you so so much, I couldn't begin to tell you my favorite part I'd just end up quoting the whole thing back to you, when Arthur broke down crying though was so heartbreaking. I want to know more what happened? What will happen? You have an amazing ability to hook me in fr the long haul even with only a few hundred words.
And yes jack and the doctor= love. Doctor Who was basically my top fandom, along with supernatural, until I'd have to say July 16th lol then inception took over my world :D!!! Thank you so much again I absolutely loved it! Looking forward to reading more from you :D


Wonderful connie_sunny October 18 2010, 16:58:36 UTC
Ahahahha... Amazing! ^_^ I absolutely love your style of writing!

Has this drabble got anything to do with "Turn one into the other"? =) That was probably the first fic I read in this fandom (The one that really got me into Arthur/Eames!)


slash17 October 16 2010, 17:50:08 UTC
*peaks around the corner* is it too late? Have I missed it? ^_^' Sooo, I was wondering could you write what I've longed to see, but haven't got the satisfaction of yet? Eames/Arthur established relationship during the Fischer job. Their reaction to finding out if they die in the dream they go to Limbo. H/C is very welcome as is fluffy angst (if that's even possible)

p.s. I love love love your fics! It was because of you courtesy of spndreamz that I was pulled so spectacularly into this fandom :)


aimlesstravels October 17 2010, 01:58:32 UTC
Too late? Psssh. Don't be silly!! *hugs* Welcome! :)
Okay, and you know what? You get the longest drabble yet! XD

Ariadne’s new to the business, and she’s too preoccupied with learning all about creating worlds of incredible scope, of paradoxes and Penrose stairs, plunged headfirst into the exhilarating thrill of the illegal and the beautiful, of creation itself. Yusuf knows something about it, given that Eames is sure than in the many years he and chemist have been friends, there must have been one or two drunken confessions, but for now, the other man is keeping silent. Saito definitely knows, but right now, he’s doing a fine impression of a half-drowned fish; the breath rattling in his lungs sounding like a malfunctioning suction tube. Cobb definitely doesn’t know (sometimes Eames thinks Cobb can’t pull his head out of his arse long enough to notice anything, but he knows better than to say so; Arthur wouldn’t speak to him for a week), and maybe that’s better for everyone, really. He’s already so tightly wound up about this job ( ... )


spndreamz October 20 2010, 01:32:47 UTC
I always wanted some closure for Arthur after that scene, and you did it beautifully. I love how Even though Eames is stressed he still has time to make sure Arthur is okay. Was a huge fan of the hug! <3
Also Cobb shooting squinty glares and Saito doing his best impression of a half-drowned fish produced an epic lol, though the last one I'm probably a bad person for finding it as funny as I did seeing as what happened to him.


slash17 October 22 2010, 05:32:57 UTC
I realized that I never outwardly thanked you for this lovely drabble :) it was lovely lovely with a pinch of humor *cue halfdrownedfish!saito* this is what I wanted w/o me realizing it!! Thank you!


floranna October 17 2010, 11:30:17 UTC
Uhm. Is this full already?


aimlesstravels October 17 2010, 12:28:06 UTC
Nope! Prompt away, bb! :)


floranna October 17 2010, 12:37:24 UTC
Eames/Arthur, Arthur's both arms are broken. ^^


aimlesstravels October 17 2010, 18:36:02 UTC
Hope you like, dear! :)

Arthur awakens, blinking the sleep from his eyes. His surroundings are unfamiliar; the walls are an ugly taupe color and the furnishings are both strange sparse and ugly. He can feel the fogginess of some type of drug weighing down his limbs, muffling the edges of his mental faculties and, trying not to panic, he reaches for his die.

Only to find that he can’t.

For a moment, his mind jumps to the worst-case scenario (this as a result of years of military training and being the man on point): paralysis. However, as Arthur forces himself to calm down and takes a closer look, he groans aloud at the twin cumbersome white casts encasing both of his arms, a sloppy Get well soon, darling and Arthur loves Eames scrawled across the plaster in an unmistakable hand.

That is the absolute last time Arthur’s going to agree with whatever Eames says when the sentence starts off with You know, it would be fun if-


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