Aug 13, 2011 16:26

TITLE: You'll Always Be My Number One
Author: ailaling1017
Genre: fluff, romance, crack-ish
Warnings: yaoi, language
Disclaimer: Sad to say, I do not own Super Junior. ;A;
Rating: G
Pairing: KyuMin
Verse: expanded
Type/Status: Drabble; Complete; 924W
Summary: Truly, no words can ever replace the beating of hearts.
A/N: Unbeta'd. SETTING: Sukira, August 12, 2011.



“What are you doing?” Sungmin tilted his head to the side as Kyuhyun made himself comfortable on the seat next to his.

“Um. Is it wrong for me to sit down?” Kyuhyun replied, eyes growing slightly wider in an innocent manner but Sungmin was having none of it. He of all people knew that Kyuhyun was anything but innocent.

“Last time I checked, I can still recognize what sitting down looks like Kyu.” Sungmin had to roll his eyeballs as he sent the maknae a glare that was meant to be judging.

“Good to know Min. Good to know.” Kyuhyun shrugged nonchalantly and scooted his swivel chair a little more to his right, in favor of Sungmin’s side.

“Hold it. It’s Sungmin-hyung for you young man.” Sungmin brought his voice lower into a whisper, sending a weary glance towards Yesung’s direction and letting out a sigh of relief as soon as he saw Yesung talking to the microphone in front of him, obviously paying them no heed.

“Geez Min. You worry more than my mother. Relax, Yesung-hyung wouldn’t hear, and even if he did, he won’t suspect a thing. He’s kinda hung up on not being able to sit beside Ryeowook tonight.” Kyuhyun said, leaning against the backrest of his chair like it’s nobody’s business.

“Hush Kyu! I mean it. Why’re you here? Go sit with… Ryeowook instead.” Sungmin muttered under his breath whilst trying his best to push Kyuhyun off the chair he was lounging on.

“Ouch. You make it seem like it’s a crime to want to sit with my boyfriend.” Kyuhyun sat up straight, a flash of hurt gracing his delicate features as he looked straight into Sungmin’s eyes.

“You know it’s not like that Kyu. I thought we’ve already discussed this before.” Sungmin sighed, at a loss for things to say as he looked at the crestfallen look on the younger’s face.

“I know but come on, it’s not like I’m gonna kiss you in public. I just, well, I wanna sit with you. It won’t do harm, I promise. It’s not like we’re doing PDAs to be seen and heard by the whole of Korea like Eunhyuk hyung and Donghae hyung. Please Min?” Kyuhyun hung his head low, too embarrassed to admit that he was at the point of begging because Cho Kyuhyun doesn’t beg. But then again, Kyuhyun has done a lot of firsts ever since he found himself falling for his roommate a few years back.

“Are you sure? I guess it’s okay then.” Sungmin finally conceded, albeit a little reluctantly. He patted Kyuhyun’s head - letting go immediately as the ON-AIR sign on the wall lit up.


All throughout the show, Kyuhyun was feeling tingly all over. He mustered all the will power he had in him to keep his hands off of his lover. He settled on resting his arm on the backrest of Sungmin’s chair instead - restraining himself against pulling the elder into his embrace and getting cozy in front of the members, not to mention the thousands of fan girls who were probably hanging on to every word they say while streaming the viewable radio.

Kyuhyun didn’t even realize when his hand had slipped but he soon found his arms resting comfortably on Sungmin’s shoulders. It elated him that Sungmin didn’t even flinch. The bliss was momentary though and he ended up quite disappointed when Sungmin reprimanded him with a little whisper. He had to force himself to let go and he had to settle his hand against the backrest of Sungmin’s chair once more.


Sungmin was being asked about how he would rank himself in terms of looks and he answered that charms be set aside, he was number one. Kyuhyun couldn’t help but think that Sungmin would be number one no matter what the criteria may be.


“Min.” Kyuhyun muttered under his breath, softly so that only Sungmin could hear. He was quite surprised when Sungmin edged in closer instead.

“Yes Kyu?” Sungmin replied, his face no more than a few inches away from Kyuhyun’s.

“You’re number one.”


“I know you’re handsome and all but I know you’re more than just a pretty face. You’ll always be my number one, Min.” Kyuhyun whispered into Sungmin’s ear and the elder couldn’t help but smile at his boyfriend’s mushiness.

Sungmin blushed upon hearing Kyuhyun’s words. After all, it is not everyday that Cho Kyuhyun turns into a fluffy ball of cheese. In fact, Sungmin could count the times Kyuhyun said “I love you.” with the fingers on his left hand and there’d still be fingers left.

Sungmin wanted to say more, to show his appreciation towards Kyuhyun, but couldn’t do so as they were on broadcast. Instead, he clasped Kyuhyun’s right hand underneath the table and intertwined their fingers together - hands perfectly fitting each other’s as if they were puzzle pieces.

Kyuhyun momentarily rested his head on Sungmin’s shoulder in response. God knew he wanted to hug Sungmin as tight as he can right then and there but he figured there’s time for that later. He settled on giving Sungmin’s hand a squeeze instead.

In times like these, no words were needed between the two of them. Sungmin glanced at his lover and he had to smile. Kyuhyun’s eyes said it all. The dark orbs mirrored the look of love that Sungmin had equally painted on his face and Sungmin thought he could live with this.

Truly, no words can ever replace the beating of hearts.


P.S. This is reposted from my tumblr since I was too lazy to go on LJ last night. I just had to write this because my poor shipping heart can only handle so much and our OTP just had to be kjadbakjbjsbfbjsbfwe fluffy tonight! IDE ~
P.S.S. Grammatical errors are a part of my existence so forgive the incoherence. Do point them out please. But please be nice./whimpers
P.S.S.S. First drabble ever so please be considerate!/hides

rating: g, genre: romance, author: ailaling1017, fan fiction, genre: fluff, kyumin, verse: expanded, ailaling1017, type: drabble, fanfic, sukira super junior

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