Dec 26, 2011 02:00

TITLE: Season of Love
Author: ailaling1017
Genre: angst, fluff, romance
Warnings: yaoi
Disclaimer: If only I owned Super Junior. ;A;
Rating: PG-13 just to be sure
Pairing: KyuMin
Verse: alternate
Type/Status: One-Shot; Complete; 3,241W


Kyuhyun sighed, and huffed as he tightened the worn out scarf on his neck - drawing fog mid-air. He adjusted the scarf once more before resuming to raking the snow on the pathway. The December chill sent shivers on his spine, and he could barely feel his extremities due to the numbness from the cold, yet, he pushed himself to endure and continue.

As Kyuhyun shoveled the last of the snow on the pavement, Mrs. Park, the kind house owner went out to greet him by the porch with a cup of hot coco in hand.

“Here Kyuhyun-ah. A little something to warm you up. Omo, your lips are turning blue. I told you to come in for a while. It’s freezing out here!” the middle-aged woman chastised.

“It’s okay Mrs. Park. I have to head to Mrs. Han’s after anyway so I had to rush this.” Kyuhyun said meekly in between sips of his drink.

“Oh, is that so? Aigoo, this kid! You work so hard. And how many times do I have to tell you to call me umma?” the old lady reprimanded Kyuhyun with her hands on her hips - the wrinkles on the sides of her eyes furrowing a tad bit more.

“I’m sorry, Teukie umma.” Kyuhyun replied as he finished the contents of his cup, making sure to use the nickname the elder lady insisted to be called so as to divert her attention from her scolding.

“Take a rest once in a while, okay? And say hi to Heechul for me. That old hag hasn’t visited me since World War II.” Mrs. Park ruffled Kyuhyun’s messy locks in a motherly fashion before handing him an envelope which contained his pay for the day.

Kyuhyun gratefully accepted said envelope, and sneaked a peak into it as soon as the elder woman turned her back. He was surprised to find that the amount inside was twice than what he was supposed to receive, and being the honest man that he was, he immediately knocked on the front door to return the excess money.

“Mrs. --- I mean, umma. There seems to be a mistake. The money in here is too much.” Kyuhyun attempted to hand back the extra bills only for it to be pushed back into his hand by a smiling Mrs. Park.

“No Kyuhyun-ah. That’s really for you. Think of it as an early Christmas present from me.”

“But ---“

“No buts. I’d be upset if you refuse to receive it. I know you need it, son. Get something edible for your Christmas eve meal. And I do not mean ramen, understand? Or better yet, buy Sungmin something special.”

“Actually, there is something I’ve been wanting to give him for the longest time.”

“Very well then. But no ramen, okay!? Well, you better get going now. Heechul has always been pissy about being asked to wait, and I’m pretty sure thirty years has done nothing to change that.” the lady chuckled at the memory of her friend’s rather erratic temperament.

“Oh crap! I’m dead meat! Thank you, umma! See you next week!” Kyuhyun hastily muttered as he checked the time on his wristwatch - adjusting the string he used as a makeshift strap so it wouldn’t fall.

Kyuhyun mounted his bike in record time, and was out on the street in mere seconds. He pedaled with all his might, slipping in through shortcuts he had come to familiarize in the couple of years that he spent in town, and avoiding wet puddles of water, and the frozen snow. He slowed down a little as he neared a familiar establishment and halted in front of a glass mirror - staring longingly at the displayed item.

Kyuhyun patted the envelope on his back pocket and allowed himself a small smile.

“Just a little bit more, Sungmin-ah.” Kyuhyun muttered to no one in particular before he continued to pedal his bike towards the general direction of the Hans’ residence.


Sungmin wiped the sweat on his brow with the sleeve of his shirt. He sighed as the waiter who was also his best friend, Hyukjae, came through the kitchen’s double doors carrying a tray full of more dishes to be washed. Hyukjae smiled at him apologetically before dumping said dishes onto the growing pile of plates on the sink next to Sungmin.

Sungmin thought of how his boyfriend, Kyuhyun, would act if he saw him like this. Kyuhyun didn’t even let him lift a finger back at home yet here he was, slaving himself over a couple of bucks just so he could save enough money to buy Kyuhyun a decent Christmas present once and for all. He felt guilty for working behind Kyuhyun’s back, but his desire to give Kyuhyun something special for Christmas outweighed his guilt so he forced his best friend to ask his boyfriend Donghae, the restaurant owner, to give him a job - any job. He didn’t expect to end up as a dish washer, yet he knew he couldn’t complain. Finding a job was hard especially for someone like him who didn’t have a college degree.

Sungmin and Kyuhyun had dropped out on their sophomore year when Sungmin’s parents found out about their relationship, and threatened to break them up. Sungmin’s dad was ballistic when he learned that his son was gay. He had wanted him to marry a nice Christian girl, and take over the chairmanship of their company when the time comes for him to retire, but his hopes were crushed when he found Sungmin straddling Kyuhyun on his bed when the former forgot to lock his bedroom door one fateful afternoon. Sungmin’s mother on the other hand didn’t say a thing but her silence hurt Sungmin more than his father’s slap on his face.

The both of them decided to elope after Sungmin’s father announced that he was to marry the daughter of his business partner. Sungmin could vividly remember the night when he turned his back from his home - leaving everything he had behind with only Kyuhyun’s grip on his hand holding him up and preventing him from breaking down. Kyuhyun had promised him then that he would do anything to keep them together, and that he’d give Sungmin the life of luxury he deserved. Then again, everything in this world seems to be easier said than done.

Not that Sungmin ever regretted his decision to be with Kyuhyun, though. He loved… loves the man with every fiber of his being. Nonetheless, there were nights when the hunger became almost unbearable; the frustration of barely being able to make ends meet taxing their relationship and they end up fighting. Sungmin just didn’t understand why Kyuhyun insisted for him to stay at home and not work. Sungmin was as much a part of their relationship as Kyuhyun was, and he thinks that the latter shouldn’t shoulder all their problems on his own. Yet, despite their meager living conditions, Sungmin finds that he was content with just having Kyuhyun by his side. He found the happiness he hadn’t achieved in the luxuries he had once experienced in Kyuhyun, and he knew that if he was given the chance to turn back time and have a do over, he wouldn’t have done things otherwise.

Sungmin stretched his back and continued to scrub the plate he was holding. This was a very minute sacrifice as compared to how Kyuhyun worked three jobs to support them.

Sungmin finds himself smiling despite the sting of the detergent on his hands.


“1-2-3. Surprise!” Kyuhyun shouted as he removed Sungmin’s blindfold.

Sungmin giggled as he was greeted with the sight of a full table - something he hadn’t seen in a long time. His mouth watered at the sight of the roasted chicken (it was whole, not the usual two slices), ham, spaghetti, cake, and other dishes that Kyuhyun has prepared.

“Kyu, where did you get all these?” Sungmin gaped in awe.

“Bought it of course, silly! I’m not a thief, you know.” Kyuhyun snickered at the amused look on his boyfriend’s visage.

“I know but - this is too much. You could’ve just saved the money and -“ Sungmin trailed off as he saw Kyuhyun’s crestfallen face.

“Why? Do you not like it?” Kyuhyun’s eyes were downcast - disappointed that Sungmin’s reaction wasn’t what he had expected.

“No! Of course I like it Kyu! You know I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just that… it would be such a waste. How many boxes of ramen could we have bought with the money you spent on these? Wait… How much did you spend on these!?” Sungmin flailed his arms - eyes widening as he realized how much a ball of ham cost these days, yet holding himself from whining as he was afraid that Kyuhyun might misunderstand his reaction.

Kyuhyun couldn’t stay sulky even if he wanted to. He was a sucker for Sungmin’s aegyo, and a couple of years living under the same roof didn’t make him immune to Sungmin’s pout. He could very well say that Sungmin is the Achilles heel that he was glad to have.

“Ssssh. Relax, Minnie. Teukie umma gave me a bonus. She said I should buy us something nice to eat for Christmas eve and that ramen doesn’t count. Who am I to deny her that, right?” Kyuhyun smiled at Sungmin reassuringly as he placed a slice of ham on his boyfriend’s plate.

“Well… I guess it wouldn’t hurt to take a bite. I mean, you already bought it so ---“ Sungmin didn’t even get to finish his sentence as his attention shifted to the food in front of him. He ravaged everything he could reach, and was about to demolish the cake when he noticed his boyfriend’s silence. He peeked into Kyuhyun’s face, and was surprised to find that Kyuhyun was crying.

“You just said a couple of minutes ago that I bought too much, yet you managed to finish everything in the blink of an eye.” Kyuhyun whispered bitterly as he reached out a hand across the table to wipe the icing on Sungmin’s cheek.

“Sorry, Kyu! I just couldn’t help myself. Don’t cry! Here, let me feed you some cake.” Sungmin frantically reached for his fork, and was about to shove a humongous portion into Kyuhyun’s mouth when the latter lightly shoved his hand away.

“ Hey! I’m not crying because of the food, Minnie. “ Kyuhyun pouted before he continued: “Just… eat. I know you miss this. I-I’m so sorry. I know that I promised you that I’d give you everything you want, but look at this… look at us. I don’t deserve you, Minnie. I’m so so sorry. It’s fine if you would want to leav---” Kyuhyun wasn’t able to continue as he choked on his tears while he gestured around the small space they had as an excuse for a home.

Sungmin could feel Kyuhyun’s sadness, and he thought it was uncalled for. If only Kyuhyun knew how no amount of food, or any other material wealth, would be enough to trade Kyuhyun with. Kyuhyun’s sobs were halted as Sungmin stood across the table, and brought their lips together in what he supposed was a reassuring gesture. Sungmin poured all his emotions into the kiss and he hoped against hope that Kyuhyun understood the feelings he wanted to convey.

“Hush, Kyu. Never. I mean, never ever think that I once regretted coming with you because I don’t. I never did. I’ve always been a semi-vegetarian anyway so my parents could suck it up.” Sungmin added jokingly so as to appease his boyfriend’s upset.

Kyuhyun felt considerably lighter upon hearing Sungmin’s words, and they forgot that the conversation even happened in no time. They were chatting about how Mrs. Han’s cats seemed to have a mind of their own and Kyuhyun was in the middle of telling Sungmin that he was pretty sure that Heebum was Mrs. Han’s son somehow as they had the same attitude when the clock on the wall chimed - signaling that it was midnight and that it was officially Christmas.

Kyuhyun excitedly reached into his back pocket where he retrieved a red velvet box while Sungmin hurriedly strode to one of the cupboards, and rummaged through it - emerging with a neatly wrapped package in one hand, in pink, of course.

“You didn’t have to -“ they both said in unison as soon as they saw each others’ present. They chuckled to themselves at how in synch they still were despite how long the time may have passed.

Sungmin and Kyuhyun exchanged parcels from across the table and concentrated on opening their respective gifts. They both stiffened as their gazes met - Sungmin’s tears mirrored in Kyuhyun’s equally dark orbs.

“I-I don’t have my watch anymore. I was going to buy you a gift using the bonus Teukie umma gave me but she did say to buy something nice to eat and I’d feel guilty if I didn’t do so. I mean, I couldn’t just tell her we ate these and that when all we had was ramen and - “ Kyuhyun fiddled with the metal watch strap on his hands - Sungmin’s gift that was now useless to him.

When Kyuhyun looked back up, he was alarmed to see that Sungmin was sobbing. He hurriedly got up from his seat and brought the latter’s trembling figure into his arms.

“I’m very sorry, Minnie. Don’t worry. I’ll get my watch back from the pawnshop if you want. I guess it would take me months, but I’ll manage. At least you have a chain for your ring now, right? Didn’t you say you’ve always wanted that? Here, let me -“ Kyuhyun stopped as he looked at Sungmin’s hands which had wounds and bruises all over - barely registering the absence of the tiny piece of silver on Sungmin’s ring finger.

“Minnie? What’s this? Where did you get these!?” Kyuhyun was sporting a worried look which made Sungmin guilty all the more.

“I’m sorry, Kyu! I just wanted to get you something special even just this once. I know you’ve been having a hard time with just a string of rope to hold your wristwatch up ever since the strap broke. I-I worked in Donghae’s restaurant, and I was gonna use my salary to buy you a gift but I broke an expensive piece of china when I was washing it so I had to pay for it. I sold my ring instead.” Sungmin managed to tell his story in between hiccups and whimpers - wetting Kyuhyun’s shirt in the process.

“But that’s the only thing you have left from your family.” Kyuhyun chastised albeit half heartedly - rubbing small circles on the elder’s lower back in an attempt to soothe him.

“And so was your watch!” Sungmin pointed out as he pouted while looking up to his boyfriend.

Kyuhyun could only laugh as he realized that Sungmin had a valid argument. Sungmin could only sigh in relief as Kyuhyun’s scowl finally softened, and his lips slowly upturned into a smile.

The couple finished what’s left of their food (they had to since it will be spoiled by morning and they had no refrigerator to keep it in) whilst sipping the cheap wine Kyuhyun had managed to procure for them.

Sungmin and Kyuhyun finally felt the effects of the alcohol in their system and decided to retire to bed at half past one - very much content with their Christmas eve; not only in terms of food, of course.

Sungmin settled his head on Kyuhyun’s arm while the latter wrapped his free hand on Sungmin’s waist and brought him closer, nuzzling Sungmin’s neck with his nose. Just as Kyuhyun was about to drift to sleep, Sungmin broke the quiet.

“Kyuhyunnie?” Sungmin disrupted the silence.

“Hmmm?” Kyuhyun’s sleepy voice answered.

“Are you still mad at me?” Sungmin asked cautiously.

“You know I could never get mad at you, Minnie. And besides, I’m guilty of the same thing too so we’re even.” Kyuhyun chuckled - earning him a light punch on the arm from his lover.

A few moments of silence elapsed once more. Kyuhyun thought Sungmin had finally dozed off when the latter spoke once again.


“Yes, Minnie?”

“You’re my family now.”


“Family heirlooms - that ring, in particular, don’t mean anything anymore. You’re my family now.” Sungmin said so earnestly that Kyuhyun could basically feel the warmth from Sungmin’s words and felt it embrace his heart.

“I love you too, Minnie.” Kyuhyun whispered knowingly into Sungmin’s ear - causing the elder to blush.

So, Kyuhyun actually knew what he meant. He never thought of Kyuhyun as someone who was good at reading between the lines, but Sungmin was glad that he did. Kyuhyun understood him in a way that no one else can which only makes Sungmin realize that it’s okay to have given up the luxuries he had if he could have this.

“I-I…lo…ve… I…” Sungmin stuttered. He was never one to throw those three words freely - afraid that they’d eventually lose their meaning if thrown casually. In fact, Sungmin had always been so amused (and perhaps a little jealous) as to how Kyuhyun could manage to say it to him every day and still stay genuine every time.

Sungmin wondered how a blabber mouth like him couldn’t utter three simple words that even toddlers have no problem enunciating. He felt compelled to reciprocate Kyuhyun’s confession, yet his phobia got the better of him. He trembled in Kyuhyun’s hold; the younger must have sensed his discomfort and brought his lover closer to his side - pressing a swift kiss on Sungmin’s temple to convey that he understood.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to say it. I’ll wait. Merry Christmas, Minnie. I love you.” Kyuhyun whispered before he hummed a tune that sounded so familiar to Sungmin which may have been from his distant childhood.

Kyuhyun’s deep voice soothed Sungmin’s nerves in no time that the elder felt his eyelids flutter - the tune lulling him so closely to sleep.

“Merry Christmas, Kyuhyunnie. I love you too.” Sungmin uttered so softly before letting himself succumb to sleep. Now that he had let it out, he found that it wasn’t too bad after all.

Kyuhyun only managed to hear Sungmin’s confession before the elder male’s words were replaced by soft snores. He smiled to himself as he adjusted the comforter around them. The Christmas chill was ever present and their heating wasn’t the best but he found that the warmth in his heart was something not even the coldest of snow storms can easily vanquish.

Kyuhyun and Sungmin slept with identical smiles on their faces that night - promises of a new tomorrow giving them a ray of hope. And somehow, everything was fine… for now.


P.S. Guess who's back? LOL
P.S.S. Merry Christmas everybody!
P.S.S.S. I'm having an LSS with "Oppa Oppa" OTL
P.S.S.S.S. Thanks Ate Gem for beta-ing in such a short notice!^^
P.S.S.S.S.S. How about comments as Christmas presents?/puppy dog eyes

genre: romance, genre: fluff, type:one-shot;type:fanfic, kyumin, rating: pg 13, genre: angst, kyuhyun, verse: alternate, sungmin

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