Oct 17, 2017 00:58

HAHA I saw something like this in a couple of my friends' journals and I thought I'd make myself one too since I was jealous want to get to know my friends more. I don't friend lock my fics anymore because I think it's pointless. People would add if they really want to be friends. So, please feel free to introduce yourselves while I do just the ( Read more... )

meme, personal, 100factsaboutme

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Comments 299

blurzpoo June 24 2011, 08:11:33 UTC
Hello. M Poo here. I just read ur latest fic and am totally in love with it =D
So hope you would add back :)
Working in Travel Industry ;D


ailaling1017 June 24 2011, 08:28:52 UTC
Hey there Poo! LOL cute name! As I've said, I'm Aila. 19. Female from the Philippines ~ ^^

hehe 20 + ____? LOLjk

woah travel industry!/jealous

thankseu for reading!/adds you back


haehyukholic June 26 2011, 08:44:12 UTC
ogosh *w* i saw that kyumin liplocking gif again ;A;
anyway...hi n___n
i'm danielle but dan would do good :3
i just read your Postpartum Blues and i flip because of laughing omg
xD hahaha..
i love it :3


ailaling1017 June 26 2011, 13:18:47 UTC
ohaiii Danielle! I'm Aila. LOL yeah that GIF is just o___________O

haha thanks for reading! are you the same haehyukholic in tumblr? haha I trolled. Pinays FTW lol ~ ^^

/adds you back ~


haehyukholic June 26 2011, 23:30:49 UTC
ehehehe yepyep n_n
mabuhay ang mga pinay :3


fanaticstory July 14 2011, 08:45:02 UTC
I like your fic ^^
I'm Yvonne here (:
Don't mind I add you? ^^


ailaling1017 July 14 2011, 08:54:09 UTC
Sure no problem!

Hi Yvonne!/adds you back


fanaticstory July 14 2011, 10:35:48 UTC
Thank You so much! Nice to meet you ^^


ailaling1017 July 14 2011, 13:42:11 UTC
it's nice to meet you too! I'm Aila ~ =)


kikiiovesmusic July 28 2011, 01:30:04 UTC
Hi Aila ^-^ My name is Kiki and I'm a 19 year old American ELF who has a one-sided love with Fanfics :D I absolutely love Super Junior and music <3 Ummmm I'm mixed [black/asian/white/native american/latin] and short with either super curly or slighty wavy hair [depends if I add hair serum or not or the days it decides to go straight pn me (my hair is weird o.o)]. I love mint chocolate chip ice cream and Mrs. Fields semi-sweet chocolate chip cookies. *thinks* I love to read and be outside, though I'm not good at sports I love to play them. My biases in SJ would be Yesung, Sungmin, Heechul, Kyuhyun, and Eunhyuk [and slight Henry because he's adorable ^-^] <3 and my fave OTP's are Kyumin and Haehyuk, though occasionally I'll read others because it's fun :] I LOVE fanfics with several major OTP's in it at the same time and when they're all developing their feelings with their to be partner. I also love when they throw in SHINee OTP's or DBSK pairings <33 [nothing more fun than watching every single pairing in a DBSJee novel devlop their ( ... )


ailaling1017 July 28 2011, 07:09:48 UTC
Hi Kiki! LOL by any chance is your real name Kirsten?=)

oh we're of the same age!!! I love SJ to the bones too!!! LIKE YOU WOULD NO BELIEVE isdjnvfijsnfkjznfkdza

oh I like to try curly hair too but whenever I curl it, it goes back to straight in just a few hours T^T

ooooh what sweet tooth you are! LOL I'm more of a salty food eating type of person ~ /bricked

haha my top 3 are HaeMinKyu but I LOVE 'EM ALL!!!<333

<3 KyuMin and HaeHyuk <3 but I read others too! just like you said, it's fun!\o/

thanks for introducing yourself! it's just that I've been receiving a lot of random adds these days and these are people I haven't spoken to before so it makes me happy if people'd introduce themselves first before I add 'em back ~ =)

I added you back already!=)


kikiiovesmusic July 31 2011, 22:39:14 UTC
lol No it's not Kiristen, but that's a good guess :] My name is KeUndria ^-^ Random, I know lol but ah well, what can I do :]

lol I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND! I'm such a spazz for SJ it's RIDICULOUS, but I completely have no regrets ahaha even if it does annoy my non kpop loving friends ^-^

oh lucky! I wish my hair was straight too, but it wants to always be this giant curly puff ball >o< ah well *shrugs* :]

ahahaha nah~ I have to keep my sweets limited because my sweet tooth is extremely sensitive ahaha what to dooo, now I want ice cream ^-^ <3


Thank you for adding me!!! :D Random adds could be scary :o So no problem ^-^


ailaling1017 August 1 2011, 05:20:21 UTC
oh! that's a unique name!\o/

I REGRET NOTHING --- that's like, my motto!=DDD


you're welcome!=)


junyoung93 July 29 2011, 13:53:46 UTC
nice to meet you Aila~
my name is junlianna young
i'm Malaysian
18 years old
currently is an accounting student at Malaysia local University
i love surfing the net, singing, playing guitar & piano and fangirling over kyumin couple
i adding you as my friend because i like to read your fanfics and my bias would always be kyumin!!!


ailaling1017 July 29 2011, 14:32:41 UTC
Ohaiii Julianna! Wow! Accounting's hard, right?D;

haha I wish I could play an instrument too!='(

hehe thanks!:3

/adds you back


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