Dec 25, 2010 01:24

Title: Clandestine
Author: ailaling1017
Pairing: HaeMin
Rating: NC-17
Genre: romance, smut
Warnings: yaoi, language
Verse: expanded
Type/Status: One-shot; Complete; 4,480 words
Summary: BASED ON THE SHOWS: MBC Good Morning, Fantasy Couple, Radiostar
A/N: I'd prolly get disowned for writing this but this was something I've thought of since I watched the aforementioned shows that I just had to do this to keep it off my chest ~ my very first attempt at writing smut so... *hides* ~

HOST: Which member are you most awkward with?

Uhhh… Sungmin hyung. It’s not that we don’t like each other. It’s just that whenever I’m with Sungmin-hyung, there really isn’t anything to talk about.

Of course, part of this was true. When Donghae is with Sungmin, they really don’t talk to each other. Instead, they do…other things.


Sungmin, on the other hand, stiffened on his seat as Donghae’s voice reverberated in his mind.

Sungmin hyung…whenever we’re together…

The rest of Donghae’s words were drowned by the wild beating of his heart against his ribcage. He shifted nervously on his seat as he felt the other members’ eyes on him. He ended up nodding stupidly although he didn’t really comprehend half of what they were talking about. Though he knew it had something to do with him and Donghae being awkward with each other, he didn’t have the courage to listen to the details Donghae had conjured for the sake of the interview as he knew the real reason why this was so.


Donghae and Sungmin were never really that close. They had completely different interests, hobbies, and views on things. They are opposites in every sense of the word. Two parallel lines that wouldn’t meet. Nonetheless, they weren’t awkward either. In fact, hugging each other - on and off-cam - was a norm. It all started one day when they both went to tape Fantasy Couple with Shindong. They were asked to stay in the waiting room prior to the taping, which meant sleeping time for Shindong, more practice time for Sungmin, and BOREDOM for Donghae.

Since Eunhyuk wasn’t around, Donghae didn’t have someone to play with - and Donghae wasn’t the type who could stay put in one place for more than a few minutes or so. Sungmin, on the other hand, was silent in a corner, religiously practicing his long-stick routine for the show.

Fifteen minutes into web surfing on his IPad, Donghae tossed it onto the dresser in resignation and he yawned as he stretched his arms above his head. He slowly made his way to the couch Shindong was snoozing on in hopes that his hyung would awake and play with him. Much to his dismay, Shindong didn’t flinch a single bit as he tried to tickle him out of his sleep. He can’t blame him though. Shindong ended late last night hosting Shim Shim Tapa with Gyuri. He sighed as he turned his attention to his other hyung who was going over his routine with his eyes closed. His dedication made Donghae admire him so much. Not only that, Donghae seemed to find his already cute hyung a tad more cuter as he practiced with his poker face on his delicate features.


Sungmin was so serious in his practice. One-two-left-right-jump-hit the floor-rotate-left-right-and back. He closed his eyes as he practiced balancing by standing on only one foot while holding both ends of the long stick on either side of his shoulders. He was holding on this position for ten minutes or so when he felt someone’s hot breath against the nape of his neck. He was so startled when a husky voice which he recognized as Donghae’s whispered into his ear:

“Hyung, you really are so pretty.”

Damn was he close. Too close. Donghae’s presence startled Sungmin so much that he ended up losing his balance as he turned on his heel to face Donghae - planning to scold him for sneaking up on him like that. As he turned, Donghae ducked to avoid being hit by the stick which was still perched on Sungmin’s shoulders, and ended up falling on the floor. Sungmin on the other hand felt his legs tangle with Donghae’s as he fell face front to the floor - or so he thought. As he closed his eyes to prepare for the painful fall that was sure to come, he found himself falling into something other than the floor. In fact, it was a someone.

Upon opening his eyes, he was surprised at how close Donghae’s face was to his - only a couple of inches away - not that he hasn’t done this before - but then again, that one time with Kyuhyun was purely work. He could feel his dongsaeng’s ragged breathing against his face, thinking that he smelled like pine trees - must be aftershave, he added as an after thought.

He felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end as he realized that Donghae’s hands were wrapped around his waist in a tight embrace, holding him flush against his dongsaeng. It was then that he realized that the reason why he didn’t hear clanging as he let go of his long stick. Donghae actually caught it just in time before it hit the floor and was now holding both ends of it on either side of Sungmin’s waist.

Sungmin stiffened as he heard Shindong shuffle from the couch, but was relieved to hear his snores resume once more. He couldn’t imagine what Shindong would do if he caught them in a compromising situation like this. He has been friends with Shindong for far too long to know that the taunting would be unbearable if he saw them like this. Damn, until now, three years after that one fateful evening when he made the awful mistake of letting Shindong open his closet, he’s still branded as Bunny Prince - all thanks to Shindong’s doing when he found out about his bunny collection which he had tried-oh-so-hard to hide. By morning, all members knew it. That night, as Shindong hosted his radio show, all of Korea learnt that Lee Sungmin, the cool Super Junior member Lee Sungmin, had a fetish for bunnies. Yeah, you get the picture.

And now this. If Shindong saw this, Sungmin’d rather not think about it. The thought of it horrified him and images of Eunhyuk throwing him off a cliff and Donghae’s fan girls sending him death threats flashed on his mind in grayscale. But then again, he couldn’t help but think of how nice it would be to feel his dongsaeng’s soft lips against his. And that tongue which, by the way, should really stay put - it’s causing too much sin. And don’t even get him started on those arms, Sungmin wondered how nice it would be to be enveloped in those strong arms. To be able to cuddle into his dongsaeng’s neck every morning as he wakes up - when he realized that he was in fact, cradled in his dongsaeng’s arms as of the moment. Sungmin shook his head from side to side and willed the odd thoughts to go away.

"I’m not gay. I’m not gay. I like girls. Noonas ’are pretty. Yes, I like girls. I’m not gay."  Sungmin chanted to himself as if it was a mantra to keep the wild beating of his heart at bay as he laid on top of Donghae.

He regretted the moment he shifted his gaze from the couch as he checked on Shindong back to Donghae - his already erratic heartbeat increased a hundredfold as the tip of his nose caught with Donghae’s and he felt his dongsaeng’s lips merely an inch away, begging to be touched, felt, kissed, and more things he could imagine doing but would rather not since he wanted their friendship to remain intact. He knew he couldn’t control himself if he didn’t do anything to keep himself as far from Donghae as soon as possible, so he mustered what’s left of his will power and pushed himself up with both his hands on either side of Donghae’s shoulders - only to be pushed further down when Donghae countered his strength and prevented him from standing up. Donghae was his dongsaeng but he was strong - that, or his presence made Sungmin’s knees a tad weaker than they truly are.

He had always had this weird feeling at the pit of his stomach whenever Donghae wanders too close by and not-so-subtlety brushes his abs against his back as he rests his chin on Sungmin’s shoulder in a “brotherly” back hug, which never fails to make Sungmin’s insides squirm. Nonetheless, he was quite good at hiding it and feigned indifference every time, and just responds with a sweet smile. Completely innocent looking - in exact opposition of what he feels inside - wanting to grip that dangerously low v-neck shirt that begs to be ripped and pin him to the floor and bang into him like there’s no tomorrow. But then again, all that, was in his oh-so-active-imagination. Never had Sungmin imagined that he’d be in such situation as he was in right now. Is it possible that he wasn’t imagining things? That maybe, Donghae was just being a tease who made cock-blocking his hobby in hopes of luring his oh-so-innocent hyung? Surely not?

The rest of Sungmin’s questions ended up forgotten as he attempted to say: What the hell…   The rest of his words were drowned by Donghae’s soft lips against his, forcing entry as the younger held onto him tighter that Sungmin could feel the stick Donghae was still holding, press further onto his lower back that it ached. But the pain was the least of his worries right now, he had to fight. He struggled to fight - he knew he should resist. He was the hyung, he had to be the responsible one. He needed to put a stop to this craziness. He had to. This was just - wrong. He forced his lips shut against Donghae’s attempts at probing further, while Donghae held him tighter upon feeling his resistance - all the more sinking the stick to the little of Sungmin’s back which made the elder man gasp due to the pain.

The split second was enough for Donghae to make his move and probe his tongue further into his hyung’s mouth, tasting every inch of it, flicking in haste in a dance with Sungmin's tongue - in a battle for dominance.

"I’m not gay. I’m not gay." Sungmin thought furiously but he could feel himself slipping away. Sungmin never really got to think twice, he just went with whatever felt right. One could only have so much control and it was Donghae after all. The dongsaeng he had oh-so-hardly-tried-to-avoid for the fear that he might do something crazy - something like, well, THIS.

Sungmin felt himself snap as he thought: What the hell, I don’t care anymore. He slowly closed his eyes, willing himself to enjoy the moment he had imagined a thousand times happen in his dreams, or should he say, wet dreams? He parted his mouth a little more as he welcomed Donghae’s hungry tongue with renewed fervor. He kissed Donghae back, first matching his fast pace as Donghae finally set the long stick with a soft thud beside him, while Sungmin felt empty with the loss - only to be jolted with electricity once more as Donghae’s hands immediately replaced themselves on either side of Sungmin’s waist, and gently made their way up beneath his shirt, caressing his spine - making Sungmin gasp into the kiss and he felt his dongsaeng grin on his mouth.

Sungmin's skin and lips were on fire - and damn was it a hot one. The feeling of skin on skin sent shivers down his spine as the younger man explored his hyung's upper body - all the while being careful to keep silent so as not to awake Shindong who was innocently napping nearby. For a fraction of a second, both had to separate for the need to breathe as Sungmin murmured: You are such a tease. To which Donghae responded: You have way too much will power hyung. Gave me a hard time.

He pouted like the five-year-old kid next door that they were supposed to look after as Sungmin closed the distance and their lips met in another sweet kiss that is slower in tempo, as they found themselves more in sync with each other.


"Sungmin-ah... Sungmin-ah..."

Sungmin scrambled onto his feet as he was jolted out of his reverie by Yesung's persistent calling of his name. He didn't even notice that everyone was starting to stir to get back to their waiting cars, off to another schedule.


"Taping's over. Let's go."

He automatically stood up, only to find himself weak in the knees upon setting his gaze on Donghae. He could see that his dongsaeng's innocent face was twisted in an odd smile, and he had a mischievous glint in his eyes that made him feel butterflies in his stomach - which by the way, he didn't think was possible but apparently, it was.  He quickly strode over to one of the three waiting vans in hopes of eluding the temptation of dragging his dongsaeng into one of the dressing rooms, and pinning him against the wall, and do the things he imagined doing since that morning when he saw him go out of his room with only that white v-neck shirt which he now wore underneath the dark blue suit that framed his shoulders perfectly,  and willed himself to drive the thoughts of his dongsaengs soft lips against his.

Just as he thought he had escaped from the "crisis" he was in and whatnot, he felt Donghae slip into the seat beside him and Sungmin felt his dongsaeng's left hand on his right thigh snake its way to relieve the pain on his already bulging member.  God clearly hated him.


The engine roared to life as soon as Shindong went in the van and occupied the front seat - plugging his earphones onto his ears and immediately falling asleep - much to Donghae's pleasure and to Sungmin's frustration. He shot dagger looks at his dongsaeng as he mouthed:

"Ya! What the hell d'you think you're doing?"

"Hyung, we didn't quite get to finish last time. And I'm not letting Shindong hyung get in the way - again."

Sungmin shivered as he felt his dongsaeng's familiar touch - Donghae's hands were hastily fumbling with the his hyung's belt. He shot Sungmin a knowing look, while the latter feigned a cough in hopes of muffling the gasp that escaped his lips as Donghae pulled down his boxers - only to expose his proud member which hungered to be touched.

"Hyung, pink boxers? Seriously?"

"Aisssh this kid! Just get it over with already!" Sungmin whispered hurriedly as he shot a weary glance at manager hyung at the wheel who seemed to love the road so much that he didn't even take a second glance at the little show that was going on behind him.

"Relax hyung, you know how bad hyung-nim's eyesight can be, he'd probably think I'm sleeping on your lap or something. And don't worry about him hearing, he's as deaf as Siwon can be - I checked."

Donghae snickered at his hyung who seemed to be dying of either the anxiety over getting caught, or his dongsaeng's hand on his you-know-what. Which among both, no one will know for sure. Sungmin's breath hitched up a notch as Donghae gripped the head of his member and started pumping him slowly - too slow for Sungmin's liking.

"Hae, p-pl-ease."

"Please what hyung?" Donghae turned to his hyung innocently.

"Just... Oh, stop being such a tease already!"

Donghae merely nodded at his hyung as he shuffled out of his seat and bent on his knees in front of his hyung.  Sungmin couldn't do so much as stare as he felt his dongsaeng's hot breath against his cock as fingers ran up and down his length, and he felt a lone finger along the slit. Just when he thought he couldn't take it any longer, he felt the grip on his manhood tighten and the strokes become more and more rapid.

Sungmin's hands made its way to tangle in Donghae's hair as he bit his lips to stifle a moan which threatened to escape them. Donghae looked up at his hyung upon hearing him choke on air as he tried to keep himself from screaming, while the elder felt empty at the sudden loss of warmth. Donghae gave his hyung a sheepish grin before setting off to work once again. Sungmin's breath hitched higher and higher as he felt Donghae's wet mouth surround him and all reason left him. The mere tugging at his dongsaeng's hair became more of a tight grip as he found himself bucking up to his dongsaeng's mouth in a dire need for more friction.

Donghae took all of Sungmin's length in his mouth - flicking his tongue at the slit, which caused Sungmin to whimper. When Sungmin thought he was nearing the edge, the car jolted to a stop as they reached the parking lot of the TV station. Sungmin could only sigh as Donghae scrambled to his feet just as their manager hyung-nim turned to them to inform them that they have arrived. Sungmin quickly covered himself with one of the seat covers whilst manager hyung shot him an odd look. Sungmin quickly turned to Donghae with panic ringing in his voice.

"Did hyung-nim see!?"

"I wouldn't worry too much hyung. It's not like the others have been modest about these things before anyway. I'm pretty sure I heard Yesung hyung do so much more to Wookie the other day right here." Donghae said, tapping the space between Sungmin and him.

"I'll go ahead now hyung. There's only thirty minutes left 'til broadcast and the stylist noona would kill me if she saw my hair like this." Donghae chirped as he left a disgruntled Sungmin whose gaze was still fixated on the space which the younger man tapped merely seconds ago.


This was not happening. Wookie, of all people. He shook his head from side-to-side to rid himself of the thoughts that came along with the lines: "do so much more" that Donghae has left him with to ponder. He swore he'd never look at car seats the same way again - ever.


Needless to say, Sungmin had to go to the bathroom prior to recording.


Sungmin shifted nervously as he felt Donghae's gaze on him from across the table. He merely nodded as the host asked him about the musical he took part in a year back.

"So, Ryeowook-sshi, who do you think is better? Sungmin-sshi or Yesung-sshi?"

"B-b-both are good. I-it's just that, when it comes to musicality, Yesung-sshi is a little better..." Ryeowook stammered.

But, of course... Yesung does an awful lot more to you than sing, doesn't he? Sungmin thought bitterly though he only managed to nod like a child.


"S-S-Sungmin-hyung." It was Donghae's turn to stutter  as the question was somehow directed to him at this point.

Sungmin didn't even notice he was holding his breath as he exhaled and managed to say thank you - lacing each syllable with all the sarcasm he could muster. It was pretty obvious that Donghae was hesitant to answer. Sungmin will deal with that later.


The rest of the show went on uninterrupted until the part wherein all members had to go up the stage - and it was a very small stage, mind you - to sing Tok Tok Tok. Sungmin didn't even know how Donghae got in front of him and became his "dance partner" but he sure did feel the temperature rise as Donghae placed his arms over his shoulders and attempted a go at a slow dance, which they failed at miserably. What it didn't fail to do though is to awaken the familiar churning in the pit of Sungmin's stomach and he basically used up all the self-control he could muster to keep himself from dragging Donghae backstage and do things - sinful things.

Sungmin was pretty sure he wouldn't have restrained himself if he didn't go to the comfort room earlier to finish off what his dongsaeng had started. He cringed at the thought of how embarrassing it would've been if he hadn't done so.


The show quickly wrapped up thereafter and they soon found themselves on the way back to their dorms. Thankfully, Sungmin found Ryeowook sitting on the space between Donghae and him on the van and this somehow helped Sungmin ignore the throbbing in his pants.


As soon as Donghae closed the door to the bathroom, he was surprised to feel resistance as a foot slid just in time to prevent it from closing. He was hastily thrown to the side as Sungmin entered while quickly closing the door behind him with a snap. Sungmin surveyed his dongsaeng's body which was clad in nothing but a towel hanging low on his waist. He pinned his dongsaeng to the door as he hungrily kissed him - their lips in a fiery battle for dominance.

Sungmin leaned back to gasp for air as he stared at his equally panting dongsaeng, seeing nothing but wanton lust in the dark eyes where he seemed to fall in.

'So, you think Yesung-hyung is better than me?" he whispered as he placed sloppy kisses all over Donghae's chest.

"I told you you're better, didn't I?" Donghae retorted.

"Now, why don't I believe you?" he spat as he nibbled on Donghae's left nipple.

"I...was...just...caught off guard...I don't... want them to get any ideas..." Donghae uttered after every pant as Sungmin's tongue moved south while tracing his dongsaeng's abs with his tongue.

"Is that true?" Sungmin asked earnestly as he went back on his dongsaeng's eye-level.

"Of course it is, hyung," Donghae managed a smile as he put his arms around his hyung's shoulders for assurance.

Sungmin didn't waste time as he went back to tracing his dongsaeng's jaw with wet kisses, all the while caressing the little of his back as he traced his spine with his fingertips, making the younger man moan as he took his hyung's mouth once again in a sloppy kiss, tracing every inch with his saliva - placing one hand on the back of the elder's neck to deepen the kiss.

In the midst of their passionate kisses, Donghae used his free hand to undo the button of Sungmin's pants who was still fully-clothed, slipping his hand beneath the familiar pink boxers, taking hold of him in his hand. Sungmin felt a jolt of electricity shoot up his spine upon the contact of skin on skin. He was basically incoherent by the time Donghae's strokes became more rapid, and buried his face on his dongsaeng's shoulder as he tightened his arms around the younger's shoulder for support. He felt as if his knees might give way any moment soon. Just then, he felt his dongsaeng slide down to take all of his length inside his hot mouth, and he felt Donghae's tongue slide up and down his member, threatening him to burst when Donghae pulled away and grinned at his hyung who gritted his teeth at the sudden loss.

"Not so fast hyung," he said as he pushed the elder's boxers together with his pants in one swift motion, and left it pooling at the latter's ankles. Sungmin kicked his pants aside as Donghae pulled his shirt overhead in between sloppy kisses down his neck, then his chest, and Sungmin couldn't help but feel like he's going crazy at the sensation of his dongsaeng's tongue flicking on one of his nipples while one hand played with the other.

"Hae... Just... Just do it already," was all Sungmin could say in between pants.

Donghae stopped his ministrations altogether and looked deeply into his hyung's eyes - searching for the slightest hint of hesitation but he found none. Still, he asked just to be sure.

"Hyung, are you sure?"

Sungmin nodded as he closed the distance between them and their lips met in a  tender kiss, and they just understood each other. Their bodies moved rhythmically against each other as Donghae scrambled for a bottle of lotion in one of the cabinets. He then raised Sungmin's legs and wrapped them on his torso so that he was carrying the latter, while pouring lotion all over his hands. He switched their positions so that Sungmin was now the one being pinned to the door.

Donghae slowly inserted one finger...two...and then three. All the while kissing the elder's mouth to keep his attention from the pain as he scissored his fingers inside of his hyung. A few moments went by when Sungmin looked into his dongsaeng's eyes lovingly and nodded. Donghae hastily removed his fingers altogether and Sungmin moaned at the loss - only to be jolted once again as he felt Donghae's member slowly make its way through his behind. He bit into his dongsaeng's shoulder as he felt his body stretch beyond its limit, and he felt tears slide down across his cheeks. Donghae kissed the tears away and murmured, "It's only gonna get better hyung. Trust me." to which Sungmin could only nod in response.

They stayed like this for a while as Sungmin's body adjusted until he whispered, "You can move now."

Donghae slowly withdrew his member and thrusted himself into his hyung cautiously - taking note of his facial expressions, caring not to hurt his beloved hyung so much. Sungmin's bite on Donghae's shoulders gradually loosened and he could feel his hyung's pants turn into moans of pleasure as their lips made its way to each other in another sweet duel between their tongues.

Donghae's thrusts gained momentum and he shoved himself faster and faster into his hyung, while the sounds of Sungmin's heavy breaths coupled with his own stifled moans filled the air. His hips increased their tempo; his left hand on Sungmin's bottom while the other made its way to his hyung's still hard member and started palming it again - matching the pumping with his own thrusts as both of them desperately clung onto each other for support as they felt themselves near their climax.

One powerful thrust later, Donghae released himself within Sungmin just as Sungmin's seeds spilled on his hand as both of them reached their completion. They put their foreheads against each other as Donghae gently put Sungmin back on his feet. He replaced his hands on Sungmin's waist as the elder wrapped his arms around his dongsaeng's neck - their ragged breathing in sync with each other. Just as their chest-heaving became slower, Sungmin leaned in and their lips met in a gentle and sweet kiss.

"I...Love...You...Lee...Sungmin. Always have, always will."  Donghae muttered in between kisses.

Sungmin leaned back and stared wide-eyed into his dongsaeng's dark eyes- searching for any hint of insincerity. He found none. That's all he needed to know.


"Hey you guys! Enough with that already. Go get a room."  The voice of an irritated Yesung went through the door behind them. Sungmin merely shrugged and leaned in for another peck on the lips.

"I love you too, Lee Donghae. Always have, always will."


P.S. Fail smut ~ haha I'm not gonna write anything like this anymore (or not) ~ it's so hard ~ LOL

Andy, you better update soon and get that next chapter going 'coz I've been through torture here *bricked* ~ HAHA Donna unnie, I hope this is better than a macro ~ XD *disappears for life*

rating: nc-17, genre: romance, genre: crack, pairing: haemin, verse: expanded

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