marmaladecat has re-animated the 5 questions meme, I thought I'd join in too. However, as I have done this one before, and I've been doing a lot with story recently, slight difference:
Ask any of my charecters up to five questions on anything - opinions, politics, their life, whatever, and I'll try to answer them. I reserve the right to ignore or mock the
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Comments 2
1)Why did you come to the world?
2)Why did you let yourself be captured?
3)What do you think of music?
4)Out of Zephyr, Michael, Amari and Saphron who would you turn to a scorched pile of ash first?
5)Why blue hair?
2) They were prepared for me. It took a while to break free.
3) Betsuni kiraijenai. (I don't really hate it.)
4) Michael
5) Why not?
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